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X Wing

An X Wing is a technique for removing candidates (pencil marks).

It starts with either two parallel rows or two parallel columns. Blocks are
not involved here.

If you can find a row that contains the same pencil mark in exactly two
spots, as well as another parallel row that mirrors it – containing the same
pencil mark in only the same two spots, then you can use this information
to eliminate similar pencil marks in the columns passing through those

I know…that’s a mouthful. Let me illustrate. Here we see a row containing

exactly two 4s:

Next, if we zoom out a bit, we can see that another row, two rows down,
has the same two 4s, and in the same two spots:

Now if we think about this, we know that each of these rows has to have a
4, right? And we also know the 4s cannot be on top of each other, because
that would put two 4s in the same column.

Because of this, we can safely assume that either the light blue cells or the
dark blue cells must be 4s.

Armed with this, let’s zoom out all the way and shift our focus to the
columns involved here (indicated with arrows below). Based on what we
said above, the 4s in these columns must exist where these two rows cross
- that is, where the blue 4s are.

Knowing that, all other 4s in the columns are not possible, and can be
erased (erase all the pink 4s).
Again, this is one of those hard to find methods. In Sudoklue, the same
pencil mark highlighting feature that helps me find hidden singles and
omissions, can make X Wings easier to spot as well.

Of course, this whole concept can be rotated. If you can find two columns
with only two identical positions for a given pencil mark, then the
corresponding rows intersecting these positions can have all other
candidates safely removed.

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from X Wing
Swordfish is an “X-Wing” on steroids.

Just as the X-Wing involves two candidates in two columns or rows, the
Swordfish involves three candidates in three columns or rows.

These guys are very hard to find. Even if you know it’s there, it can take
some time to find.

I must confess – this is probably my least favorite technique. It is not

super complex to understand – it’s just very hard to spot one.

But, in the interest of being complete, I will cover it. Take a look at this

The puzzle above has a Swordfish on the number 5. There are three rows
where all the possible 5s appear in the same three columns.

Here is the same puzzle, but with some markings added for illustration:
As you can see, the three rows marked by the blue lines all have their
possible locations for a 5 confined to the same three columns (marked by
the red lines).

Let me say that a different way: The blue lines only have 5s where the red
lines cross.

Why is this important? Well, it isn’t – unless the red lines have other 5s in
them somewhere! You see, each of the three blue rows is going to have a
5, and since the possible locations are limited, each row will end up having
a 5 in one of the red lines.

The result is each red line’s 5 is going to be where a blue line crosses it. We
don’t know which blue line; we just know it’s at a blue line.

Net result: any “5” along a red line that’s not in a blue line can be removed
(all the 5s in the pink cells can be erased).

Apparently, some examples of this technique create a pattern that

resembles the actual fish it's named after.

My own personal experience is that it is not common to find that you need
this technique to solve a puzzle. But who knows – it may save you one day!

Now, moving on to my favorite…

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from Swordfish
XY Wing
XY Wing is my favorite technique. I’m not sure why. I guess it’s because the
logic is just so perfect!

It’s one of those things where, after a little time, I finally came to
understand how and why it works, but deep down inside I know I could
have never thought it up on my own. It’s just too smart!

That having been said, XY-Wing is not easy to find. But I have devised a
method for finding them, and I will pass it on to you a bit later in this page.
First, let me describe what it is.

In order to follow what is explained below, it is important to first

understand the concept of Intersection. Two cells are said to “intersect” if
they share a row, column, or block. This of course makes it impossible for
them to be the same number.

XY Wing involves 3 different cells – each with exactly two candidates (pencil
marks) – that are related to each other in such a way that you can make
some logical conclusions.

Probably best just to show you. Below is an example of an XY Wing. Note

how the 3 cells form a “Y” (see the red lines - it's really more like a “V”).
The green cell is the middle, and the two blue cells are the “wings”.

XY Wing is sometimes just called “Y Wing”. If you ask me, “V Wing” is

more appropriate!

In order for this to work, the cell in the middle of the “Y” (green) must
intersect both of the cells on its wings (blue), while the two wing cells may
not intersect each other.

Additionally, the green cell’s two pencil marks must appear in each of the
blue cells’ pencil marks, along with a third pencil mark shared by the blue
cells only. Notice how the green cell has 2 and 7. Also notice: one of the
wings has a 2, and the other, a 7. The other candidate in each of the wings
is the same: a 1.

Bear with me, I promise I am going somewhere with this!

Suppose the green cell ended up being "7". This would make the right blue
cell a 1. Or perhaps the middle cell is "2"? This would make the left blue cell
a 1. In either case, one of the blue cells is going to be 1.
The previous paragraph is the most important part of this concept. Please
read it and study the picture until you are confident you understand it.

Now that we know with 100% certainty that one of the wing (blue) cells is
a 1, we can assume that any cell that intersects both of the blue cells
cannot possibly be a 1!

Let’s take a look at the same example again:

See two cells colored pink? These two cells intersect both of the blue cells.

Since the green cell dictates that one of the blue cells is going to be “1”, we
can remove the “1” pencil mark from the pink cells. We have, through logic,
eliminated 1 as a candidate for the pink cells.

This creates a Lone Single in the right pink cell, solving it.

OK, you say – pretty cool logic indeed. But how could I ever find a situation
like this? Well, I’ll tell you – it’s a bit easier than it may seem…

If you are working on a puzzle and find yourself stuck – you can find any
more naked pairs, hidden singles, or omissions – maybe it's time to look for
an XY Wing:

1. Start with the top left of the puzzle, working from left to right.
2. Focus only on the cells that have exactly 2 pencil marks in them
(Sudoklue will highlight these if you press Ctrl-Y)
3. For each cell that has two pencil marks, do the following:
a. Mentally note the two pencil marks
b. Scan that cell's block, column, and row for another cell with
one of those pencil marks (remember, only look at cells with
two pencil marks)
c. For every one you find, you will have a common pencil mark,
and two uncommon pencil marks. Now it's time to look for a
third cell that has the two uncommon pencil marks. It will need
to intersect with one (but not both) of your first two cells. If
you find one, you will have found your “Y”. Jump down to #4
d. Haven't found any? Most of the time you won't. Just move on
to the next cell and continue.
4. Found three cells? Great! Now figure out which of the three intersects
both the others. This will be the “middle”. The two others will be the
5. The two wings will share a pencil mark that the “middle” cell does not
have. This is the candidate we can remove from other cells.
6. If you did it right, you will be able to logically assume that one of the
two wings will be that number. So, find any cells that intersect both of
them and remove the candidates!
Unique Rectangle
This method is actually a bit controversial, because the logic it uses
assumes the fact that the Sudoku puzzle you are working on has only one
unique answer.

There is a bit of a disagreement in the Sudoku community on this. While

most modern definitions state that a Sudoku puzzle has to have only one
answer, a few people claim that a single unique solution is not a
requirement. It is true that early Sudoku puzzles were created by hand,
and without being tested by computers it was sometimes hard to tell if
the puzzle had only one answer. Most people today agree that a puzzle
has to be unique to truly be a Sudoku.

The good news is that there is just about a 100% chance the puzzle you
are working on does have only one unique answer, but more on that in a

Let me first show you how Unique Rectangle works. Take a look at this
example of an invalid puzzle:

The puzzle above is almost solved. There are only four cells yet to be filled
in. But which ones are 3s and which ones are 7s? You could put a 3 in the
upper left cell and solve it from there. But, you could also put an 7 in the
upper left and solve it as well. Either way would work, making this puzzle,
by most current definitions, invalid.
Ironically, this invalid puzzle is a perfect way for me to illustrate the
“Unique Rectangle” principle to you. Notice that the four unsolved cells
share exactly two of each kind of “house.” That is, they fall in exactly two
different rows, exactly two different columns, and exactly two different

This is how they are able to interchange 3s and 7s – two different numbers
being transposed in two different rows, for example, does not upset the
balance. Same with two columns and two blocks.

So how can we use this information to solve a real Sudoku? Well, if we can
assume the puzzle we are working on had been previously deemed
“unique” (which is a pretty safe assumption), then we can also assume
there will never be four cells - falling into exactly two rows, two columns,
and two blocks - with the same two pencil marks.

Although I’m only guessing, probably well over 99% of the Sudoku
puzzles published in books, magazines, and newspapers have one unique
answer. How can I be so sure? Because they print the answers as well,
and you never see more than one answer!

Even if you didn’t really follow everything written above, here is all you
really need to know:

Any time you see a rectangle of four unsolved cells, where three of the
four cells have the exact same two pencil marks in them, you can
remove those pencil marks from the fourth cell completely. Take a look at
this puzzle:

See the four cells that make up the corners of the blue box? Notice how
three of them have only 3 & 5 in them? Well, using our new knowledge, we
can safely remove the 3 & 5 from the fourth cell. They just can’t possibly be
candidates if this is a true Sudoku puzzle.

Pretty cool, huh? The great thing about Unique Rectangle is it is easy to
spot – and because of that, you actually see it quite often!

There is just one catch I must stress! This only works when four cells fall
into exactly two blocks. Do not get too excited if you see this, because
you can’t use it:

It has to be exactly two blocks.

You don’t need to worry about making sure that they fall into exactly two
rows and two columns, because the fact that it is a rectangle guarantees
that for you!

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