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Article 62, Rule Xlll of the implementing Rules and

regulations of the Local Government Code of 1991 (Republic Act

No. 7160) mandates local government units to promote the
establishment and operation of Civil Society Organizations, to
make them active partners in the pursuit of local autonomy, and
to directly involve them in the plans, programs, projects or
activities of the local Government Units, such as, but not limited
to, membership in local special bodies (LSBs) and involvement in
the delivery of basic services.

Based on the existing laws, rules and regulations, it shall be

the duty of national government agencies to maintain ecological
balance and prior consultation with the local government units ,
non-governmental and people’s organization and other
concerned sectors of the community regarding on planning and
implementation of any programs or projects that impacts people.

It is important for the different government organizations, or

even non- governmental one to collaborate in exerting efforts for
the benefits of everybody. One cannot function rightly if one part
is missing, so it should be unified. It is also important to pays
tribute to what is really your function in the society not just to
the government but also to the people. As an democratic country
people should be involved in any discussion that impacts them,
such as forums, public meeting and other meetings that requires
both LGUs and peoples presence. Through such discussion
people can properly address their needs that will serve as LGUs
basin in making a decision.

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