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‘CLAUSE BY CLAUSE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SHEET FOR ELECTRONIC AIR GAUGE [sno] DescRIPTION SO SPECIFICATIONS: SPECIMCATIONS/OETALS OF PRODUCT QUOTED wt PSO Spetestons [ore Bana vendor to soeey Pe, foe oa wanber enaortsowciy rasszoveaz (county f On| ensort Specty om ‘ane of Manuactirer vendor Soeciy Preumate Components [aarsaPronaticomal of a Tolrook ise,Hotvook nauotielEo, Sad SESE, UR fame Bree anne a nensaneeen eee a aerate me re eee earner = rts Soon e pena a — fee eae oa = ——— = fmenicn mesos — = jes LsToN act = feocmctoame as a Leaner nasa = foun ft = Dsmnmowcosarayaairmmea esr oer eas = — Seana ae = esc unange ca = foaseod tes on = nar oro = SS ees = = = : a = [casing [electrostatic powder coated Aluminum casing, = ee aes fesrnes mecanen cena ie eee ereecre Caeeeerael et arnt ens teats ees = ows eee free acne een teat s Leapnces pra li tear ni teem Prarie ep gereeentoren eat a ea ae ee ee eter a riers 7 Fata ety tant erry pelea se he Fy ror een eens eee oereeee eee omioeee we (CLAUSE SY CLAUSE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SHEET FOR ELECTRONIC AIR GAUGE ‘sno DESCRIPTION 50 SPECIFICATIONS. SPECIMCATIONSDETALS OF PRODUCT QUOTED wrt PSO Spetestons "ve Ase: Neer (FA be pied | enaosbed on ech euTeTt wa \2eary wstie pace nine folowrg SAMPLE Tora [eso rx ssacosrss The ping embossing shout ef parame hype at ot pal orate ves law tne. Tho seis o Fes Asst Navas feat equorent be [rouge ane te of wsuance of Purchase Ore. The same nua Saud lppea ene pacing oe enor for ease of etreaton [elven Soa [as por RF |nerctona toring atthe ontarmanc tte [sry sy acer seceters tain clan PSO spaces narod rson s:3n9) us rote compensa ogra maa’ tins ere orto of ore oat [se score peccersncasnon2 loca sett marfacuer andr agratecl auton aro seated on ney aoe Manufacturer's Postal Address Manufacturers Contact No. (with Country & Cty Code) sao nene7%2 Manufacturers Website esas a nore: SO may ask or any futher infomation and deta, quire. at any tiv.

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