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Return in Manila

June 26, 1892 : This was Rizal's second homecoming, with him was his sister Lucia, they arrived
in Manila.

• In the afternoon of the same day, at 4:00 o'clock, he went to Malacañang Palace to see the
Spanish governor general, Gov. Gen. Eulogio Despujol, Conde de Caspe.

But he was told to come back at night at 7 o'clock. Promptly at 7 p.m., he returned to
Malacañan and was able to confer with Gov. Gen. Despujol, who agreed to pardon his father
but not the rest of his family and told him to return on Wednesday (June 29).
• After the interview with the gov. gen., he visited his sisters in the city;
• Narcisa ( Sisa, wife of Antonio Lopez)
• Neneng ( Saturnina, wife of Manuel T. Hidalgo)

The following day, June 27, at 6 p.m., Rizal boar a train in Tutuban Station and visited his
friends in:

• Malolos, Bulacan
• San Fernando, Pampanga
• Tarlac
• Bacolor, Pampanga

These friends of his were good patriots, who were his supporters in the reform crusade.
The next day, June 28, he returned to Manila at 5 p.m
There were government spies who watched Rizal's every movement carefully.
After his visit to his friend's homes, the Guardia Civil raided it, then seized some copies of the
Noli and Fil.i

Other interviews with Despujol

After his visits to his friends in Central Luzon, he had other interviews with Gov. Gen. Despujol.
He recorded these interviews vividly in his diary. This goes as follows:
On Wednesday (June 29) at 7:30, I saw His Excellency. I did not succeed to have the penalty of
exile lifted, but he gave me hope with regard to my sisters. As it was the feast of St. Peter and
St. Paul our interview ended at 9:15. I was to come again the following day at 7:30.

The general was opposed to it, very much opposed. He told me to come back Sunday.
On Sunday (July 3) I returned. We talked about sundry things and I thanked him for having lifted
the exile of my sisters. I told him that my father and brother would arrive on the first boat. He
asked me if I would like to go abroad to Hong Kong. I told him yes. He told me to return on
Founding the La Liga Filipina

July 3, 1892 - Rizal attended a meeting of patriots at the home of the Chinese Mestizo, Doroteo
Ongjunco, on Ylaya Street, Tondo, Manila
- it is here where Rizal organized the Liga Filipina

Among those who were in the meeting were:

• Pedro Serrano Laktaw ( Panday Pira) - a Mason and school teacher

• Domingo Franco ( Felipe Leal) - Mason and tobacco shopkeeper
• Jose A. Ramos ( Socorro) - engraver, printer, owner of Bazar Gran Bretaña, and first Worship
Master of Nilad, first Filipino masonic
• Ambrosio Salvador - gobernadorcillo of Quiapo and Mason
• Bonifacio Arevalo ( Harem) - dentist and Mason
• Deodato Arellano - brother-in-law of M.H. del Pilar and civilian employee in the army
• Ambrosio Flores ( Musa) - retired lieutenant of the infantry
• Agustin de la Rosa - bookkeeper and Mason
Moises Salvador ( Araw) - contractor and Mason
• Luis Villareal - tailor and Mason
• Fustino Villarruel ( Ilaw) - pharmacist and Mason
• Mariano Crisostomo - landlord
• Numeriano Adriano ( Ipil) - notary public and Mason
• Estanislao Legaspi - artisan and Mason
• Teodoro Plata - court clerk and Mason
• Andres Bonifacio - warehouse employee
• Apolinario Mabini ( Katabay) - lawyer and Mason
• Juan Zulueta - playwright, poet, and government employee

• In the meeting, Rizal explained the objectives of the the Liga Filipina which was a civic league
of Filipinos, which he desired to establish and its role in the socio-economic life og the people.
Constitution of the Liga - Rizal wrote this in Hong Kong
- he presented this in the meeting
and discussed its provisions
Officers of the Liga are as follows:
• Ambrosio Salvador - President
• Deodato Arellano - Secretary
• Bonifacio Arevalo - Treasurer
• Agustin de la Rosa - Fiscal

The aims of the Liga Filipina, as emboided in the Constitution, were the following:
• To unite the whole archipelago into one compact and homogenous body.
• Mutual protection in every want and necessity.
• Defense against all violence and injustice.
• Encouragement of education, agriculture, and commerce.
• Study and application of reforms.

The motto of the Liga Filipina was: Unus Instar Omnium ( One Like All)
• Supreme Council - the governing body of the league which had jurisdiction over the whole
Qualification for membership - all Filipinos who have at heart the welfare of their fatherland
• Every member pays an entrance fee of 2 pesos and a monthly due of 10 centavos.
The duties of the Liga members are as follows:

• obey the orders of the Supreme Council

• to help in recruiting new members
• to keep in strictest secrecy the decisions of the Liga authorities
• to have a symbolic name which he cannot change until he becomes president oh is council
• to report to the fiscal anything that he may hear which affects the Liga
• to behave well as a good Filipino
• to help fellow members in all ways

Rizal’s arrest and deportation

Four days after the civic organization's foundation, Jose Rizal was arrested by the Spanish
authorities on four grounds:

1. for publishing anti-Catholic and anti-friar books and articles;

2. for having in possession a bundle of handbills, the Pobres Frailes, in which advocacies were
in violation of the Spanish orders;

• midnight of July 14, 1892 - Rizal was brought under heavy guard to the steamer Cebu which
was sailing for Dapitan
The steamer passed; Mindoro and Panay before reaching Dapitan on a Sunday, the 17th of July,
at 7 in the evening
Captain Delgras - handed Rizal over to Captain Ricardo Carnicero who was the Spanish
commandant of Dapitan
July 17, 1892 - Rizal began his exile in lonely Dapitan which would last until July 31, 1896, a
period of 4 years

Exile in Dapitan

The streamer Cebu which brought Rizal to Dapitan carried a letter from Father Pablo Pastells,
Superior of the Jesuits parish priest of Dapitan. In this letter, Father Superior Pablo Pastells
informed Father Antonio Obach that Rizal could live at the parish convent on the following

1.”That Rizal publicly retract his errors concerning religion, and make statements that were
clearly pro-Spanish and against revolution”.
2.”That he perform the church rites and make a general confession of his past life”.
3.That henceforth he conduct himself in an exemplary manner as a Spanish subject and a man of
Rizal did not agree with this conditions, so he lived with the Spanish commandant Ricardo
Carnicero for a while.

On September 21, 1892, Jose Rizal, Captain Ricardo Carnicero and businessman Francisco Equilor
won a government owned lottery’s second prize of Php 20, 000 with the lottery ticket no. 9736.
With 6,200 as a share, Rizal gave 2,000 to his father, 200 to Jose Basa in Hong Kong and used the
rest to acquire a parcel of land near the rown plaza and an agricultural land in talisay where he
built a house, a school and a clinic.
Rizal’s contribution in Dapitan

Rizal had maximized his stay in Dapitan by devoting much of his time in improving his artistic
and literary skills; doing agricultural and civic projects; engaging in business activities, and
writing letters to his friends in Europe, particularly to Ferdinand Blumentritt and Reinhold Rost.
His careers and achievements in different fields were as follows:

§ As a physician, Rizal provided free medicine to his patients, most of them were
underprivileged. However, he also had wealthy patients who paid him well enough for his
excellent surgical skill. Among them were Don Ignacio Tumarong who gave Rizal 3000 pesos for
restoring his sight, an Englishman who gave him 500 pesos, and Aklanon haciendero,
DonFrancisco Azcarraga, who paid him a cargo of sugar. His skill was put into test in August
1893 when his mother, Doña Teodora Alonzo, was placed under opthalmic surgery for the third
time. The operation was a success, however, Alonzo, ignored her son's instructions and
removed the bandages in her eyes which lead to irritation and infection.

§ As an engineer, Rizal applied his knowledge through the waterworks system he constructed
in Dapitan. Going back to his academic life, Rizal obtained the title of expert surveyor (perito
agrimensor) from the Ateneo Municipal. From his practical knowledge as agrimensor, he
widened his knowledge by reading engineering-related books. As a result, despite the
inadequacy of tools at hand, he successfully provided a good water system in the province.

§ As an educator, Rizal established a school in Dapitan which was attended by 16 young boys
from prominent families. Instead of charging them for the matriculation, he made the students
do community projects for him like maintaining his garden and field. He taught them reading,
writing in English and Spanish, geography, history, mathematics, industrial work, nature study,
morals and gymnastics. He encouraged his students to engage in sports activities to strengthen
their bodies as well. There was no formal room, like the typical classroom nowadays. Classes
were conducted from 2 p.m to 4 p.m. with the teacher sitting on a hammock while the students
sat on a long bamboo bench.

§ As an agriculturist, Rizal devoted time in planting important crops and fruit-bearing trees in
his 16-hectare land (later, reaching as large as 70 hectares). He planted cacao,
coffee,sugarcane, and coconuts, among many others. He even invested part of his earnings
from being a medical practitioner and his 6000-peso winnings from a lottery on lands. From the
United States, he imported agricultural machinery and introduced to the native farmers of
Dapitan the modern agricultural methods. Rizal also visualized of having an agricultural colony
in Sitio Ponot, within the Sindañgan Bay. He believed that the area was suitable for cattle-
raising and for cash-crops as the area had abundant water. Unfortunately, this plan did not

§ As a businessman, the adventurous Rizal, with his partner, Ramon Carreon, tried his luck in
the fishing, hemp and copra industries. In a letter to his brother-in-law, Manuel T. Hidalgo, he
pointed out the potential of the fishing industry in the province (as the area was abundant with
fish and good beach). He also requested that two good Calamba fishermen be sent to Dapitan
to teach the fisher folks of the new fishing methods, using a big net called pukutan. But the
industry in which Rizal became more successful was in hemp, shipping the said product to a
foreign firm in Manila.

§ As an inventor, little was known of Rizal. In 1887, during his medical practice in Calamba, he
invented a special type of lighter called sulpukan which he sent to Blumentritt as a gift.
According to Rizal, the wooden lighter's mechanism was based on the principle of compressed
air. Another of his inventions was the wooden brick-maker can manufacture about 6,000 bricks
a day.
§ As an artist, he had contributed his talent in the Sisters of Charity who were preparing for the
arrival of the image of the Holy Virgin. Rizal was actually the person who modeled the image's
right foot and other details. He also conceptualize its curtain, which was oil-painted by a Sister
under his instruction. He also made sketches of anything which attracted him in Dapitan.
Among his collections were the three rare fauna species that he discovered (dragon/lizard, frog
and beetle) and the fishes he caught. He also sculptured the statuette called “The Mother's
Revenge” which represented his dog, Syria, avenging her puppy to a crocodile which killed it.

§ As a linguist, Rizal was interested in the languages used in Dapitan, thus, studied and made
comparisons of the Bisayan and Malayan languages existing in the region. In fact, Rizal had
knowledge in 22 languages: Tagalog, Ilocano, Bisayan, Subanun, Spanish, Latin, Greek, English,
French, German, Arabic, Malayan, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Dutch, Catalan, Italian, Chinese, Japanes,
Portuguese, Swedish and Russian.

§ As a scientist, Rizal shared his interest with nature to his students. With his boys, they
explored the jungles and searched for specimens which he sent to museums in Europe,
particularly in Dressed Museum. In return, scientific books and surgical instruments were
delivered to him from the European scientists. He also made a bulk of other researches and
studies in the fields of ethnography, archaeology, geology, anthropology and geography.

However, Rizal's most significant contribution in the scientific world was his discovery of three

§ Draco rizali – flying dragon

§ Apogonia rizali – small beetle

§ Rhacophorus rizali – rare frog

§ Rizal also partakes in civic works in Dapitan. Upon arriving in the province, he noticed its poor
condition. He drained the marshes of Dapitan to get rid of malaria-carrying mosquitoes. He also
provided lighting system – coconut oil lamps posted in dark streets – in the province out of
what he earned from being a physician. He beautified Dapitan by remodelling the town plaza,
with the aid of his Jesuit teacher, Fr. Francisco Sanchez, and created a relief map of Mindanao
(footnote: using stones, soil and grass) right in front the church.

Romantic affair with Josephine Bracken

Rizal had always been missing his family and their happy moments together in Calamba and his
despair doubled upon the announcement of Leonor Rivera's death. Not soon, to his surprise, an
Irish girl enlightened his rather gloomy heart. This girl was the 18-year old Josephine Bracken
who, to Wenceslao Retana's words, was “slender, a chestnut blond, with blue eyes, dressed
with elegant simplicity, with an atmosphere of light (gaiety).”

From Hongkong, she arrived in Dapitan in February, 1895 with his blind foster father, George
Taufer, and a Filipina named Manuela Orlac. Rizal's fame as an opthalmic surgeon reached
overseas, and one of Rizal's friends, Julio Llorente referred the group to Rizal. Rizal and Bracken
instantly fell in love with each and in just one month, they agreed to marry which appalled and
disturbed Taufer. However, the parish priest of Dapitan, Father Pedro Obach, refused to do so
unless they be permitted by the Bishop of Cebu.

On the other hand, Taufer returned to Hongkong uncured. Because no priest was willing to
marry the two, the couple exchanged their vows before God in their own way, which
scandalized Fr. Obach. In 1896, their love bear its fruit – Josephine was pregnant.
Unfortunately, Bracken gave birth to a one-month premature baby boy who lived only for three
hours. The child was buried in Dapitan, bearing the name Francisco, after Rizal's father.
Katipunan seek Rizal’s Advice

Prior to the outbreak of the revolution, the Katipunan leader, Andres Bonifacio, seek the advise
of Jose Rizal. In a secret meeting on May 2, 1896 at Bitukang Manok river in Pasig, the group
agreed to send Dr. Pio Valenzuela as a representative to Dapitan who will inform Rizal of their
plan to launch a revolution against the Spaniards. On board the steamer Venus, Valenzuala left
Manila on June 15, 1892 and in 6 days, arrived at Dapitan with a blind companion, Raymundo
Mata. At night, Rizal and Valenzuela had a talk in the former's garden. There, Valenzuela told
him of the Katipunan's plan. Regarding this, Rizal outspokenly objected Bonifacio's “premature”
idea for two reasons:

1. the Filipinos were still unready for such bloody revolution; and

2. the Katipunan lacked machinery – before plotting a revolution, there must be sufficient arms
and funds collected.

Valenzuela also told Rizal of their plan to rescue him in Dapitan. Again, the exiled hero
disagreed because he had no plan of breaking his word of honor to the Spanish authorities.

As a Volunteer in Cuba

During the peak of the Cuban revolution, Rizal offered his services as a military doctor to
compromise with the shortage of physicians in the said country. It was his friend Ferdinand
Blumentritt who informed him of the situation in Cuba and suggested that he volunteer himself
as army doctor. On December 17, 1895, Rizal sent a letter to Governor General Ramon Blanco
rendering his service for Cuba. But for months Rizal awaited in vain for the governor's reply,
and loss hope that his request will be granted. It was only on July 30, 1896 when Rizal received
a letter from Governor Blanco, dated July 2, 1896, accepting his offer. The letter also stated that
Rizal will be given a pass so that he can go to Manila, then to Spain where its Minister of War
will assign shim to the Army of Operations in Cuba.

Farewell in Dapitan

At midnight of July 31, 1896, Jose Rizal left Dapitan on board the steamer España,

In Cebu, on their way to Manila, Rizal successfully performed an opthalmic operation to a

merchant who paid him fifty silver pesos. After almost a week, on August 6, 1896, España
arrived in Manila. Rizal was supposedly to board the Isla de Luzon for Spain, but unfortunately,
left ahead of time. Instead, he was transferred to the Spanish cruiser Castilla to stay and wait
for the next mail boat that woul sail for Spain next month. He was prohibited from leaving the
vicinity but was allowed to accept visitors so long as they were his immediate family. Of course,
all these delays were part of the drama – Rizal has now fallen to the critical/deadly Spanish

6 October 1896, 3:00 AM: On his 4th day of being held in his cabin at the MV Isla de Panay docked
at Barcelona, Spain on his way to Cuba, Rizal was awakened to be brought to Montjuich Prison in
Barcelona, Spain.

6 October, 2:00 PM: Interview with General Eulogio Despujol

6 October, 8:00 PM: Aboard the Colon, Rizal left Barcelona for Manila.
3 November: Rizal was brought to Fort Santiago, where other patriots, including his brother
Paciano, were being tortured to implicate him. Paciano refused to sign anything despite being his
body broken and his left hand crushed.

20 November: Preliminary investigation began with Rizal appearing before Judge Advocate
Colonel Francisco Olive. The investigation lasted five days.

26 November: The records of the case were handed over to Governor General Ramon Blanco
who then appointed Captain Rafael Dominguez as special Judge Advocate.

8 December: From a list submitted to him by the authorities, he chose the brother of his friend,
Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade to become his trial lawyer. He was only made to choose among army
officers and not a civilian lawyer.

11 December: In his prison cell, Rizal was read the charges against him: “principal organizer and
the living soul of the Filipino insurrection, the founder of societies, periodicals and books
dedicated to fomenting and propagating the ideas of rebellion.”

13 December: Ramon Blanco was replaced by Camilo de Polavieja, a more ruthless character, as
Governor General of the Philippines. Dominguez submitted the papers of the Rizal case to
Malacañan Palace.

15 December: Rizal issued his manifesto to certain Filipinos calling to end the “absurd” rebellion
and to fight for liberties with education as a prerequisite. The authorities supressed the

25 December: Rizal’s saddest Christmas, away from family and friends.

26 December, 8:00 AM: Trial of Rizal began at the Cuartel de España. On the same day, the
court-martial secretly and unanimously voted for a guilty verdict with the penalty of death
before a firing squad.

December: Polavieja signs the death verdict.

29 December, 6:00 AM: Rizal was read his verdict by Captain Rafael Dominguez: To be shot the
next day at 7:00 AM at the Luneta de Bagumbayan (Rizal Park).

29 December, 7:00 AM: Rizal was transferred to the chapel cell adorned by religious images to
convince him to go back to the Catholic fold. His first visitors were Jesuit priests Fathers Miguel
Saderra Mata and Luis Viza.

29 December, 7:15 AM: After Fr. Saderra left, Rizal asked Fr. Viza for the Sacred Heart statuette
which he carved when he was an Ateneo student. From his pocket the statuette appears.
29 December, 8:00 AM: Fr. Viza was relieved by Fr. Antonio Rosell who joined Rizal for
breakfast. Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade joins them.

29 December, 9:00 AM: Fr. Federico Faura, who once said that Rizal would lose his head for
writing the Noli Me Tangere, arrived. Rizal told him, “Father you are indeed a prophet.”
29 December, 10:00 AM: Fathers José Vilaclara and Estanislao March visited Rizal, followed by a
Spanish journalist, Santiago Mataix of El Heraldo de Madrid, for an interview.
29 December, 12:00-3:30 PM: Rizal’s time alone in his cell. He had lunch, wrote letters and
probably wrote his last poem of 14 stanzas which he wrote in his flowing handwriting in a very
small piece of paper. He hid it inside his alcohol stove. The untitled poem was later known as Mi
Ultimo Adios (My Last Farewell). In its second stanza, he already praised the revolutionaries in
the battlefield for giving their lives “without doubt, without gloom.”


The spanish colonial government accused Rizal of three crimes:

(a) The founding of La Liga Filipina, an “illegal organization”
Whose single aim was to “Perpetrate the crime of rebellion”.
(b) Rebellion which he promoted through his previous activities.
(c)ILLegal association

-The penalty for for those accusation is life imprisonment to death

And correctional imprisonment and a charge of 325 to 3,250 Pesetas.

The prosecution drew information from the dossier on Rizal which

Detailed his” subervise activities” some of which are the following:
1.The writing and publication of “Noli me Tangere”, the Annotations
to Morga’s History of the Philippines, “El Filibusterismo”, and the
various articles which criticized the friars and suggested their
expulsion in order to win independence. The El Filibusterismo was
dedicated to the three martyr priests who were executed as traitors
to the Fatherland in 1872 because they were the moving spirit of the
uprising of that year.

2.The establishment of masonic lodges which became the propaganda

and fund raising center to support subvervise activities and the
establishment of centers in Madrithe ,Hongkong and Manila to propa-
gate his ideas.

After finishing as much evidence as possible on November 20, 1896

the preliminary on Rizal began. During the five-day investigation,Rizal
was informed of the charges against him before Judge advocate Colonel Francisco Olive.

·Two kinds of Evidences Endorsed By Colonel Olive to Governor

Ramon Blanco:
-fifteen exhibits
-Provide by Martin Constantino, Aguedo del Rosario, Jose Reyes,
Moises Salvador, Jose Dizon,Domingo Franco, Deodato Arellano,
Pio Valenzuela , Antonio Salazar, Francisco Quison, and Timoteo Paez.
The Judge Rafael Dominguez advocate assigned with the task of deciding what corresponding
action should be done.After a brief

Review transmitted the records to Don Nicolas de la Pena.

Pena’s recommendations were as follows:

- Rizal must be immediately sent to trial
·He must be held in prison under necessary security
· His properties must be issued with order of attachment
And as indemnity,Rizal had to pay one million pesos
·Instead of a civilian lawyer,only an army officer is allowed
To defend Rizal.
The lawyer of Rizal is Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade Brother of Lt. Jose
Traviel de Andrade who worked as Rizal’s personal body guard in
Calamba in 1887.In the presence of his Spanish Counsel on December
11, 1896, charges against Rizal were read in the presence of his Spanish counsel.
When they asked regarding his sentiments or reaction on the charges,
Rizal replied that in his defense.
-He does not question the jurisdiction of the court.
-He has nothing to amend except that during his exile in Dapitan in
1892, he had not dealt in political matters.
-He has nothing to admit on the charges against him.
-He had nothing to admit on the declarations of the witnesses,he had not met nor
knew,against him.

The Execution Of Dr.Jose Rizal

Despite all valid pleadings the military court,vindictive as it was
Unanimous voted for the sentence of death. Polavieja affirmed
The decision of the court martial and ordered to be shot at
7:00 in the morning of December 30 1896 at Bagumbayan field.
Rizal was heavily guarded and was accompanied by the Jesuits as
He walked from Fort Santiago to Bagumbayan. He wore a black woolen suit and a derby hat and
his arms were tied behind him.
During the walked, he recalled his youth and his student days
At the Ateneo. And in Bagumbayan itself, the Spanish troops held
Back the crowd while the artillery group stood on alert to prevent any attempt to rescue Rizal.
His brother Paciano who had joined the
Revolution forces was said to have discouraged groups who might
Want to save Rizal since thay would not be able to match Spanish
Firepower. The captain in charge of the execution instructed Rizal
Were to position himself, to turn his back against the squad and the

Face the sea. However, Rizal requested to face the firing squad, as such position instructed was
only taken by traitors and he was not one of them. The captain could not do anything for he
was only following orders.Hence, failing to have his request granted, he asked to be shot at the
back instead of the head so that he may, at the end , turn his head and body sidewise and fall
with his face upward.The captain agreed,he also asked if he would like to kneek but Rizal
refused nor did he agree to be blindfolded. A Jesuit priest now came running and
Asked Rizal to kiss the cruffix that he held.Rizal turned his back on the cruffix and thus,against
the firing squad. He was ready for the execution.


Rizal spent his 24 hours in his death cell where he received members
Of his family and writes his letter,the first one to his “second brother”
Ferdinand Blumentritt. He gave his sisters,Trinidad and old petroleum
lamp and whispered to her in English that there is something inside
The lamp .Thus is Rizal’s famous Farewell poem. “Ultimo Adios”, (Last Farewell” was found.
Rizal was said to have married his Irish girlfriend
according to Catholic rited in the very last hours of his life, after living
with her for sometime in Dapitan. They were previously married civilly. On the morning of
December 30,1896.Rizal set on his walk from
Fort Santiago to the Bagumbayan square, the same place where the three priest had been killed
in 1872, now Luneta Park, in the center of

Manila at 6:30 O’clock. And when the time to march to Bagumbayan Rizal he was ready to face
his ultimate death came, he was seen as
A man of peace and bravery. At exactly 7:03 am RIZAL shouted “Consummatum Est” before the
shot run out. The hero’s life ended. In
In the background could be heard, “Viva Espna! Death to traitors!.
Rizal’s Family was not able to take old of his body. The military had
secretly buried the body of Rizal at the Paco cemetery. Her sister
Narcisa looked for the cadaver everywhere but could not find it.
She passed by the unused Paco cemetery and saw through the open
Gate some civil guards. Finding this uncommon, she entered the cemetery and searched the
place. She saw a grave with freshly turned

earth and knew at once his was her brother’s body. With a little money,she asked the
gravedigger to place a plaque on it with her
brother’s initial reverse.That is R.P.J. for Protacio Jose.That afternoon the books, letter, and
alcohol burner were delivered

To Rizal’s family. At the base of the alcohol burner they found Rizal’s
last masterpiece the MI ULTIMO ADIOS. The copies were given to each family member and
some are to the Cavite insurgents.
After the Americans had taken Manila, Narcisa requested the new government to grant her
permission to exhume the body of his brother.
They found out that the body was never placed in a coffin, nor even
Wrapped by anything. Rizal’s family had possession of the body the remains were instituted at
the base of the Rizal monument which was
erected at the center of the Luneta.

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