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"God's affirmative action"

The revelation, John 1:6-8

What is affirmative action?
Revelation is a word we use to describe the disclosure of the truth.

I. The revelation came through a man who was sent from God, 6
A. The man "was a man" and only a man,
Psalm 8:4, 2 Cor. 4:7
B. The man, however, was "sent from God,
He belong to God,
C. The man was named John.
His mane means "gracious". He was sent forth with a name to match his message. John
II. The revelation came through a man with a mission, 7
A. The man came as a witness to testify concerning the Light.
B. The purpose of this man is to lead people to believe in the Light. John 5:24
III. The revelation. Came through a man who was a witness to the Light, 8
A. John's humility contributed to his greatness. Mat. 11:11
B. He found fulfillment when his life mission was over.

"The greatest tragedy of life is not dead
But the greatest tragedy of life is living without a purpose".

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