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Basic Chart Reading Skills

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Basic Chart Reading Skills
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................3

Tripod of Life ................................................................................................................................................3

Case Studies ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Jala Missing .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Two view points ...................................................................................................................................... 5
The Touch of Akash .................................................................................................................................... 5

Destiny and Choice – Rasi and Bhava ........................................................................................................ 6

Case Studies ............................................................................................................................................. 6

Guna Grahas and Aspects of Life ............................................................................................................... 6

Case Studies ............................................................................................................................................. 6

Karmic Purpose – Study of Nakshatra ....................................................................................................... 6

Case Studies ............................................................................................................................................. 6

Timing Tool – Jeeva Sarira Principle ......................................................................................................... 6

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Basic Chart Reading Skills
I just completed a weekend workshop titled “How to read a Vedic Chart?” This course was 4 hours of
lecture and hands-on for advanced scholars of jyotish spread over 2 days. The title by itself is
audacious and may raise many eye-brows in the jyotish community. Something which cannot be
mastered in years and years of strenuous training is being claimed to be given out in a weekend – this
fact itself will be strongly criticized in the jyotish community. I am completely aware of this and thus
this introduction.

No seminar or session can ever teach any individual all the rules to see natal charts. The reason is
actually very simple. Every chart apart from being a few boxes drawn on a piece of paper showing
certain cryptic figures denoting planets present in some of those boxes cannot completely represent a
living human being. Every human being brings with him/her a set of genetic makeup, lifestyle,
values, principles and experiences which are distinct and unique. No set of rules in jyotish can be
generalized for each and every chart. However, the finesse of a jyotish depends on selection of which
jyotish tool can be applied on which charts.

This workshop focused on very basic analysis tools that can be used for chart analysis. This article is
not exhaustive of the complete course but rather gives snippets of what was discussed.

Tripod of Life
Atma [Soul], Manah [Mind] and Sharira [Body] are three legs of human life. The Human Body is
composed of Physical Body, Astral Body and Causal Body. Sharira can be composed of only the
Rasis. Each Rasi has a dominant Tattwa in them.

The Tattwas are –

Agni – Fire. The lack of it causes loss of purpose.

Jala – Water. The lack of it causes loss of sensuality.

Vayu – Air. The lack of it causes stress.

Prithvi – Earth. The lack of it causes loss of practicality.

Akash – Ether. The lack of it causes lack of wisdom or consciousness.

There is not a single Rasi which has the predominant Tattwa as Akash indicating that by default all
human beings born on this plane of existence are ignorant.

In a chart, we first find out the Rasis occupied by Sun, Moon and Lagna. These rasis can have
maximum of 3 predominant Tattwas. We will have to see which Tattwa[s] are missing in the person
by default and that becomes the first flaw[s] in the individual.

We will then need to study the Lord of that Tattwa in the chart to carefully see what the situation of
the Tattwa Lord is. It will say something very discreet about the native.

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Basic Chart Reading Skills
Case Studies

Jala Missing


We see that the tripod of life [Sun, Moon , Lagna] in Prithvi and Vayu Tattwa signs showing lacking
of Agni and Jala. Mars is in Agni rasi Vargottam and Sun is with exalted Mercury in Rasi and in
exalted Navamsa. Venus is in Agni rasi and with Mars. Moon is exalted in the 8th rasi in Taurus. Jala
Tattwa is a flaw in this chart resulting in lack of relationships, pleasures and sensuality. As we all
know that Ammachi never married. Her work is her life and her love for humanity has always
engulfed her life.

Maharshi Mahesh Yogi

We see that the tripod of life [Sun, Moon , Lagna] in Agni and Prithvi Tattwa signs showing lacking
of Vayu and Jala. Saturn is in Jala rasi and aspects Lagna. Venus is in Agni rasi and navamsa. The

©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes Page 4

Basic Chart Reading Skills
flaw is Jala to a greater degree and Vayu to a lesser degree. Maharshi never married and his health
[Vayu] was always fluctuating.

Swami Vivekananda

We see that the tripod of life [Sun, Moon , Lagna] in Agni and Prithvi Tattwa signs showing lacking
of Vayu and Jala. Saturn is in Prithvi rasi. Venus is in Prithvi rasi and exalted navamsa. This creates
emphasis on Jala. Swamiji at one point in his life wanted to get married. Swamiji burned himself and
did not take rest until his mission [Ramakrishna Mission] took a solid form.

Two view points

There are some texts which praise the fact that Lagna, Sun, Moon are in the same kind of sign
[odd/even, same Tattwa etc.]. There are always two view points on things. I call it the Jupiter view
point and the Venus view point. Jupiter viewpoint is the viewpoint of the Deva Guru Brihaspati who
wants to make someone an Indra. In this view point, the strengths are extolled and the weaknesses
are ignored or rejected. There is yet another view point; this is the view point of Asura Guru
Shukracharya. Here more than what is good, the focus in on what is lacking and thus the maximum
attention is given to balance and balancing.

The Touch of Akash

The only element that is not predominant in any of the Rasis is Akash. Akash Tattwa is represented
by Jupiter and this stands for Dhi in the chart. Association of Jupiter with the Tripod of life is
essential to tie wisdom and consciousness to an individual. If, however, the association is not direct
and instead of linking Lagna, Sun and Moon, Jupiter is connected with Lagna Lord, Rasi Lord of Sun
or Rasi Lord of Moon, it shows that some other person will have to set the individual to the right
“path” of life.

Abraham Lincoln’s chart, which was discussed in the class, is a classic example of how important the
touch of Jupiter is in a chart.

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Basic Chart Reading Skills
Destiny and Choice – Rasi and Bhava
Everything available or unavailable to us is seen in the Rasi chart and yet personal choices are seen
from the Bhava chart.

Case Studies
Ammachi, Maharshi and Mahatma Gandhi’s charts were discussed to explain the difference between
Bhava and Rasi charts.

Guna Grahas and Aspects of Life

Satwa Guna Grahas – Guru, Ravi, Chandra are most important grahas giving Dhi and the two legs of
the tripod of life. Rahas Guna Grahas – Budha, Shukra are the most important grahas in material life
giving wealth and pleasure. Tamas Guna Grahas – Shani and Mangal give longevity, sorrow and
property, aggression respectively.

We study these grahas individually to get knowledge of various aspects of the charts. For example, a
common question is asked about profession. This is seen from Saturn, the giver of karma. We have to
check the Varna of the rasi in which Saturn is placed and that would give “some” indication of the
profession of the individual.

Case Studies
Charts of Ammachi and Maharshi were discussed following this model.

Karmic Purpose – Study of Naksha

A simple rule published in the Saptarishis Astrology magazine was discussed. The Maha Dasa Lord
at birth when taken back to the birth chart should give “some” indication on the purpose of birth.

Case Studies
Case studies were discussed to show the working of this principle.

Timing Tool – Jeeva Sarira Principle

The Maha Dasa or Antar Dasa Lord is discussed in the light of Jeeva Sarira Principle. The body is the
Lord and yet the results will be seen from what lies within [the soul]. This is the study of the
Nakshatra Lord of the Maha Dasa Lord taken to the Rasi [or other divisional charts].

This theory was discussed in detail with case studies.

~ Guru, AIAC

Wednesday, July 25 2012


Chicago, IL

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