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What's the Big Picture?

What's going on in this setting that makes it ripe for

adventure. What's changing, evolving, declining?
Las alianzas tiemblan y los cortesanos mienten, alguien busca la guerra y el poder
y alguien piensa proveer la oportunidad.

What's the world's culture? What are the cultural analogs? Analogs can be taken
from historical earth, current events or fantasy works.
La cultura es similar a la cultura europea con ejemplos de slavos, germanos e

What's the conflict in which the characters are involved? What are the sides?
What's wrong?
La busqueda del yo aparentemente, el conocimiento de lo que nos rodea y el
conocimiento de uno mismo.

What physical place does this conflict take place in? What ecology, environment,
En todo lao amego. Cosmopolita, centrico a los ambientes que los jugadores quieran

What's the name of the most important place in this setting? Not the capital or any
dumb shit like that, but THE PLACE where all the action goes down?
Se centra en los reinos hermanos, Novgorod y Durtmond, ambos antiguos aliados que
se alimentan del comercio con potencias menores.

What's the name of a faraway place that folks talk about, dream about or mutter
under their breath about?
El Palacio Invernal que se enconde en el bosque laberinto de los elfos.

Who are the antagonists? Who is opposing the goals of the characters?
Ellos mismos y sus responsabilidades.

Imagine all of the characters are standing a room/ruin/field with the antagonists
or their minions. What do the antagonists want from that meeting? What do the
character want from that meeting? That's where your game begins.

Alternately, imagine the characters standing at the scene of some great disaster or
calamity clearly caused by one of the antagonists. What's the disaster? How did it
happen? What are the characters going to do about it right now?

And some more mechanical questions:

What type of magic exists in this world? Pick one or two of the magic systems:
Faith (and Blasphemous Hatred), Sorcery (and Abstraction), Natural Magic, Spirit
Binding, Summoning, Enchanting.
Fe y hechiceria, tal vez magia natural.

If Sorcery is used, what's it's idiom? Does it require speech? Gestures?

Reikspiel, el idioma utilizado en Durmont, donde residen la mayoria de los magos
sancionados y desde donde se avanzo el estudio de la misma.

If Sorcery is used, what spells are available? Which spells are inappropriate to
the game world?

If is Faith used, what is the Faith idiom? What are the religions? Is Faith
universal or does it only affect believers?
El idioma de la fe es universal, es una serie de entonaciones como cantos que
invocan a los dioses, cada entonacion diferente se�ala a un dios diferente. La fe
es universal, los dioses existan, quieran los mortales o no.
Las religiones diferentes son,
El escudo de Emereth: El dios del confrontamiento y el poder.
El espiritu de Vassyr: El dios de la magia y la innovacion.
El corazon de Atros: El dios de los lamentos y el pasado.
El fuego de Bael-sa-it: El dios de lo inevitable y la perdida.
El canto de Larien: El dios de la muerte y el descanso.

What character stocks are in play in this world? Which are restricted and why?
Todos los basicos.

Will you allow only character burns or will you allow monster-burned characters as
No tienen esa opcion todavia.

If monster-burned characters are used, what are their common traits?


What cultural traits apply to the characters of this game world? Pick three
character traits for each culture.
Para las razas humanas se van a establecer traits especificos, se�alando tendencias
geneticas o sociales.

What's your Resources cycle? 1 month, seasonal, 6 months, annual? What's the game
world's currency? Who collects the taxes? What do people do for work? What's the
major economy? What's the black market economy?
Por estacion. Las monedas hechas con aleaciones de plata. Cada nacion maneja sus
diferentes maneras, los enanos tienen el tributo, los elfos se manejan en
juramentos de lealtad, los reinos humanos mayormente dependen de cobradores
imperiales o recaudadores de impuestos por tierra.

Material world: What weapons and armor are available? Are some weapons and armor
restricted to certain cultures or character stocks? What property is available? Are
resources and gear otherwise restricted?
Todo lo basico.

The above questions involve culling and restricting options. Restrictions help lay
down definition and build the character of the world. They make it unique, rather
than a playground in which everything is permissible (which gets boring fast). The
following questions are about adding in game hacks:

Resources hacks: Are there special conditions on your world that necessitate
characters beginning with certain resources, gear or relationships? If necessary,
distribute 5, 10 or 15 resource points to each character so they may begin the game
in line with the vision of your world. (Don't take this one lightly, either. It can
break the game.)

For power fantasy heroic games, start your players with a larger pool of artha. For
tighter, longer term, truly epic games, start your players with a tight leash on

Does your world necessitate certain traits for survival? An apocalyptic wasteland,
an undersea kingdom, sky realms, etc? If so, monster burn your characters! If you
want to use the LPs and settings as is, I recommend distributing 5-10 trait points
to each player to burn up custom traits for their dudes to be a part of the

Add new lifepaths to suit the world and make them available, if not required, for
each player. A good tactic is to let players burn up stuff using the published LPs
and then say, "But your last lifepath has to be X." X being some cool thing that
you've come up with for your world.

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