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This is a generic answer for all of you guys and gals here for the TV sets with out

a picture or intermittant picture but has sound.. If your TV set has no picture
and has sound, it could be a number of differant problems that can happen with a
solid state TV set. First thing we need to say is that if you have no experience
working on solid state printed circuit boards, CALL A PRO! These TV sets are not
like the past types where you could replace a tube or a board and fix the TV.
These TV sets have to be repaired to the component level, and that means you all
will first need to know what the differant components are on the circuit boards as
well as know and have the knowledge on how every circuit works in this TV set.
These TVs are not a place to be experiementing around inside of. Now for the
person with the set comming on then the picture colapsing to a line, then the
picture goes out. You most likely have a problem in the vertical sweep circuit.
There is a bad vertical output IC, a bad connection in the vertical output IC, a
bad waveshaper or coupling capacitor or a problem somewhere in the sweep power
supply that feeds the voltage to the vertical circuit. To all the rest of you
with a no picture but you have sound, you could have a bad connection or a fault on
the CRT driver board, a problem also with the sweep power supply , bad connections
or a faulty component in the picture tube filliment circuit, a problem in the boost
voltage for the CRT, a vertical sweep problem, or maybe a problem in the video
circuit. Good luck to all of you , but please remember, a tV set is a dangerous
place to be experiementing with, play it safe.

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