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13th Age Character creation demos

Brendan Serrin

1, Race:
Human, +2 to any stat, Bonus feat and Quick to fight
Quick to fight: Roll twice for initiative and pick one.

2, Class:
Wizard, +2 to Wisdom or Intelligence
Cantrips, may cast +Int minor spells each battle or every 5 minutes.
Cyclic spells, always use cyclic spells once per battle and spend them if the
scalation is 0 or odd.
Overworld Advantage, while in the overworld, daily spells become recharge 16+
after battle.
Talents, 3 of your choice
Cantrip-mastery, grants at-will use of cantrips, and may cantrip normal spells.
High Arcana, grants Memorization and Counter-magic
Abjuration, on daily cast: +4 AC until the end of your next turn.
Utility spell slot, may give up a spell slot to gain a utility spell cast.
Spells slots: 5 level 1

Stats: 13, 16, 15, 9, 13, 17

Str 9 -1, Dex 13 +1, Con 18 +4, Int 19 +4, Wis 13 +1, Cha 15 +2
Ini: +2
Armor: 12
PhysDef: 12
MenDef: 15
HP: (6+4)x3, 30
Recoveries: 8
Recovery dice (xlevel): 1d6+4

OUT: I was trained by a derelict High Elf Mage that delved too deep into
necromancy. He is now a specter that lingers around me waiting to possess me.

Icon relationships:
Elf Queen 1, Negative Relationship
Lich King 2, Conflicted Relationship

Trainee of a Scholar of Death 4
Exile of the Magic Courts 2
Rogue Spellcaster 2
Former lyricist 2

Feats 2:
Utility Spell, Adventurer feat: 2 utility spell per normal slot spent.
Further Backgrounding, Adventurer feat: +2 background points

Gear: Dagger, 2 robes, wand, ritual components, 40 gc

+traveling gear (5gp)
+blanket (5sp)
+Lantern (5gp)
+Lantern oil (1sp)
+Clothing, simple (2sp)
+Clothing, good (1gp)
+Spellbook (10gp)
+Tent, small (2gp)
Purchases: 23gp, 8sp
Final: 16gp, 2sp

1, Race:
Gnome, +2 to Dex or Int, Small, Confounding, Minor Illusions
Small: +2 AC vs AOO
Confounding: 1/b on a nat 16+ attack, target is dazed until end of next turn
Minor Illusions: Standard action, at-will, create strong smell or sound.

2, Class: Fighter, +2 to Str or Con

Extra though: +1 recovery
Threatening: -Dex or Con to disengage checks of enemies. Unusubla if uncapable of
making AOO
Talents, 3 of your choice:
Deadeye Archer: Ranged dmg D8 to D10, D6 to D8. Misses deal DMG equal to level.
Heavy Warrior: Whil Heavy Armor, when hit by a vs AC attack, as a free actio,
take half damage.
Skilled Intercept: 1/r, free action, on a normal save (11+) to intercept an
enemy attacking an ally. Pop free from an engaged enemy and intercept the
attack. The attack is made vs you, if you are using heavy armor, half damage
Maneuvers, 3 lvl1:
Precision attack, melee hit with nat 16+, add Dex to dmg.
Second shot, range hit with nat 16+, after the attack make a second ranged
attack with a -4 atk
Deadly assault: Nat even hit, reroll 1s from dmg, once.

Stats: 14, 13, 14, 15, 16, 15

Str 18 +4, Dex 17 +3, Con 15 +2, Int 14 +1, Wis 14 +1, Cha +1
Ini: +4
AC: 17
PhysDef: 13
MenDef: 11
HP: 30
Recoveries: 9
Recovery dice: 1d10xlvl+2


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