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The Evolution of Islamic Banking and Finance: An Historic Perspective

Hashir Mansoor Jadoon, Seemi Naveed, Maryam Sheraz, M Amir Shakoor, Afqar Ismail1
Dr. Jamil Anwar2


The contemporary thought about Islamic Banking and Finance (IBF) is based on the perception
that this is an infant field and is the offshoot of the matured conventional financial system. This
thinking has overshadowed the practices of financial transactions and its system prevalent during
the golden era of Islamic history which was rich in the creation and application of knowledge
including financial system. The purpose of this research paper is to dispel this novelty by
reviewing the literature on financial system, financial transactions, international trade, treasury
management, revenues generations, and financial instrument during the three periods of Islamic
dominations: from the advent of Islam till 12th century; during Ottoman Empire; and during
Muslims rule in subcontinent. The review shows that Muslims had a well-established financial
system based on the Sharia guidelines. In fact, most of the modern day banking concepts are
derived from the practices of Muslims. The study finds that Islamic banking and finance is not
driven from conventional system but it is otherwise.

Key Words: History; Islamic Banking and Finance; Riba; Financial System

MS Scholars of Banking and Finance at Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University, Abbottabad
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University, Abbottabad

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