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again, we woke up from our deep slumber, only to find out that the reality fed to

our senses were nothing more than fragments of a past nightmare. nobody remembers
exactly how the nightmare goes, but some realized that with each passing day, more
and more of those fragments manifests itself in one form or another. some blindly
adhere to their corrupt delusions, some lived in partial denial, some chose to
ignore it entirely, trying to live "normally" as the same old biological machine.

which one is right? i don't know, and i don't think that's a question worth
answering. but if you insist, all i can say is this:

as we subconsciously let our minds become the harbinger, we have just agreed to let
our eyes become the witness. we'll wait and see, who will take the role of
slaughtered lambs.

after all, the point of living is simply to survive.

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