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Text Structure and Types

-Our first topic that we tackled in English for Acadimic and Professional Purposes or E.A.P.P is all
about tha text structures.And the text structures have a five types,Descriptive,cause and
effect,Compassion and contrast,Order or sequence and lastly the problem and solution.

The first type of Text Structure is the Descriptive,it shows through careful observations how a thing is
done ( a place,a person or a animal) highlighting the features,qualities distinctive in order to furnish a
clear and complete concept.In short through the careful observations serving or seeking.Next is the
cause and effect this structure presents the clausal relationship between a specific event and idea of
concept that follow.If theres have a cause theres an effect.

And then the Comparison and Contrast in this type of text examines the similarities and differences
between two or more people events concept idea.

And then the order or sequence it give readers a chorological of events list of steps in a procedure.It
gives a particular arrangements or disposition according to a particular sequence.

And lastly the problem and solution sets up a problem explains solution.Problem is a matter or
stiuation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome.And the
solution means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.

I think the purpose of this lesson is to how to follow the steps and arrange the events.And easy to
understand our teacher showed videos and grouped us to share our idea about the topic we tackle.

The importance of the given topic was we were able to identify what structure were the text all about
we ended the lesson well because the majority of the group who presented got a perfect score.

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