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WEEK- 11

DAY- 1
1. What, according to Brooks is not a substitute for religion?
a.criticism b. art c. literature d. music
2. Which among these is one of the foundational texts for New Critical theory?
a. Understanding Poetry b.Understanding Fiction c The Well Wrought Urn:
Studies in the Structure of Poetryd. A History of Literary Criticism
3.Who wrote the essays “The Language of Paradox”, “The Heresy of Paraphrase”,
and “Irony as a Principle of Structure”?
a.Robert Penn Warren b. Ransom c.Cleanth Brooks d. T.S.Eliot
4. The order in which the essay “The Heresy of Paraphrase” comes in The Well
Wrought Urn: Studies in the Structure of Poetry.
a.end b.beginning c.penultimate d. second
5.What does the meaning of a poem depend on?
a.criticism b.structure c. paraphrase d. heresy

DAY- 2
1. Who mentions: “A poem should mean but be.”
a.Archibald MacLeish b. Robert Frost c.T.S.Eliot d.Robert
2 A poet would fail to create poetry out of a predetermined
a. aesthetic sense b. belief c. proposition d. state
3. What would remain meaningless if it is read in isolation or on the basis of
scientific, historical or philosophical truths?
a.drama b.idea c.proposition d. poem
4. With what should a poet struggle to render unity and coherence to a poem?
a.experience b.structure c.poem d. form
5. What is found common in the ten poems studied in The Well Wrought Urn?
a.thought b.structure c.emotion d. paraphrase

DAY- 3
1. What is inevitable to poetry, according to Brooks?
a. Paradox b.tension c.simile d. emotion
2. Which is the manifesto of the The Southern Agrarians?
a.Spectator b.The Kenyon Review c. I’ll Take My Stand d.The Southern
3. The title “Well Wrought Urn” is taken from
a.The Canonization b.The Dream c.The Flea d. Holy Sonnets
4. Identify the work where Brooks analysed the use of paradox in the essay “The
Language of Paradox”.
a. Daffodils b. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard c.It is a Beauteous Evening,
Calm and Free d. The Dream
5. Which of the following literarily means the assertion of the unification of
a. identity b.language . c.reference d. paradox



1-C, 2-A, 3-C, 4-A, 5-B.


1-A, 2-C, 3-C, 4-A, 5-B.


1-A, 2-C, 3-A, 4-C, 5-D


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