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A Penelope’s web-An endless job

2. Ace up one’s sleeve- a powerful and often secret weapon,
advantage, etc.
3. A nine days’ wonder- something or someone that creates a short-
lived sensation
4. To fish in troubled waters- to take advantage of the troubles of
5. Rule the roost – to dominate
6. Fair and square- honest, just and proper
7. Gripe one’s soul- to annoy someone
8. All moonshine- total lies
9. A damsel in distress- a young woman in trouble.
10. A nig-nog- foolish person
11. At variance with- in a state of conflict.
12. To buy a lemon- to buy something useless
13. A knuckle sandwich- a punch
14. Pea brained- stupid
15. Hot potato- difficult or controversial issue
16. Belly up- hopelessly ruined or defeated;
17. Gate crasher- a person who goes to a party without being invited to
18. High and low- everywhere
19. Egg on- to urge to do something
20. Banana republic- weak or corrupt country
1.To be alone- agromania
2. flowers- anthomania
3. Bibliomania- book collection
4. Dogs- cynomania
5. crowd- demomania
6. Alcohol – dipsomania
7. Travelling – dromomania
8. religion- entheomania
9. work- ergomania
10. pleasure- hedomania
1. Apparition – (syn) ghost, shade, phantom
(ant) fact, reality
2. gingerly- (syn) carefully, cautiously, delicately
(ant) hesitantly, timidly
3. expostulate- (syn) reason, argue
(ant) abet, pretext, fallacy
4. fluster-(syn) confuse, perturb, agitate, excite
(ant) allay, calm
5. Rapacious - (syn) ravenous, voracious, greedy
(ant) generous, bountiful, frugal

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