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Prostaglandin Release During Femtosecond

Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery: Main Inducer
Tim Schultz, MD; Stephanie C. Joachim, MD; Mathias Stellbogen; H. Burkhard Dick, MD, PhD


PURPOSE: To investigate a possible correlation between

intraocular prostaglandin concentrations and partial
I n 2008, image-guided femtosecond lasers became avail-
able for cataract surgery.1 These systems led to several
benefits, including a reduction in used ultrasound energy
and more precise capsulotomies as a basis for capsule-fixated
intraocular lenses (IOLs).2-5 For the first time, these devices
steps of laser-assisted cataract surgery.
also treated intraocular tissue. Therefore, triggered intraocular
METHODS: Aqueous humor was collected from 67 pa- effects are largely unknown and have not been sufficiently in-
tients after laser-assisted cataract surgery pretreatment vestigated. Several studies reported laser-induced miosis oc-
(only capsulotomy, only fragmentation, or both) and at curred shortly after laser treatment, with varying frequencies.6-8
the beginning of routine cataract surgery. Total prosta- Narrowing of the pupil is potentially associated with a higher
glandin levels were measured in all four groups using an complication rate.9 In a previous study, intraocular prostaglan-
enzyme-linked immunoassay.
din concentration increased immediately after laser treatment.
RESULTS: Significantly higher levels of aqueous humor This was confirmed in two independent study arms.10
prostaglandins were detected right after the full treat- Prostaglandins (especially increased prostaglandin E2) are
ment (capsulotomy and fragmentation [330.6 ± 110.6 known to play a role in inflammation-induced miosis. How-
pg/mL; P = .01] or only laser capsulotomy [362.4 ± ever, it is unclear which partial step of laser-assisted cataract
117.5 pg/mL; P = .01]), whereas the control group surgery leads to the observed prostaglandin release. To reduce
showed lower values (52.5 ± 8.1 pg/mL). By itself, la-
ser-assisted cataract surgery fragmentation did not lead the occurrence, a further understanding of the mechanism is
to a prostaglandin increase (186.8 ± 114.0 pg/mL; needed. The aim of the current study was to investigate if the
P = .14). fragmentation of the lens or capsulotomy induced inflamma-
tion after laser-assisted cataract surgery.11-14 Therefore, aque-
CONCLUSIONS: This study identified the anterior cap- ous humor prostaglandin levels were analyzed right after
sulotomy as the main trigger for an increase of prosta- laser-assisted cataract surgery and laser-assisted capsulotomy
glandins in the aqueous humor immediately after laser-
assisted cataract surgery. Optimized energy settings in or fragmentation only.
combination with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
might help reduce the phenomenon of laser-induced PATIENTS AND METHODS
miosis. Aqueous humor samples were obtained from patients un-
dergoing routine microincision cataract surgery and three
[J Refract Surg. 2015;31(2):78-81.]

From Institute for Vision Science (TS, HBD) and Experimental Eye Research
Institute (SCJ, MS, HBD), Ruhr University Eye Hospital, Bochum, Germany.
Submitted: November 10, 2014; Accepted: December 1, 2014
Supported by the FoRUM Program (Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany).
Dr. Dick is a paid consultant for Abbott Medical Optics (Santa Ana, CA). The
remaining authors have no financial or proprietary interest in the materials
presented herein.
Drs. Schultz and Joachim contributed equally to this work and should be con-
sidered as equal first authors.
Correspondence: Tim Schultz, MD, Institute of Vision Science, Ruhr University
Eye Hospital, In der Schornau 23-25, 44892 Bochum, Germany. E-mail: tim.

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Prostaglandin Release/Schultz et al

laser-assisted cataract surgery groups. The samples In the three laser-assisted cataract surgery groups
were collected at the beginning of the surgery and (capsulotomy, fragmentation, and combination), dif-
stored at -80°C until used. All tenets of the Declaration ferent steps of the procedure were performed with the
of Helsinki were observed. The Lens Opacities Classifi- Catalys Precision Laser System (Abbott Medical Optics,
cation System III (LOCS III) was used and preoperative Santa Ana, CA). In the capsulotomy group, only the
nuclear opalescence was estimated by one indepen- capsulotomy was performed with the laser system. In
dent physician using a Haag Streit BQ 900 slit lamp the fragmentation group, only lens fragmentation was
(Bern, Switzerland) at maximum illumination. performed with the laser system. In the combination
group, both capsulotomy and lens fragmentation were
Inclusion Criteria performed with the laser system (capsulotomy prior to
Patients who were scheduled for cataract surgery on fragmentation). No corneal incisions were performed
one eye and were willing to volunteer for the trial after with the laser system. In all capsulotomy cases, the set
giving informed consent were randomly allocated to capsulotomy size was 5.0 mm and the programmed
one of four study groups based on the following inclu- pulse energy was 4 µJ, with an incision depth of 600
sion criteria. µm (treatment time 1.6 sec). The iris safety distance
In the control group, patients with a significant zone was set at 500 µm.
cataract (LOCS III nuclear opalescence grading score, In the two lens treatment groups, an extensive seg-
grades II to IV) and without any other ocular diseases mentation and softening pattern was used (waffle pat-
were scheduled for traditional microincision phaco- tern, grid spacing 350 µm, central cross repetition rate
emulsification. Similarly, patients with significant of 3, anterior and posterior safety zone 500 µm, and
cataract and no ocular diseases were included in the 10-µJ pulse energy). Four to 5 minutes after laser treat-
laser-assisted cataract surgery groups. ment, a paracentesis was made at the 11-o’clock posi-
tion and approximately 100 µL of aqueous humor was
Exclusion Criteria collected. The samples were directly stored at -80°C in
Patients with serious coexisting ocular disease, his- a freezer located in the operating room. In the fragmen-
tory of inflammatory eye disease, previous ocular sur- tation group, a manual capsulotomy was performed. In
gery or trauma, relevant corneal opacities, age-related all groups, subsequent nuclear disassembly was con-
macular degeneration, diabetic and hypertensive reti- ducted and an IOL was implanted.
nopathy, any kind of glaucoma, pseudoexfoliation, In the control group, a 1.2-mm paracentesis was
dilated pupil size smaller than 6 mm, and rheumatic created in the same manner as described for the laser-
and metabolic diseases were excluded. Age younger assisted cataract surgery groups. Similar to the other
than 22 years, pregnancy, the use of nonsteroidal anti- groups, approximately 100 µL of aqueous humor was
inflammatory drugs or steroids in the past 6 months, collected and immediately stored at -80°C. Routine
and participation in another clinical study were also manual cataract surgery with implantation of an IOL
considered exclusion criteria. was then performed.
Based on these criteria, 67 patients were included in
this prospective study. Measurements of Prostaglandin in Aqueous Humor
All samples from the four groups were measured at
Laser-Assisted Cataract and Control Surgery the same time by the same investigator with the same
All surgeries were performed at the Institute for standard preparation to avoid inter-user or plate vari-
Vision Science, Ruhr University Eye Clinic, Bochum, ability. Prostaglandin concentrations were determined
Germany. Manual and femtosecond laser surgeries using a commercially available enzyme immunoassay
were performed by one experienced surgeon (HBD) in kit (Cayman Chemicals, Ann Arbor, MI) as previously
all cases. Preoperatively, all groups received the same described.10 The enzyme immunoassay kits were used
topical medication. Medical mydriasis was induced according to the provided manufacturer instructions.
using topical 0.5% tropicamide eye drops (Mydriati- Briefly, assays were performed on 96 well plates by
cum; Stulln Pharma, Stulln, Germany) and 5.0% phen- adding 50 µL of standards, controls, and samples
ylepherine eye drops (Neo-Synephrine; Ursapharm, (aqueous humor) into the wells, followed by a pros-
Saarbrücken, Germany) instilled three times within 1 taglandin–acetylcholinesterase conjugated tracer and
hour prior to surgery. Oxybuprocaine eye drops (Con- an anti-prostaglandin antibody. After incubation,
juncain EDO 0.4%; Dr. Mann Pharma and Bausch & the plates were rinsed, Ellmans reagent was added,
Lomb, Berlin, Germany) were applied three times for and measurements were performed at a wavelength
topical anesthesia 30 minutes prior to surgery. of 405 µm using a microplate reader (AESKU Reader

Journal of Refractive Surgery • Vol. 31, No. 2, 2015 79

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Clinical Patient Data for the Four Groups
Parameter Control Capsulotomy Fragmentation Combination
No. of patients (n = 67) 18 19 11 19
Mean age ± standard deviation, y 74.3 ± 7.4 74.0 ± 4.9 81.0 ± 11.1 67.6 ± 10.7
Sex (male/female) 9/9 10/8 5/6 13/6
Eye (right/left) 8/10 11/8 6/5 11/8
Mean cataract grade ± standard deviation 3.1 ± 0.8 3.1 ± 0.6 3.9 ± 1.0 3.1 ± 0.9

groups and the control group with regard to sex or cat-

aract density.

Prostaglandin Concentrations in Aqueous Humor

The prostaglandin level in the human aqueous
humor was detected in three different laser-assisted
cataract surgery groups and in the control group (con-
ventional cataract surgery). In the control group, total
prostaglandin concentration (mean ± standard error of
mean; 52.5 ± 8.1 pg/mL) was lower than in all of the
laser-assisted cataract surgery groups. Prostaglandin
concentration in the capsulotomy group (362.4 ± 117.5
pg/mL) was significantly higher than that in the con-
trol group (P = .01). Levels in the combination group
Figure 1. Mean prostaglandin levels in aqueous humor of all four groups: (330.6 ± 110.6 pg/mL) were also significantly higher
control, fragmentation, capsulotomy, and combination (fragmentation and than those in the control group (P = .01) (Figure 1). No
capsulotomy). Measured prostaglandin levels were significantly higher in difference was found between the fragmentation (186.8
the capsulotomy (P = .01) and combination (P = .01) groups compared
± 114.0 pg/mL) and control (P = .14) groups (Figure 1).
with the control group, whereas no significant increase was observed in the
fragmentation group (P = .14). Values are median ±25% to ±75% range. Mean prostaglandin levels in the capsulotomy and
combination groups were approximately 80% to 98%
higher than those in the fragmentation group.
with Gen5 ELISA Software; AESKU.Diagnostics, Wen-
delsheim, Germany). DISCUSSION
The number of laser-assisted cataract surgeries is
Statistical Analysis increasing worldwide. A laser-induced miosis was de-
All statistical analyses were performed using Sta- scribed in multiple studies and prostaglandins have
tistica software version 10 (Statsoft, Tulsa, OK). Sig- been identified as potential inflammatory mediators.6
nificant differences in prostaglandin concentration However, until now, it was unknown which step of the
between the groups were calculated using Student’s t treatment induces miosis.
test. P values of less than .05 were considered statisti- In the current study, intraocular prostaglandin re-
cally significant. lease after different partial steps of laser-assisted cat-
aract surgery was investigated. In comparison to the
RESULTS control group, significantly higher prostaglandin lev-
Patients were randomly placed in one of the four els were observed after laser-assisted cataract surgery
study groups. After positioning the patient on the op- capsulotomy alone and after capsulotomy in combina-
erating bed, the surgeon opened the corresponding tion with lens fragmentation. The measured prosta-
envelope indicating which of the four procedures to glandin levels were comparable to concentrations in
choose. In total, 67 aqueous humor samples were ana- the precursor trial.10 Lens fragmentation alone did not
lyzed (49 samples of patients undergoing laser-assisted result in an increased intraocular prostaglandin con-
cataract surgery and 18 samples of patients before con- centration.
ventional cataract surgery) (Table 1). There was no Surprisingly, the results of this study indicate that
difference between the laser-assisted cataract surgery the anterior laser capsulotomy stimulates prostaglandin

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release. It was postulated that prostaglandins are re- in the aqueous humor immediately after laser-assisted
leased by the ciliary body due to an increase in tem- cataract surgery. Consequently, an anterior capsu-
perature, vibrations, or shockwaves.15 Because signifi- lotomy with optimized settings in combination with
cantly more energy was used for the fragmentation of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug pretreatment may
the lens than for the capsulotomy (fragmentation: 10 reduce the incidence of laser-induced miosis.
µJ, capsulotomy: 4 µJ) and treatment time for fragmen-
tation was up to 20 times longer, an increase in tem- AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
perature is not likely responsible for the inflammation. Study concept and design (HBD, SCJ, TS); data collection (HBD,
Most likely, laser spots passing the aqueous humor in- MS, SCJ, TS); analysis and interpretation of data (SCJ, TS); drafting
duced vibrations or shockwaves and may represent the of the manuscript (HBD, SCJ, TS); critical revision of the manuscript
main trigger for miosis. Therefore, optimized capsulot- (HBD, MS); statistical expertise (SCJ); supervision (HBD)
omy laser settings have great potential to reduce the
described phenomenon and a complete fragmentation REFERENCES
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