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Algorithm to Create a One-way linked list

//creation of first node

first -> info =item;
first ->link =NULL;
p = first; // accessing first node
again = ‘y’;
while (again == ‘y’) //creation of other nodes
new -> info = item;
new -> link = NULL;
p -> link = new;
p = p -> link;
cout<<”to create another node press ‘y’”;

Insertion Algorithm for One-way linked list

This algorithm inserts a new node at a given location ‘Loc’. i.e. if Loc=1 then the new
node will become first node, if Loc=2 then the new node will become 2nd node and so on.
new -> info=item;
if (Loc==1)
new -> link = first;
first = new;
new -> link = Loc -> link;
Loc -> link = new;

Deletion Algorithm for One-way linked list

This algorithm deletes a node from a given location ‘Loc’. i.e. if Loc=1 then the first
node will be deleted, if Loc=2 then the 2nd node will be deleted and so on.
if (Loc==1)
first = first ->link;
Locp -> link = Loc -> link;
delete Loc;
where ‘Locp’ is the preceding node of ‘Loc’.

Traversing Algorithm for One-way linked list

p = first;
while (p != NULL)
cout<<p -> info<<endl;
p = p -> link;

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