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Chapter 13 Test B (1 of 6) Good Times and Hardships

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Vocabulary Match the definitions with the correct terms. (10 points)

Definitions Terms

a. a tax on imports b 1 consumer

b. a person who buys and uses products and services e 2 First Hundred Days
c. the condition of being out of work d 3 scarcity
d. shortage a 4 tariff
e. the beginning of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency c 5 unemployment

Key Concepts Choose the letter of the correct answer. (60 points)

c 6. Which development in Europe helped lead to World War I?

A Countries sought ties with the United States.
B Countries formed alliances with each other.
C It was a period of political calm.
D It was a period of unlimited wealth.

h 7. Which new technology was used as a weapon during World War I?

F atomic bombs
G rifles
H poison gas
I cannon

a 8. How did World War I affect American women?

A It opened up different kinds of jobs to them.
B It caused the military to recognize them as equals.
C It led to women marrying at a younger age.
D It encouraged women to enjoy themselves.

The Growth of Our Country

Chapter 13 Test B (2 of 6) Good Times and Hardships

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f 9. Which concept best identifies American attitudes about World War I when the war began
in Europe?
F isolationism
G imperialism
H militarism
I nationalism
b 10. How did the Treaty of Versailles affect Germany?
A It added territory to Germany.
B It punished Germany with big fines.
C It gave France control of Germany.
D It led to prosperity in Germany.
g 11. What was one effect of the new consumer products that became available after
World War I?
F When electricity became available in rural areas, many Americans moved from large
cities to rural areas to farm.
G Consumers, especially women, had more leisure time.
H Violent strikes became frequent.
I Women gained the right to vote.
c 12. During the 1920s, jazz music
A gave rise to rock and roll.
B was imported from Europe.
C reached a wide audience.
D was popular only in Harlem.

The Growth of Our Country

Chapter 13 Test B (3 of 6) Good Times and Hardships

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Use the picture below to answer the next two questions.

h 13. The passage of which amendment to the Constitution led to the action shown in the
F Sixteenth
G Seventeenth
H Eighteenth
I Nineteenth

a 14. Why did the kind of activity shown in the picture stop in 1933?
A The Twenty-first Amendment went into effect.
B Criminals would not let it happen any more.
C It was considered to be bad for the environment.
D The action was damaging the subway system.

The Growth of Our Country

Chapter 13 Test B (4 of 6) Good Times and Hardships

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f 15. What did African Americans find when they moved North?
F They found it hard to get high-paying jobs.
G They were prevented from voting.
H They had to live with Jim Crow laws.
I They found jobs as migrant workers.

a 16. What happened in the late 1920s and early 1930s as consumers spent less money?
A Companies cut production and jobs.
B Banks loaned more money.
C Government leaders told people to shop more.
D More Americans went to college.

g 17. What was one effect of the Great Depression in Germany?

F The government started new programs to help the poor.
G Democracy was lost.
H There was an expansion of the arts.
I Many Germans moved to France to work on farms.

18. What was one effect of the Dust Bowl?

A There was a food shortage in the United States.
B Many banks closed their doors.
C Many people moved to other places.
D The government built dams in the South.

19. What was the idea behind the New Deal?

F Charities could take care of needy people.
G The government could help fix the economy.
H The stock market could make people rich.
I Banks could lend money so people would buy more.

c 20. Which New Deal program or policy helped support retired people?
A Civilian Conservation Corps
B Works Progress Administration
C Social Security
D Securities and Exchange Commission

The Growth of Our Country

Chapter 13 Test B (5 of 6) Good Times and Hardships

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Critical Thinking Write your answers in the space provided. (30 points)

Use the photo below to answer the next question.

21. Why do you think this photograph became a symbol of the Great Depression?

The Growth of Our Country

Chapter 13 Test B (6 of 6) Good Times and Hardships

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22. What were three ways that women’s lives improved during World War I and in the 1920s?

23. Overall, do you think the New Deal was helpful or harmful? Give three reasons to support
your answer.

24. What were two reasons that the United States entered World War I?

25. Name three people who were famous in the 1920s and explain why they were famous.

The Growth of Our Country

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