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these patients develop progressive liver disease secondary to

hepatic accumulation of protoporphyrin. Liver transplantation

can become necessary. CURRENT THERAPY
Therapy is often beneficial with oral β-carotene1 (up to 400 mg/
day for adults). This leads to a harmless slight orange-yellow dis- • All children with SCD should receive penicillin prophylaxis.
coloration of the skin and often effective sun protection. Ideally, • High fever should be treated empirically with coverage for
the β-carotene dose should be adjusted to a plasma level between Streptococcus pneumoniae pending results of blood cultures.
11 and 15 mmol/L. • Children with high transcranial Doppler velocity need to be
placed on a chronic transfusion regimen to keep the hemo-
globin (Hb) S less than 30%.
• Painful vaso-occlusive episodes warrant prompt treatment with
1 an individualized intravenous opiate regimen, as well as sup-
Not FDA approved for this indication.
portive care and incentive spirometry.
• Preoperative transfusion should aim at a target hemoglobin
level of 10 g/dL regardless of the HbS percentage and is indi-
References cated in all patients with SCD undergoing major surgery.
American Porphyria Foundation Home page. Available at: http://www. (accessed August 5, 2015). • Therapy with hydroxyurea is indicated in all patients at all ages
Anderson KE, Bonkovsky HL, Bloomer JR, Shedlofsky SI: Reconstitution of hematin with HbSS disease and HbSβ-thalassemia, and in patients with
for intravenous infusion, Ann Intern Med 144:537–538, 2006. HbSC with a severe phenotype on a case-by-case basis.
Anderson KE, Bloomer JR, Bonkovsky HL, et al: Recommendations for the
• Erythropoietin-stimulating agents can be used in conjunction
diagnosis and treatment of the acute porphyrias, Ann Intern Med 142:439–450,
2005. with hydroxyurea to prevent or ameliorate reticulocytopenia
Anderson KE, Sassa S, Bishop DF, et al: Disorders of heme biosynthesis: X-linked side- and in patients with underlying renal insufficiency.
roblastic anemia and the porphyrias. In Scriver CR, Beaudet AL, Sly WS, et al, edi- • Iron chelation is indicated in all patients with findings of iron
tors: The Molecular and Metabolic Bases of Inherited Disease, 8th ed., vol. 1, New
York, 2001, McGraw-Hill, pp 2961–3062.
Badminton MN, Elder GH: Management of acute and cutaneous porphyrias, Int J • Treatment of acute chest syndrome includes parenteral antibi-
Clin Pract 56:272–278, 2002. otics to cover atypical microorganisms and transfusion, with
Balwani M, Desnick RJ: The porphyrias: advances in diagnosis and treatment, Blood exchange transfusion reserved for the most severe cases.
120(23):4496–4504, 2012. Epub
• Patients with pulmonary hypertension should receive optimal
2012 Jul 12. Review. Erratum in: Blood. 2013;122(17):3090.
Bissell DM, Anderson KE, Bonkovsky HL: Porphyria, N Engl J Med 377(9):862–872, hematologic care (maximal hydroxyurea and/or chronic trans-
2017. fusion therapy) and specific therapy for pulmonary hyperten-
Chemmanur AT, Bonkovsky HL: Hepatic porphyrias: Diagnosis and management, sion in severe cases, with coordination and referral to a
Clin Liver Dis 8:807–838, 2004.
European Porphyria Initiative. Home page. Available at: http://www.porphyria-
pulmonary hypertension specialist. (accessed August 5, 2015). • Stem cell transplantation should be offered to all patients who
Kauppinen R: Porphyrias, Lancet 365:241–252, 2005. have a matched donor and display a severe phenotype.
VI Hematology

Puy H, Gouya L, Deybach JC: Porphyrias, Lancet 375:924–937, 2010.

SCD affects 70,000 to 100,000 persons in the United States and
millions worldwide. The hemoglobin (Hb) S mutation arose in
SICKLE CELL DISEASE West-Central Africa approximately 7300 years ago and then prop-
Method of agated to vast tropical and subtropical areas due to the selective
Enrico M. Novelli, MD; Mark T. Gladwin, MD; and Lakshmanan pressure of malaria infection. It is predominantly found in persons
454 Krishnamurti, MD of African, Mediterranean, Arab, or Indian ancestry. In the United
States, approximately 1 in 15 African Americans harbors the HbS
(sickle hemoglobin) mutation and 1 in 400 is affected by the dis-
ease. Most patients with SCD in the United States are homozygous
for HbS (SS), with heterozygous HbSC being the second most com-
CURRENT DIAGNOSIS mon abnormality. Conversely, in Mediterranean countries, HbS/β-
thalassemia is the most common SCD syndrome, and in the Arab
• Sickle cell disease (SCD) is diagnosed by neonatal screening in peninsula HbSS in combination with hereditary persistence of fetal
the United States. hemoglobin (HPFH) is particularly prevalent.
• Persons with congenital hemolytic anemia should be tested for
SCD by hemoglobin electrophoresis regardless of their ethnic
background. Pathophysiology
• Infection with parvovirus B19 should be suspected in children SCD consists of a group of inherited hemoglobinopathies charac-
presenting with acute anemia and reticulocytopenia. terized by a qualitatively abnormal hemoglobin molecule that
• Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I and II testing should be affects the structure and integrity of the red blood cells (RBCs).
performed in all patients with SCD and unaffected siblings to SCD is an autosomal recessive disease due to homozygosity for
identify candidates for hematopoietic stem cell transplant. HbS, characterized by a single base substitution in the β-globin
• Transcranial Doppler screening for primary prevention of stroke gene of the hemoglobin tetramer, leading to an amino acid substi-
is indicated in children with homozygous SCD. tution (valine to glutamic acid), or coinheritance of HbS with other
• Acute chest syndrome is diagnosed in patients presenting abnormal hemoglobins such as hemoglobin C, D, E, and O or β-
with fever, hypoxemia, and a radiographic pulmonary thalassemia.
infiltrate. HbS is less soluble than normal hemoglobin (HbA) in the deox-
• Screening for iron overload by ferritin, quantitative liver ygenated state and polymerizes when sickle RBCs are exposed to
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), cardiac MRI, or liver hypoxic conditions in the microcirculation. In the classic patho-
biopsy is indicated in all patients who have received physiologic explanation of SCD, sickled RBCs containing HbS
more than 10 lifetime transfusions. polymers are less deformable and remain trapped in the microcir-
• Pulmonary hypertension screening by transthoracic culation, causing end-organ ischemia and necrosis. Compounding
echocardiogram is indicated in all patients with this mechanism, more recent literature has emphasized the role of
homozygous SCD. cellular adhesion, abnormal cytokine levels, ischemia-reperfusion
injury, oxidative damage, sterile inflammation, and an abnormal

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endothelial milieu. HbS polymers also lead to deformity and fragil- Transfusions were later found to also have a beneficial effect on
ity of the RBC membrane, with resulting intra- and extravascular reducing the incidence of the recurrence of silent cerebral infarcts,
hemolysis. as shown by the SIT trial. The importance of continuing transfu-
Patients with SCD suffer from severe chronic hemolytic anemia sions for more than 30 months was underscored by the STOP 2
and acute episodes of RBC trapping and destruction in the micro- trial, where TCD abnormalities recurred and the incidence of silent
vasculature (vaso-occlusive episodes). Vaso-occlusive episodes are cerebral infarctions on MRI was higher in the transfusion-halted
the hallmark of SCD and are characterized by more intense epi- group. The enthusiasm over the beneficial effects of transfusions
sodic vaso-occlusion, often with increasing hemolysis, and are was tempered by the concerns about the side effects of long-term,
due to exogenous or endogenous factors that acutely alter the rheo- possibly indefinite use of this therapeutic strategy. There has been,
logic properties of the RBCs. The main determinants of RBC sick- therefore, an interest in exploring whether hydroxyurea (Droxia,
ling and vaso-occlusion are hypoxemia, RBC dehydration, RBC Siklos) could represent an alternative to transfusion in high-risk
concentration, high HbS relative to fetal hemoglobin (HbF), and children. Specifically, the SWiTCH trial explored the hypothesis
blood viscosity; these can occur in a multitude of clinical settings. that hydroxyurea and phlebotomy could maintain an acceptable
Most common clinical inciting events leading to vaso-occlusive epi- stroke recurrence rate and significantly reduce the hepatic iron bur-
sodes are dehydration due to inadequate replacement of fluid den as compared to a prophylactic chronic transfusion regimen.
losses, thermal changes, surgical stress, exposure to low oxygen Unfortunately, the trial was terminated early because of a signifi-
tension, infections, and psychological stressors. cantly higher stroke recurrence rate in the hydroxyurea arm com-
Epidemiologic studies indicate that the risk of vaso-occlusive epi- pared to the transfusion arm, with equivalent hepatic iron burden
sodes and acute chest syndrome is related to high steady-state in both groups. Thus the issue of when, if ever, it is safe to discon-
hemoglobin levels, leukocytosis, and low HbF levels. These find- tinue transfusions for the secondary prevention of stroke is still
ings are consistent with pathogenic mechanisms of altered red cell unknown. Conversely, as shown by the results of the TWiTCH
rheology, higher viscosity, HbS polymerization, and inflammatory trial, another study halted prematurely by the National Institutes
cellular adhesion. Interestingly, the epidemiologic risk factors asso- of Health, hydroxyurea is not inferior to chronic transfusions in
ciated with chronic vascular complications such as pulmonary lowering TCD velocities in children at high risk but without a his-
hypertension, cutaneous leg ulceration, priapism, systemic systolic tory of stroke, thereby suggesting that this drug may be equally
hypertension, renal failure with proteinuria, and possibly stroke effective in the primary prevention of neurologic complications.
are different and include a low steady-state hemoglobin level,
increased hemolytic intensity, iron overload, and markers of low Clinical Manifestations
nitric oxide bioavailability. One hypothesis is that SCD is driven Multiple genetic and epigenetic factors affect the SCD phenotype.
by two overlapping but different mechanisms of disease: on one Patients homozygous for HbS (SS) or compound heterozygous for
hand, vaso-occlusion causes vaso-occlusive episodes and acute HbS and a nonfunctional β0-thalassemia allele tend to display the
chest syndrome, and on the other hand, hemolytic anemia leads most severe manifestations. On the other end of the spectrum,
to endothelial dysfunction and chronic vasculopathy. Both are hereditary persistence of HbF (HPFH), particularly common in

Sickle Cell Disease

caused fundamentally by HbS polymerization. Saudi Arabia, or coinheritance of β-thalassemia mitigates the phe-
notype. While the net effect of high HbF levels on the phenotype of
Prevention SCD is beneficial, coinheritance of one or two α-thalassemia alleles
See “Evidence-Based Management of Sickle Cell Disease: Expert has a more complex effect. α-thalassemia is present in approxi-
Panel Report, 2014” at mately 30% of patients with SCD and is associated with higher
guidelines/sickle-cell-disease-guidelines for detailed, consensus hemoglobin, lower mean corpuscular volume (MCV), and
guidelines on prevention and treatment. decreased rate of hemolysis. These effects are protective toward
stroke and leg ulcers, but lead to increased rates of vaso-occlusive
Bacterial Infections episodes, osteonecrosis, and acute chest syndrome because of
Before the antibiotic era, most patients with SCD succumbed to increased blood viscosity related to the higher hemoglobin level. 455
bacterial sepsis from encapsulated organisms. A landmark multi- Patients with HbSC and HbS/β+-thalassemia have an intermediate
center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial severity phenotype (Table 1). Haplotypes of polymorphic sites in
of prophylaxis with oral penicillin in children with sickle cell ane- the β-globin gene cluster in chromosome 11 have been associated
mia published in 1986 showed that bacterial prophylaxis started at with different disease severity and rates of complications. Other
birth reduced by about 80% the incidence of infection in the pen- yet unidentified genetic factors predispose certain patients to
icillin group, as compared with the group given placebo. This study develop a particularly severe hemolysis with brisk reticulocytosis
became the foundation for universal screening of SCD. Results of and a high rate of specific complications that include leg ulcers, pri-
the Penicillin Prophylaxis in Sickle Cell Study II (PROPS 2) trial apism, and pulmonary hypertension.
show that prophylaxis can be safely discontinued at age 5 years
as long as there is no history of prior serious pneumococcal infec- Hematology
tion or surgical splenectomy and in the setting of appropriate com- This section describes the main clinical manifestations of SCD in
prehensive care. All children should also receive both the 13-valent each organ system (Figure 1 and Table 2).
pneumococcal conjugate (Prevnar 13) and 23-valent pneumococ-
cal polysaccharide (Pneumovax) vaccines, and adults should
receive Pneumovax. Vaccinations for H. influenzae and N. menin-
gitidis are also indicated. TABLE 1 Severity of the Main Sickle Cell Syndromes
Stroke is a devastating complication of SCD and affects predomi- HbSS Usually marked 6–10
nantly children with HbSS and abnormal transcranial Doppler 0
(TCD) results. Silent cerebral infarcts are MRI-detectable abnor- HbS-β -thalassemia Moderate to marked 6–10
malities that also carry a high risk of morbidity, including overt HbS-β+-thalassemia Mild to moderate 9–12
stroke and cognitive impairment. There is conclusive evidence that
chronic transfusions are effective in the primary and secondary pre- HbSC Mild to moderate 10–15
vention of both overt and silent strokes in SCD. The first landmark HbSS-HPFH Mild
trial (STOP) published in 1995 showed that the first stroke can
be prevented by placing children with abnormal TCD on prophy- Abbreviations: HbSC ¼ heterozygous phenotype; HbSS ¼ homozygous phenotype;
lactic monthly transfusions with a target HbS of less than 30%. HPFH ¼ hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin.

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Stroke, meningitis Retinal Retinopathy
infarction Obstructive
Acute chest Anemia, sleep apnea
syndrome leukocytosis
Splenic Indirect hyperbilirubinemia hypertension
sequestration Cardiomegaly
Splenic Isosthenuria,
Papillary Functional
infarction chronic renal failure
necrosis asplenia

Priapism Cholelithiasis Delayed Avascular

puberty necrosis
Bone marrow,
Acute Chronic
Skin ulcers
complications complications

Figure 1 Acute and chronic complications of sickle cell disease.

TABLE 2 Landmark Randomized Clinical Trials in Sickle Cell Disease

1986 Prophylaxis with oral penicillin in children with 84% reduction in incidence of infection and no deaths from pneumococcal
sickle cell anemia: A randomized trial septicemia in the penicillin group
1995 Multicenter Study of Hydroxyurea in Sickle Cell Reduced incidence of painful crises, ACS, and transfusion in the
Anemia (MSH) hydroxyurea group
Survival benefit in follow-up study
1995 Preoperative Transfusion in Sickle Cell Disease A conservative transfusion regimen was as effective as an aggressive regimen
Study in preventing perioperative complications in patients with sickle cell
VI Hematology

1996 Multicenter investigation of bone marrow HCT is safe in SCD with survival and event-free survival at 4 y of 91% and
transplantation for sickle cell disease 73% and can lead to cure
1998 Stroke Prevention Trial in Sickle Cell Anemia Transfusion reduces the risk of a first stroke by 92% in children with sickle
(STOP) cell anemia who have abnormal results on transcranial Doppler
2005 Optimizing Primary Stroke Prevention in Sickle Cell Discontinuation of transfusion for the prevention of stroke in children with
Anemia (STOP 2) sickle cell disease results in a high rate of reversion to abnormal blood-
456 flow velocities on Doppler studies and stroke
2009 Improving the Results of Bone Marrow Nine of 10 adults who received nonmyeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic
Transplantation for Patients with Severe stem cell transplantation for severe sickle cell disease achieved stable,
Congenital Anemias mixed donor–recipient chimerism and reversal of the sickle cell
phenotype, without acute or chronic GVHD.
2011 Pediatric Hydroxyurea Phase III Clinical Trial Children ages 9–18 mo randomized to receive hydroxyurea irrespective of
(BABY HUG) disease severity for 2 y had decreased pain episodes, dactylitis, ACS,
hospitalization, leukocyte count, and transfusion and increased
hemoglobin as compared to children receiving placebo.
2014 Silent Infarct Trial (SIT) Children with silent cerebral infarcts and normal TCD velocity who were
randomized to chronic transfusion therapy had a 58% relative risk
reduction in the recurrence of silent cerebral infarct or stroke as compared
to those in the observation arm.

Abbreviations: ACS ¼ acute chest syndrome; GVHD ¼ graft-versus-host disease; HCT ¼ hematopoietic cell transplantation; SCD ¼ sickle cell disease; VOE ¼ vaso-occlusive

Baseline or Steady-State Hematologic Abnormalities such as in splenic or hepatic sequestration. Baseline leukocytosis
Chronic intravascular and extravascular hemolysis causes a with neutrophilia is also common and is a poor prognostic sign
chronic anemia of moderate to severe intensity in HbSS and associated with acute chest syndrome in adults and frequent
HbS/β0-thalassemia, with a hemoglobin range of 6 to 9 g/dL. In vaso-occlusive episodes in children. Preclinical studies have shown
HbSC and HbS/β+-thalassemia, the anemia may be mild or absent. that leukocytes are not simply a marker of disease activity and
The anemia of SCD is usually normocytic in HbSS, with anisocy- acute phase but also have a direct pathogenic role in cellular
tosis and poikilocytosis and a population of small dehydrated adhesion and vaso-occlusion. The platelet count is commonly
dense cells, irreversibly sickled cells, numerous reticulocytes, and elevated in SCD, particularly in patients who are autosplenecto-
schistocytes. Reticulocytosis is common but not compensatory, mized as a result of repeated splenic infarction, and platelet acti-
and nucleated RBCs are seen in acute exacerbations of the anemia vation is increased. In the subset of patients with HbSC and

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HbS/β+-thalassemia who retain a functional spleen and develop disease exhibit increased basal and stimulated platelet activation,
splenomegaly, features of hypersplenism may instead be observed increased markers of thrombin generation and fibrinolysis,
with resulting mild pancytopenia. increased tissue factor activity, and increased von Willebrand fac-
tor (vWF) antigen and thrombogenic ultralarge vWF multimers
Hematologic Indices During Vaso-Occlusive Episodes with depressed ADAMTS13 activity. Interestingly, hemostatic acti-
In acute vaso-occlusive episodes the total Hb decreases as a result vation is amplified during vaso-occlusive episodes, as shown by
of hemolysis (by 1.6 g/dL in acute chest syndrome). The lactate increases in multiple markers of thrombosis as compared to steady
dehydrogenase (LDH), reticulocyte count, and other markers of state, suggesting a link between hemolysis and thrombosis.
hemolysis such as aspartate transaminase (AST) and indirect bili-
rubin are elevated in steady state, and in many—but not all— Neurology
patients are further increased during vaso-occlusive episodes. Hap- Ischemic stroke is common in SCD, with the highest incidence
toglobin levels are chronically depressed in SCD and typically not between 2 and 5 years of age. Patients may develop overt stroke
measurable, even in steady state, in patients with HbS homozygos- from large vessel occlusion (5%–8% of patients with HbSS) or
ity. In patients with HbSC, vaso-occlusive episodes may be due to silent infarcts from focal ischemia detectable by MRI without
increased blood viscosity and RBC sickling, and worsening hemo- symptoms of acute stroke (20%–35% of patients with HbSS).
lysis might not be readily appreciated. The pathophysiology of stroke in SCD is unclear, although genetic
Splenic sequestration crises occur mostly in childhood and are factors and an unbalance between oxygen demand and supply have
characterized by anemia disproportionate to the degree of hemoly- been postulated. Multiple epidemiologic studies have shown that
sis, reticulocytosis, and acute splenomegaly. Splenic sequestration the risk factors for ischemic stroke in adult patients include HbSS
and repeated episodes of splenic infarction eventually lead to auto- genotype, severity of anemia, systolic hypertension, male gender,
splenectomy, although some patients develop splenomegaly. and increasing age. Patients with repeated strokes are at risk for
Splenic infarction usually manifests with left upper-quadrant pain development of anatomic abnormalities and Moyamoya pattern
and may be massive, involving more than 50% of the splenic tissue. of vascularization, which predisposes to both ischemic and hemor-
In severe vaso-occlusive episodes, massive bone marrow infarc- rhagic stroke later in life. The highest incidence of intracerebral
tion can also occur. In these instances, the peripheral blood smear hemorrhages occurs in patients older than 20 years.
reveals a leukoerythroblastic picture with immature neutrophilic Both overt and silent strokes have a negative impact on IQ and
forms, nucleated RBCs, and teardrop cells. Fat emboli syndrome, cause cognitive impairment measurable by psychometric testing.
a life-threatening complication of vaso-occlusive episodes, can then Children and adults with SCD can develop cognitive impairment
develop as bone marrow fat embolizes to peripheral capillary beds, and subtle signs of accelerated brain aging and vascular dementia
leading to multiorgan failure. even in the absence of focal ischemia by MRI, with a low hemato-
crit being a predictor of neuropsychological dysfunction. These
Red Blood Cell Alloimmunization abnormalities are probably due to chronic and diffuse, as opposed
RBC alloimmunization is a common complication of transfusional to focal, cerebral anoxia and may be unmasked by psychometric

Sickle Cell Disease

therapy in SCD and occurs in approximately 30% of patients. It is testing.
primarily due to the disparate expression of RBC antigens in Afri-
can Americans as compared to the donor pool, which is mostly Ophthalmology
composed of Caucasians. Alloimmunization complicates RBC Retinal abnormalities are common in SCD and are often asymp-
matching and leads to delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions. tomatic until the occurrence of ophthalmologic emergencies. Ret-
Alloantigens that become undetectable by indirect Coombs test inal disease is due to arteriolar occlusion, with subsequent
2 months after exposure to mismatched blood have the potential vascular proliferation, neovascularization, retinal hemorrhage
to result in future false-negative cross-matching results. A subset (stage IV), and detachment (stage V). Patients with HbSC are more
of heavily alloimmunized patients with SCD undergoes life- prone to retinal complications, possibly as a result of increased
threatening hemolytic reactions upon exposure to mismatched blood viscosity. 457
RBC units. In these hyperhemolytic crises, there is intense hemoly-
sis of transfused and nontransfused RBCs and acute anemia. Treat- Nephrology
ment of hyperhemolytic crises is empirical and includes Renal abnormalities are common in SCD and manifest primarily as
erythropoietin-stimulating agents (ESA), parenteral steroids, and hematuria, proteinuria, and renal tubular acidosis. Hematuria is
intravenous immunoglobulins (Gammagard).1 usually due to papillary necrosis and is an acute finding that
requires supportive care and carries a good prognosis. Rarely,
Iron Overload gross hematuria requires urologic consultation. Tubular functional
Hemosiderosis is the other major complication of transfusional defects include an inability to concentrate the urine (hyposthe-
therapy in SCD and is characterized by iron deposition in the heart, nuria) and renal tubular acidosis. Hyposthenuria often manifests
liver, and endocrine glands, leading to organ failure and significant with enuresis in childhood, and it is clinically relevant because it
morbidity and mortality. It commonly occurs in patients who have predisposes patients to an increased risk of dehydration. Renal
received more than 10 lifetime transfusions or more than 20 tubular acidosis similar to type IV renal tubular acidosis is a com-
packed RBC units. Liver biopsy is the gold standard for diagnosis mon finding in SCD and may lead to hyperkalemia, an important
but it is an invasive and uncomfortable procedure. Hepatic and consideration in patients already predisposed to hyperkalemia with
myocardial iron quantitation by MRI is supplanting liver biopsy intravascular hemolysis and whenever therapy with angiotensin-
as the preferred test to diagnose iron overload and monitor therapy converting enzyme inhibitors is entertained.
with iron chelators, although when this is not available diagnosis Hyperphosphatemia and hyperuricemia are also often observed
often rests on the finding of an elevated ferritin and transferrin sat- in SCD. Microalbuminuria may be detected in early adulthood and
uration in the appropriate clinical setting. tends to progress to nephrotic range proteinuria. Focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis is the most common glomerular abnormality
Hemostatic Activation and Thrombosis and it is probably due to glomerular sickling and infarction. There
Numerous studies have shown that arterial and venous thrombosis are currently no approved therapies to prevent progression to end-
are common in SCD and include pulmonary embolism, in situ pul- stage renal disease, which occurs in up to 20% of patients and at a
monary thrombosis, and stroke. In SCD, alterations at all levels of median age of 37 years. Renal replacement therapy is often needed
the hemostatic system have been described: patients with sickle cell in older adults with SCD. Serum creatinine and 24-hour creatinine
clearance are not adequate for screening and monitoring of pro-
gression of kidney disease, because tubular secretion of creatinine
Not FDA approved for this indication. is preserved and glomerular hyperfiltration is common in SCD,

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leading to a relatively low creatinine and a high glomerular filtra- B19 are responsible for transient red cell aplasia and severe aplastic
tion rate even in patients with underlying kidney impairment. Test- crises, characterized by acute anemia and reticulocytopenia due to
ing for microalbuminuria, plasma cystatin C levels and intra marrow destruction of erythroid precursors. Treatment of
hemoglobinuria may instead be used as screening tools for chronic these episodes includes transfusion and intravenous immunoglob-
kidney disease. ulins,1 besides supportive measures.

Leg Ulcers Pulmonology

Leg ulcers occur in 10% to 20% of patients with HbSS and have A subset of patients with vaso-occlusive episodes develop acute
been associated with a chronically high hemolytic rate. They are chest syndrome, the major pulmonary complication of SCD. Acute
usually located over the malleolar areas and are exquisitely painful, chest syndrome is a lung injury syndrome defined by fever, pleuritic
debilitating, disfiguring, and nonhealing. Vascular and plastic sur- chest pain, oxygen desaturation, and multilobar radiographic infil-
gery consultation are recommended and aim at excluding local vas- trates associated with severe vaso-occlusive episodes, infection, and
cular problems that can complicate management of the ulcers and bone marrow fat embolization (Figure 2). It usually develops 2 to 3
at providing prompt debridement and skin grafting. Although days after hospitalization for vaso-occlusive episodes and is often
hydroxyurea is associated with development of leg ulcers in misdiagnosed as nosocomial pneumonia or aspiration pneumonia,
patients with myeloproliferative disorders, there is no such link particularly because it displays a predilection for the lower lobe of
with leg ulcers in SCD. Whereas wound healing may be impaired the lungs. Although pneumonia often accompanies acute chest syn-
with hydroxyurea use, patients who develop an increase in fetal drome, proper diagnosis is important because acute chest syn-
hemoglobin and have reduced sickling as a result of hydroxyurea drome warrants simple or exchange transfusion in addition to
therapy might have a net benefit in terms of tissue oxygenation and antibiotic therapy and supportive measures. Common infectious
perfusion. Transfusional therapy, including exchange transfu- pathogens identified in cases of acute chest syndrome include Chla-
sional therapy, topical nitrates,1 and nutritional zinc7 or mydia pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Legionella
L-arginine7 supplementation, have shown benefit in anecdotal pneumophyla, thus dictating inclusion of a macrolide in the antibi-
reports, but the evidence is inconclusive. otic cocktail. Pulmonary embolism with resulting infarct is also in
the differential diagnosis of acute chest syndrome and may occur
Gastroenterology concurrently in 17% of patients. If not recognized and treated
Nausea, vomiting, and dyspepsia in SCD are related to delayed gas- promptly, acute chest syndrome leads to pulmonary failure and
tric emptying and gastrointestinal motility disorders, autonomic carries a high mortality.
neuropathy, or medical therapy. Opiates are often responsible Airway hyperreactivity is common in children with SCD and
for acute nausea and vomiting, whereas other medications such needs to be actively diagnosed and aggressively treated because
as hydroxyurea and deferasirox (Exjade) are occasionally respon- it is associated with worse SCD outcomes. Children with
sible for chronic symptoms. Gastroparesis may be due to damage chronic respiratory symptoms should be tested for bronchial
of the microvasculature of autonomic nerves (vasa vasorum) from hyperresponsiveness.
repeated episodes of sickling. Chronic complications of SCD include pulmonary fibrosis and
VI Hematology

The liver may be episodically affected by hepatic sequestration pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is an
crises, heralded by direct hyperbilirubinemia, right upper quadrant emergent complication of SCD and is associated with a high mor-
pain from distention of the hepatic capsule, acute anemia, and reti- bidity and mortality. Multiple epidemiologic studies have shown
culocytosis or by sinusoidal vaso-occlusion leading to severe epi- that a high baseline hemolysis rate, low hemoglobin, increasing
sodes of intrahepatic cholestasis. Supportive therapy and age, a history of leg ulcers, liver dysfunction, iron overload, and
transfusions are indicated for hepatic vaso-occlusive complica- kidney failure are risk factors for the development of pulmonary
tions. Exchange transfusion may be the preferred modality for hypertension. Three epidemiologic studies and a randomized clin-
hepatic sequestration with the goal of preventing reythrocytosis ical trial have shown that an elevated tricuspid regurgitant jet
458 once the pooled RBCs are released back into the circulation. Eleva- velocity (TRV) measured by Doppler echocardiography is a com-
tion of liver injury tests may be drug-induced (hydroxyurea, defer- mon occurrence in SCD with 30% of the patients having a TRV of
asirox), but also related to hepatic sickling, particularly if it occurs 2.5 m/sec (2 standard deviations [SDs] above the normal mean) or
during a vaso-occlusive episode. higher, and 10% of the patients having a TRV of 3.0 m/sec (3 SDs
above the normal mean) or higher. These have proved to be valu-
Infectious Disease able cutoff values, as a TRV of less than 2.5 m/sec, when combined
Patients homozygous for HbSS develop functional asplenia during with an N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP)
childhood. This is due to repeated episodes of splenic infarction value less than 160 has a high negative predictive value for PH.
leading to fibrosis and autosplenectomy. As a result, children are A TRV of 3.0 m/sec or higher confers a positive predictive value
susceptible to overwhelming bacterial sepsis from encapsulated for having PH by RHC of 60% to 75% and a relative risk for death
organisms such as S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, and N. meningi- of 10.6. Controversy exists on the significance of an intermediate
tidis. High pediatric mortality from sepsis was therefore common TRV value of 2.5 to 2.9 m/sec, as it is unclear how accurately it pre-
before a landmark study published in 1986 demonstrated the ben- dicts RHC-diagnosed PH. In three subsequent studies, patients
efit of penicillin prophylaxis instituted at birth. Vaccination for with intermediate or high TRV values had a prevalence of PH
encapsulated organisms is also standard of care in children and by RHC ranging from 25% to 65% depending on what specific
adults. In spite of preventive measures, the incidence of life- cutoff value was used as the criteria to perform a RHC (2.5 vs.
threatening bacterial infections is increased in SCD, and high fever 2.8) and on whether patients with evidence of end-organ damage
should be treated empirically as in splenectomized patients, with were included or excluded. It is, however, worrisome that regard-
coverage for penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae pending blood cul- less of the prevalence of PH, patients with an intermediate TRV are
ture results. Patients with indwelling venous catheters are at risk of as a whole at increased risk of death (relative risk 4.4). One screen-
catheter-related bacteremia. ing approach is to consider RHC in all patients with TRV of 3.0 or
Viral infections with bone marrow–tropic viruses such as higher and in patients with intermediate TRV values of 2.5 to
Epstein-Barr virus, citomegalovirus, and predominantly parvovi- 2.9 m/sec if the NT-proBNP is greater than 160 pg/mL or the 6-
rus B19 place patients at risk for myelosuppression, which can fur- minute walk is less than 333 meters or there is a high clinical pretest
ther worsen chronic anemia. In children, infections with parvovirus probability of having PH (mosaic perfusion pattern on CT scan,
low DLCO, significant dyspnea on exertion, etc.). It is likely that
Not FDA approved for this indication.
7 1
Available as dietary supplement. Not FDA approved for this indication.

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Figure 2 Vicious cycle of acute chest syndrome (ACS). Vaso-occlusive crises are characterized by increased intraerythrocytic polymerization of
deoxygenated hemoglobin S, leading to red blood cell sickling, cellular hyperadhesion, hemolysis, and vaso-occlusion in the microvasculature. These

Sickle Cell Disease

processes are responsible for acute pain (pain crisis) and bone marrow necrosis. ACS typically occurs in a subset of patients 2 to 3 days after
hospitalization for a vaso-occlusive episode, and radiographically may present as new multilobar, basilar infiltrates on a chest x-ray. Fat embolization
from the necrotic marrow is a recognized cause of ACS and is diagnosed by identifying lipid-laden macrophages in the bronchoalveolar lavage.
Pulmonary infection is, however, the most common trigger of ACS and may be superimposed over existing pulmonary infarction. Hypoventilation
and molecular pathogens such as reactive oxygen species from ischemia-reperfusion injury and by-products of hemolysis may also play a role in
inducing or exacerbating lung injury. Finally, in situ pulmonary thrombosis has been frequently identified as a co-morbid condition in patients with
ACS and may be caused by endothelial and hemostatic activation. As a result of lung injury, ventilation-perfusion mismatches and shunting ensues,
with subsequent hemoglobin desaturation and hypoxemia. Tissue hypoxia in turn triggers further hemoglobin S polymerization and sickling in a
vicious cycle.

intermediate TRV values will need to be combined with other mea- on the treatment of hypertension in SCD, general guidelines on
sures of right ventricular function and functional capacity such as antihypertensive therapy are applied.
NT-proBNP, and 6-minute walk to derive a highly predictive com- Coronary artery disease is rarely observed in SCD, although
posite biomarker of PH. All studies have been concordant on the many patients complain of chest pain during vaso-occlusive
high risk of death conferred by PH in SCD whether measured by episodes. In these instances, the usual workup for acute coronary
echocardiography, NT-proBNP, or RHC. Noninvasive trans- syndrome is recommended. It is possible that myocardial microvas-
thoracic Doppler echocardiography is recommended by the Amer- cular occlusions are the predominant ischemic event in SCD.
ican Thoracic Society as a screening test in homozygous SCD Left-sided heart disease in SCD is primarily due to diastolic dys-
due to its safety, low cost, and availability. The definitive function (present in approximately 13% of patients), although sys-
diagnosis of PH, however, requires a confirmatory right heart tolic dysfunction and mitral or aortic valvular disease (2% of
catheterization (RHC). patients) can also occur. The presence of diastolic dysfunction
Right heart catheterization studies of patients with SCD and pul- alone in SCD patients is an independent risk factor for mortality.
monary hypertension reveal a hyperdynamic state similar to the Patients with both pulmonary vascular disease and echocardio-
hemodynamics characteristic of portopulmonary hypertension. It graphic evidence of diastolic dysfunction are at a particularly high
is increasingly clear that pulmonary pressures rise acutely in risk for death (odds ratio, 12.0; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.8-
vaso-occlusive episodes and even more during acute chest syn- 38.1; P <0.001).
drome. This suggests that acute pulmonary hypertension and right Cardiac dysfunction is a late complication and the major cause
heart dysfunction represent a major comorbidity during acute chest of death in patients with iron overload. Heart failure and conduc-
syndrome, and right heart failure should be considered in patients tion defects are the most common abnormalities and warrant emer-
presenting with acute chest syndrome. gent iron chelation treatment. Deferoxamine (Desferal),
deferasirox (Exjade), and deferiprone (Ferriprox) reduce cardiac
iron content and may be used in combination in severe cases.
Cardiology Methadone (Dolophine) is associated with a risk of QTc prolon-
Similar to other conditions with chronic anemia, SCD is associated gation, which carries a risk of arrhythmias and sudden death, par-
with a hyperdynamic state, low peripheral vascular resistance, and ticularly in the setting of pulmonary hypertension and iron
normal blood pressure or hypotension. In this setting, even mild overload. Frequent electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring, as
elevation of the blood pressure can indicate relative hypertension well as dosage reduction or discontinuation, are warranted in this
and represent a risk factor for stroke. Because there are no studies group, particularly if the QTc is greater than 500 msec.

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Endocrinology which places them at risk of futile and potentially harmful pro-
Iron overload is a common cause of endocrinopathy in SCD and longed trials of iron supplementation. Patients who have a low
thalassemia, with the hypophysis, gonads, and thyroid glands HbS level (<40%) due to recent transfusion or who have only
being particularly affected. Patients with iron overload should mildly decreased hemoglobin (HbSC or HbS/β+-thalassemia)
therefore undergo screening for endocrine dysfunction as it is man- may receive an erroneous diagnosis of sickle cell trait (carrier state).
dated in thalassemia.
Patients with SCD are, however, at risk for specific endocrine Treatment
problems regardless of their iron status. Delayed growth and From the original description of SCD in 1910 to the 1970s, there
puberty are relatively common, presenting in females with delayed was no efficacious therapy for SCD, and most patients died within
age of menarche by 2 to 3 years and in males with small testicular the first 2 decades of life, with infectious complications being
size and hypospermia. Likely pathogenic factors include increased responsible for the majority of pediatric fatalities. Several preven-
catabolism, chronic hpoxemia, hospitalizations with prolonged tive and pharmacologic milestones since then, and the realization
immobility, ischemic insults during vasooclusive episodes, and that care has to occur in a multidisciplinary setting, have pro-
chronic use of opiates. foundly affected the natural history of the disease (Table 3).
Median age at death in resource-rich countries was 42 years in male
Priapism patients and 48 years in female patients with HbSS, according to
Priapism is the most common urogenital complication in patients data from the Cooperative Study of Sickle Cell Disease in the
with the HbSS genotype. It is a sustained, painful erection in the 1980s (a pre-hydroxyurea setting), thereby still lagging approxi-
absence of sexual stimulation from occlusion of the penile blood mately 2 to 3 decades behind that of the general African American
return. It is defined as stuttering if it lasts from minutes to less than population. The following sections summarize the therapeutic
3 hours, and as prolonged if it lasts more than 3 hours. The latter is approach to the most important complications of SCD.
considered a urologic emergency because of the risk of permanent
fibrosis and impotence, and requires a urologic consultation. Pseu- Vaso-Occlusive Episodes
doephedrine (Sudafed)1 may lead to detumescence in nonemer- Acute pain from vaso-occlusive episodes in SCD is extremely intense,
gency settings, whereas aspiration of the corpus cavernosum is affects both children and adults, and is due to ischemia or necrosis of
required in the emergency setting and is performed under conscious the vascular beds. Most patients report severe pain in the bones and
sedation and local anesthesia. This is usually accompanied by joints of the extremities, as well as lower back, although acute ische-
installation of epinephrine.1 Other supportive measures, such as mia and pain can affect unusual sites such as the mandibular area.
intravenous fluids and parenteral opiates, are usually indicated. Occasionally, an affected limb displays the typical signs of inflamma-
Penile shunts are employed as a last resort to prevent further epi- tion, such as edema, warmth, and erythema, but a paucity of signs is
sodes of priapism by increasing the cavernous blood flow using the norm. Imaging studies such as MRI and bone scan can reveal
native vessels or by creating an arteriovenous shunt. They invari- signs of acute bone marrow infarction in a painful bony area, but
ably result in impotence, which can be ameliorated by implantation they are not routinely employed in the workup of a pain episode.
of an inflatable penile prosthesis. There are data showing that sil- Intravenous opiates, as well as nonsteroidal antiinflammatory
VI Hematology

denafil (Viagra)1 therapy can prevent priapism by altering vascular drugs (NSAIDs), are the mainstay of treatment of a pain episode.
smooth muscle tone through inhibition of phosphodiesterase 2 Even in opiate-naive patients with SCD, opioid dosages often
activity. exceed those required for other indications. For instance, doses
of intravenous hydromorphone (Dilaudid) of 1 to 2 mg are typical
Diagnosis in adult patients. Most patients, however, are on an oral pain reg-
The diagnosis of SCD rests on the hemoglobin electrophoresis or imen at home and have a history of multiple admissions for vaso-
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), which allows occlusive episodes. In these cases, individualized care based on
detection of most hemoglobin variants. In patients with microcyto- prior effective regimens and the patient’s own perception of the
460 sis α-globin gene sequencing may reveal coinheritance of an α- intensity of pain are recommended. After an attempt at controlling
thalassemia trait. the pain with three or four closely spaced opiate boluses is made,
patients who are in persistent discomfort or have evidence of
Neonatal Screening underlying complications triggering the vaso-occlusive episode
Children with SCD have an increased susceptibility to bacteremia should be admitted and ideally placed on patient-controlled anal-
due to S. pneumoniae, which can occur as early as 4 months of age gesia. The American Pain Society has published guidelines for the
and carries a case fatality rate as high as 30%. Acute splenic seques- treatment of acute and chronic pain in SCD, followed by other
tration crises also contribute to mortality in infancy. Diagnosis by institutions in the past decade.
newborn screening and immediate entry into programs of compre- Common obstacles to prompt and effective care in SCD are the
hensive care, including the provision of effective pneumococcal health professional’s fear of overdosing the patient, as well as mis-
prophylaxis, can reach infants who might otherwise be lost to conceptions about addiction and pseudoaddiction. In general,
the health care system and has been demonstrated to decrease mor- health care professionals tend to overestimate the prevalence of
bidity and improve survival. Currently, newborn screening and opioid use disorder in SCD and tend to undertreat patients signif-
follow-up of SCD are carried out in all 50 states in the United States icantly, leading to patients’ frustration and anger when their pain
as well as in most developed countries and initiatives are under way demands are not met (pseudoaddiction).
to introduce universal newborn screening in most sub-Saharan Nonpharmacologic therapies such as biofeedback, relaxation,
African countries. and localized heat may be effective and should be incorporated into
the management of pain episodes whenever possible. Care for
Late Diagnoses and Misdiagnoses vaso-occlusive episodes should also include management of possi-
Rarely, patients who were born before the adoption of universal ble precipitating factors: dehydration and hypovolemia should be
screening or who were lost at the time of follow-up of positive neo- corrected with hypotonic crystalloids, and an infection workup
natal screening results are only diagnosed late in life. This occasion- should be initiated in patients with fever, hypoxemia, or leukocy-
ally occurs in patients with HbSC who might have normal tosis above baseline. Antiemetics and antipruritus therapy are also
hemoglobin and hematocrit and a mild disease phenotype. Alterna- usually required.
tively, the disease may be misdiagnosed as iron deficiency in Prior experiences in multiple institutions have shown that a dedi-
patients with HbS/β+-thalassemia on account of their microcytosis, cated facility for effective and rapid management of uncomplicated
vaso-occlusive episodes reduces hospitalizations and length of stay
and facilitates integration of care—psychological, socioeconomic,
Not FDA approved for this indication. and nutritional—in a multidisciplinary approach. This experience

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TABLE 3 Manifestations of Sickle Cell Disease with Key Prevention and Treatment Strategies
Pneumococcal sepsis Penicillin, Prevnar/Pneumovax vaccination Antibiotic therapy for penicillin-resistant
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Splenic or liver sequestration — Exchange transfusion
Painful vaso-occlusive episode Hydroxyurea (Droxia), prevention of exposure to Intravenous fluids, parenteral opiates,
triggers supplemental oxygen
Acute chest syndrome Incentive spirometry during VOE, hydroxyurea Transfusion, broad-spectrum antibiotics with
atypical coverage
Iron overload Optimization of transfusion therapy Iron chelation with deferasirox (Exjade) or
deferoxamine (Desferal)
RBC alloimmunization Transfusion with leukoreduced RBCs —
CVA Chronic transfusion in children with high transcranial Exchange transfusion and thrombolytics in selected
Doppler velocity cases
Pulmonary hypertension Hydroxyurea?, treatment of predisposing conditions Hydroxyurea, chronic transfusion therapy, specific
such as obstructive sleep apnea, hypoxemia, therapy
Kidney disease Antihypertensive therapy?, hydroxyurea?, ACE ACE inhibitors?, renal replacement therapy, kidney
inhibitors? transplant
Priapism Hydroxyurea? Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed),1 aspiration of corpus
cavernosum, sildenafil (Viagra)1
Leg ulcers Hydroxyurea?, chronic transfusion? Surgical debridement, surgical grafting

Abbreviations: ACE ¼ angiotensin-converting enzyme; CVA ¼ cerebrovascular accident; RBC ¼ red blood cells; TCD ¼ transcranial Doppler; VOE ¼ vaso-occlusive crisis.
Not FDA approved for this indication.

is the basis of the concept of the day hospital in SCD and relies on the overload, alloimmunization, transfusion reactions, and viral trans-

Sickle Cell Disease

need to provide prompt assessment and treatment of pain, safe dose mission of infectious agents. Leuko-reduced, sickle-negative RBCs
titration to relief, monitoring of adverse effects, and adequate dispo- with extended phenotypic matching for Rh Cc, Ee, and Kell, which
sition (emergency department, inpatient admission, home) in a clini- account for 80% of detected antibodies, are required. By employ-
cal environment familiar with SCD and the individual patient. ing extended phenotypic matching, the rate of alloimmunization
decreased from 3% to 0.5% per unit, and the rate of delayed hemo-
Chronic Pain lytic transfusion reactions decreased by 90% in the STOP study. In
Chronic pain is common, and a study employing pain diaries com- previously immunized patients, a full RBC match also inclusive of
piled by patients shows that most patients with SCD experience pain matching for the Duffy, Kidd, and S antigens is recommended. Indi-
on an almost daily basis (PiSCES study). Patients who have success- cations for transfusion include hemoglobin less than 5 g/dL or less
fully transitioned from pediatric to adult care, have a good support than 6 g/dL with symptoms and any severe complication such as 461
system, and are distracted by their work or school schedules tend to stroke, aplastic anemia, splenic or hepatic sequestration, or acute
cope better and require less pharmacologic support. In many cases, chest syndrome.
though, short-acting and long-acting opiates are required to Prophylactic transfusions have been considered standard of care
empower the patient to manage pain at home and minimize use before surgery (with the exclusion of minor procedures such as intra-
of the emergency department. Drugs for neuropathic pain, such as venous port placement); the benefit of preoperative transfusions in
gabapentin (Neurontin),1 may also be used in combination with opi- preventing SCD-related complications in HbSS patients has also
ates. Recently, several US states have identified SCD as one of the been confirmed in a small randomized clinical trial (the TAPS study).
severe medical conditions for which medical marijuana use is As to the type of transfusion strategy to be used, a clinical trial pub-
approved. While large, controlled studies of medical marijuana in lished in 1995 showed that a conservative prophylactic transfusion
SCD are missing, the potential benefit of cannabinoids on the neu- regimen to achieve a target hemoglobin of 10 g/dL and any HbS
ropathic pain of SCD, opiate sparing, and the management of other value was as effective as an aggressive regimen to achieve a hemoglo-
complications makes them an attractive therapeutic strategy. bin of 10 g/dL and a target HbS value of less than 30% in preventing
Because analgesic care is life-long, consultation with pain postsurgical complications such as acute chest syndrome.
specialists is often valuable, particularly in patients for whom Exchange transfusion (erythrocytapheresis with RBC exchange)
more sophisticated pain regimens are needed. For instance, the is usually reserved for the most severe complications, which include
mu-opioid receptor partial agonist buprenorphine (Buprenex, acute chest syndrome with impending pulmonary failure, acute
Butrans), opioid rotation, and methadone used as analgesic can stroke and its prevention in children, multiorgan failure, and sepsis.
help reduce the total opiate requirements. Urine toxicology screens Box 1 summarizes the main indications for simple and exchange
are indicated and should be scheduled at regular intervals both to transfusion in SCD as well as the areas of uncertainty.
document adherence with the therapy and to screen for use of illicit
substances. Iron Chelation
Patients who have received more than 10 transfusions or 20 units
Transfusional Therapy of packed RBCs should be screened for iron overload. Most
In SCD, the benefits of transfusion in terms of improved hemody- authorities recommend initiation of iron chelation based on a fer-
namics and oxygenation need to be balanced with the risks of iron ritin level consistently greater than 1000 ng/mL, based on data
from the thalassemia literature, although liver iron quantitation
by MRI or biopsy should be obtained, when available, prior to
Not FDA approved for this indication. therapy and to monitor its effectiveness. In the United States, the

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Nutritional Considerations
BOX 1 Indications for Transfusion Malnutrition, growth retardation, and stunting with findings of
low lean and fat body mass are highly prevalent in children and
No Indication
adolescents with SCD due to their increased caloric demands
Chronic steady-state anemia
and a hypermetabolic state. Macronutrient and micronutrient defi-
Uncomplicated painful episode
ciencies are common, and nutritional counseling is warranted.
Hypovitaminosis D and low bone mineral density are also preva-
Minor surgery without general anesthesia
lent in children and adults. Folic acid1 is indicated at the dose of
Aseptic necrosis of hip or shoulder
1 mg daily as in other hemolytic diseases, particularly where folate
Uncomplicated pregnancy
nutritional supplementation programs are absent. Strategies aimed
Unclear Indication at decreasing iron intake and absorption should be implemented
Intractable or frequent painful episodes early. There is also growing interest in antioxidant nutraceuticals,
Leg ulcers although there are no clear guidelines in these areas at present. The
Before receiving IV contrast dye small subset of patients who are overweight or obese is at risk for
Complicated pregnancy exacerbating or precipitating common orthopedic problems in
Cerebrovascular accident in adults SCD such as avascular necrosis of the femoral head and its resulting
Chronic organ failure disability. These patients should also receive targeted nutritional
Simple Transfusion
Symptomatic anemia
• High output cardiac failure
Since the pediatric hematologist Janet Watson suggested in 1948
• Dyspnea
that the paucity of sickle cells in the peripheral blood of newborns
• Angina
was due to the presence of increased HbF, there has been interest in
• Central nervous system dysfunction
developing therapies to modulate the hemoglobin switch from fetal
Sudden decrease in hemoglobin
to newborn life and prolong HbF production. Several antineoplas-
• Aplastic crisis
tic agents, including 5-azacytidine (Vidaza)1 and hydroxurea,
• Acute splenic sequestration
became the focus of attention after they were found to increase
Severe anemia (Hb 5 g/dL) with fatigue or dyspnea
HbF levels in nonhuman primates and individuals with SCD.
Preparation for surgery with general anesthesia
The landmark Multicenter Study of Hydoxyurea in Sickle Cell
Exchange Transfusion Disease (MSH) showed that the incidence of painful crises was
Acute cerebrovascular accident reduced from a median of 4.5 per year to 2.5 per year in
Multiple organ system failure hydroxyurea-treated patients with SCD. The rates of acute chest
Acute chest syndrome syndrome and blood transfusion were also reduced significantly.
Hepatic sequestration A follow-up for up to 9 years of 233 of the original 299 subjects
VI Hematology

Retinal surgery showed a 40% reduction in mortality among those who received
hydroxyurea. This study led to the approval of hydroxyurea
(Droxia, Siklos) as the first disease-modifying therapy in adults
oral chelating agents deferasirox (Exjade) and deferiprone (Ferri- with SCD. More recent studies showed that hydroxyurea is safe
prox) and the parenteral deferoxamine (Desferal) are available and effective in children and adults with SCD. The recently con-
and should be administered until the ferritin level is less than cluded BABY HUG study showed that children 9 to 18 months
500 ng/mL for three consecutive measurements. Patients on iron with HbSS disease randomized to receive 2 years of hydroxyurea
chelation with deferasirox and deferoxamine require monitoring therapy, irrespective of the disease severity, had less dactilytis
462 of hepatic, renal, auditory, and visual toxicity, and particular cau- and fewer pain episodes, hospitalizations, and transfusions than
tion has to be exercised in the setting of renal disease, because tran- children receiving placebo.
sient, reversible increases in serum creatinine as well as rare On the molecular and cellular levels, the benefits of hydroxyurea
instances of irreversible acute kidney injury have been reported are mostly related to increased intracellular HbF, which prevents
in patients with underlying renal insufficiency. Deferiprone has the formation of HbS polymers and sickling. In addition to this
been associated with agranulocytosis and neutropenia, mandating mechanism, some patients on hydroxyurea who do not adequately
close monitoring of the absolute neutrophil count during therapy. increase their HbF levels also display clinical benefits, suggesting
that hydroxyurea might have other beneficial rheologic properties.
Erythropoietic Stimulating Agents Although the MSH study only included patients with HbSS, its
Whereas a brisk reticulocytic response is common in SCD, patients findings traditionally have been extrapolated to other sickle cell
who develop renal failure or aplastic crises or who receive therapy syndromes such as HbSC and HbS/β-thalassemia. A report from
with hydroxyurea may experience a relative or absolute reticulocy- Greece, where S/β-thalassemia is highly prevalent, has confirmed
topenia (<100,000 reticulocytes/mL) and a worsening of their that hydroxyurea similarly reduces complications and mortality
baseline anemia. In these situations, therapy with erythropoietic in patients with HbS/β0-thalassemia, with a nonsignificant benefit
stimulating agents (ESAs) may be beneficial. also observed in HbS/β+ thalassemia. Existing guidelines also rec-
Because of bone marrow expansion in patients with HbSS, ommend hydroxyurea in patients with HbSC disease, but there
higher starting doses of erythropoietin (Epogen, Procrit)1 than in is still no high level evidence to support this practice.
patients without SCD and on the order of 300 U/kg three times Hydroxyurea has been indicated at a dosage of 15 mg/kg
per week (or alternatively as a single dose of 900 U/kg once weekly) (7.5 mg/kg in patients with renal disease) in patients with frequent
may be considered. For darbepoetin (Aranesp),1 a reasonable start- pain episodes, history of acute chest syndrome, other severe vaso-
ing dose is 100 to 200 μg/weekly or every 2 weeks. ESAs can be occlusive episodes, or severe symptomatic anemia, although
titrated by 20% to 25% increases in dose per week in patients another sensible approach is to prescribe it to all patients with
who do not respond adequately. Weekly monitoring of hematocrit HbSS regardless of their phenotype. Endpoints are less pain,
is essential to avoid overdosage and relative erythrocytosis, which increase in HbF to 15% to 20%, increased hemoglobin level to
can lead to hyperviscosity and vaso-occlusive episodes. 7 to 9 g/dL in severely anemic patients, improved well-being,
and acceptable myelotoxicity. The dosage can be increased by

1 1
Not FDA approved for this indication. Not FDA approved for this indication.

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Start therapy if one or more of the following conditions are present: For patients with TRV 3 m/sec or more, we recommend follow-
• frequent pain episodes ing the guidelines for TRV 2.5 to 2.9 m/sec. In addition, right heart
• history of acute chest syndrome catheterization is necessary to confirm diagnosis and to directly
• other severe VOE assess left ventricular diastolic and systolic function. We would
• severe symptomatic anemia consider specific therapy with selective pulmonary vasodilator
Starting dose: 15 mg/kg or 7.5 mg/kg if the patient has kidney
and remodeling drugs if the patient has pulmonary arterial hyper-
disease tension defined by right heart catheterization and exercise limita-
tion defined by a low 6-minute walk distance.
Endpoints: FDA-approved drugs for primary pulmonary arterial hyperten-
• less pain sion include the endothelin receptor antagonists (bosentan [Tracl-
• increase in HbF to 15%–20% eer] and ambrisentan [Letairis]), prostaglandin-based therapy
• increased hemoglobin level to 7–9 g/dL (epoprostenol [Flolan], treprostinil [Remodulin, Tyvaso, Oreni-
• improved well-being tram], and iloprost [Ventavis]), the phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors
• acceptable myelotoxicity (sildenafil [Revatio]), and riociguat [Adempas], the first member of
Dose escalation: increase dose by 500 mg every other day every
a new class of drugs, the soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) stimula-
8 weeks if no toxicity encountered to a maximum of 35 mg/kg tors. No published randomized studies in the SCD population exist
for any of these agents, although a multicenter placebo-controlled
Lab monitoring: trial of sildenafil for pulmonary hypertension of SCD was stopped
• At time of initiation or escalation: check CBC/differential/reticulocyte early because of an unexpected increase in hospitalizations for
count every 2 weeks; serum chemistries every 2–4 weeks, percent vaso-occlusive crisis in the treatment group receiving sildenafil.
HbF every 6–8 weeks Anticoagulation is indicated in patients who have evidence of
• During maintenance: check CBC/differential/reticulocyte count pulmonary thromboembolic complications and is supported by
chemistries monthly, percent HbF every 3 months
evidence of benefit in other populations with pulmonary
Criteria to hold: hypertension.
• ANC <2000
• Hb <9.0 g/dL and reticulocyte count <80,000 (alternatively start Epo) Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
• Platelet count <80,000 Despite improvement of supportive care in SCD, life expectancy
• Raising creatinine remains lower than for those not affected. In addition, quality of
• 2-fold elevation of AST or ALT over baseline life for patients with SCD is usually significantly impaired.
• 2 months prior to planned conception/pregnancy Although hydroxyurea can decrease acute complications of SCD
Figure 3 Protocol for hydroxyurea treatment. such as vaso-occlusive episodes and acute chest syndrome, no sat-
isfactory measures exist to prevent the development of irreversible
500 mg every other day every 8 weeks to a maximum of 35 mg/kg organ damage in adults. Further, therapy with hydroxyurea is life-

Sickle Cell Disease

if no toxicity is encountered. Considering the potential myelotoxi- long, and only 20% to 30% of eligible patients are prescribed or
city, hepatotoxicity, and nephrotoxicity of this medication, labora- actually take the drug.
tory monitoring needs to be performed every 2 weeks at the time of Currently, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
initiation or escalation and monthly during maintenance therapy. (HCT) remains the only curative treatment. Indications for HCT
Laboratory studies should include a complete blood cell (CBC) have been empirically determined from prognostic factors derived
count, differential and reticulocyte count, and serum chemistries. from studies of the natural history of SCD. The most common indi-
Measurements of HbF can be performed every 3 months. An ele- cations for which patients with SCD have undergone HCT are a
vated MCV is a marker of adherence to the therapy. history of stroke, recurrent acute chest syndrome, or frequent
Criteria for holding hydroyurea are listed in Figure 3. Patients vaso-occlusive episodes.
need to be counseled on the teratogenic potential, as demonstrated Allogeneic HCT after myeloablative therapy has been performed 463
in animal studies, as well as the risks of infertility and leukemogen- in hundreds of pediatric and numerous adult patients with SCD.
esis, although a growing body of evidence shows that these risks The backbone of the preparative regimens have consisted of busul-
may have been overestimated in patients with SCD. fan (Busulfex)1 14 to 16 mg/kg and cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan)1
Other side effects that can affect compliance include, but are not 200 mg/kg. Additional immunosuppressive agents used have
limited to, weight gain, alopecia, skin and nail hyperpigmentation included antithymocyte globulin (Atgam),1 rabbit antithymocyte
(melanonychia), nausea and vomiting, and mucosal ulcerations. globulin (Thymoglobulin),1 antilymphocyte globulin, or total lym-
Because of the toxicity concerns as well as factors intrinsic to phoid irradiation (Figure 4). Cyclosporine A (Neoral),1 alone or
long-term preventive therapy, hydroxyurea therapy has had low with mercaptopurine (Purinethol)1 or methotrexate,1 has been
effectiveness in spite of high efficacy, with underprescribing by used for post-transplant graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis.
health care professionals and poor patient compliance being major The outcome of HCT for patients with SCD from matched sib-
obstacles to its widespread adoption. lings is excellent. Of 1000 recipients of HLA-identical sibling trans-
plants performed between 1986 and 2013 and reported to the
Therapy of Pulmonary Hypertension European Blood and Marrow Transplant, Eurocord and the Cen-
Because evidence-based guidelines for managing pulmonary hyper- ter for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research, the
tension in patients with SCD are not available, recommendations are 5-year event-free and overall survival was 91.4% (95% CI 89.6%–
based upon the pulmonary arterial hypertension literature, case 93.3%) and 92.9% (95% CI 91.1%–94.6%), respectively. Event-
reports, small open-label studies, and expert opinion. For patients free survival was lower with increasing age at transplantation
with mild pulmonary hypertension (tricuspid regurgitant velocity (hazard ratio [HR] 1.09; p<0.001) and higher for transplantations
[TRV], 2.5-2.9 m/sec), it is important to identify and treat risk fac- performed after 2006 (HR 0.95, p ¼ 0.013). Twenty-three patients
tors associated with pulmonary hypertension such as rest, exercise experienced graft failure; 70 patients (7%) died, the most common
or nocturnal hypoxemia, sleep apnea, pulmonary thromboembolic cause of death being infection. Stabilization or reversal of organ
disease, restrictive lung disease or fibrosis, left ventricular systolic damage from SCD has been documented after HCT. In patients
and diastolic dysfunction, severe anemia, and iron overload. These who have stable donor engraftment, complications related to
patients may benefit from aggressive SCD management, including SCD resolve, and there are no further episodes of pain, stroke,
optimization of hydroxyurea dosage and initiation of a chronic or acute chest syndrome. Patients who successfully receive
transfusion program in those who do not tolerate or respond poorly
to hydroxyurea. Consultation with a pulmonologist or cardiologist
experienced in pulmonary hypertension is also recommended. Not FDA approved for this indication.

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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Nonmyeloablative Reduced intensity Myeloablative

• FLU/Mel/Alemtuzumab

• BU8/Flu/Alemtuzumab
• TB1200/Flu/ATG • BU8/Flu/ATG/TLI • BU16/CY200/ATG

• TB1200/Flu • BU8/Flu/ATG • BU16/CY200

Viral and fungal • BU8/Flu
infections • TB1200

Figure 4 Spectrum of immunosuppression and myelosuppression in preparative regimens in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT) in sickle cell
disease (SCD). Most preparative regimens for HCT in SCD have employed a backbone of busulfan (BU) (Busulfex)1 and cyclophosphamide (CY)
(Cytoxan).1 Additional immunosuppressive agents include equine antithymocyte globulin (Atgam)1 or leporine antithymocyte globulin
(Thymoglobulin)1 (ATG), antilymphocyte globulin, total lymphoid or total body irradiation (TLI or TBI), fludarabine (Flu)1 (Fludara), and
alemtuzumab (Campath).1 Attempts to reduce the intensity of preparative regimens for patients with SCD have been based on one of two approaches.
The first is the use of reduced-intensity conditioning regimens to produce less myeloablation. These require donor marrow infusion for hematopoietic
recovery. The second is the use of nonmyeloablative regimens, which do not eradicate host hematopoiesis and allow hematopoietic recovery even
without donor stem cell infusion. (Adapted with permission from Krishnamurti L: Hematopoietic cell transplantation: A curative option for sickle cell
disease. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 24:569–575, 2007.)

allografts do not experience sickle-related central nervous system trial. As in the case of L-glutamine, crizanlizumab was used with
complications and have evidence of stabilization of central nervous and without concurrent hydroxyurea therapy. The pan-selectin
system disease by cerebral MRI. However, the impact of successful inhibitor rivipansel5 has shown similar promising results and is
HCT on reversal of cerebral vasculopathy has been variable. currently undergoing phase III testing.
Current research is focused on improving the applicability of
HCT to a greater proportion of patients with SCD by the develop- Modulation of Hemoglobin Oxygen Affinity
ment of novel conditioning regimens minimizing myeloablation Deoxygenation of HbS leads to polymerization, sickling, and
VI Hematology

(see Figure 4), the use of novel sources of hematopoietic stem cells hemolysis. Thus, strategies aimed at increasing the oxygen affinity
such as umbilical cord blood, extending HCT to adult recipients of HbS may be beneficial. Initial results of a phase IIa study of once
and alternate donors such as matched unrelated donors and hap- daily oral GBT440-007 (now voxelotor) showed improvement in
loidentical donors. The aim of these studies is to develop safe hemoglobin and reduction in daily pain in adolescents and adults
and effective alternatives for patients without matched sibling with SCD by increasing hemoglobin oxygen affinity and decreasing
donors, thus increasing the applicability of curative therapy HbS polymerization and sickling, and a phase III study is currently
for SCD. under way.

New and Experimental Therapies Modulation of Nitric Oxide

464 The recent decade has witnessed a flourishing of new therapeutic Nitric oxide (NO) is an active biogas and a free radical species that
approaches for sickle cell disease. In 2018, pharmacologic mediates arterial relaxation, cellular adhesion to endothelium,
L-glutamine (Endari) has received FDA approval as the second hemostasis, and blood viscosity. In SCD, NO bioactivity is
disease-modifying drug in SCD. A randomized, phase III multicen- reduced as a result of decreased production due to endothelial per-
ter trail showed that patients in the L-glutamine group had signif- turbation and NO scavenging by cell-free hemoglobin generated
icantly fewer pain crises and hospitalizations than those in the during intravascular hemolysis. Dietary supplementation with
placebo group. Of note, two-thirds of the patients in both arms L-arginine,7 a precursor of NO, and delivery of exogenous NO
received concomitant hydroxyurea. Reassuringly, the drug had rel- or NO bioactivity to the microvasculature in SCD, should promote
atively mild side effects incluging nausea and fatigue. L-glutamine dilatation of the terminal arterioles where obstruction to flow and
presumably acts by reducing oxidant stress in the sickle red blood tissue damage occurs, improvement of lung ventilation and perfu-
cells, although its effects on major disease parameters such hemo- sion is matching, decrease in pulmonary artery pressures, and inhi-
lysis are unclear. bition of platelet aggregation and cellular adhesion. Although two
Other therapeutic approaches are outlined in the following recent clinical trials on L-arginine supplementation and inhaled
paragraphs. NO (DeNOVO trial) for vaso-occlusive episodes failed to show
a clinical benefit, optimization of timing and dosing, and novel
Modulation of Cellular Adhesion strategies to target the NO pathway might lead to valuable NO
Adhesive interactions between red blood cells, white blood cells therapeutics in the future.
and platelets and between cells and endothelium are implicated
in the pathogenesis of vaso-occlusive episodes. Recently, several Gene Therapy
compounds have been developed to target specific adhesion mole- The ultimate cure for sickle cell disease, gene therapy, is finally on
cules such as E-selectin and P-selectin. This is a particularly prom- the horizon. A French group has reported that a patient has been
ising area of research that has yielded two compounds in advanced successfully treated with lentiviral-mediated insertion of an anti-
phases of development. The P-selectin inhibitor crizanlizumab5 has sickling beta globin gene into autologous stem cells. The trans-
shown significant reduction of the rate of crises per year and longer duced cells were then transplanted into the patient who is free from
median time to the first crisis and second crisis when given as intra- the hallmarks of sickle cell disease 15 months post-transplant.
venous prophylaxis in a double-blind, randomized, phase II clinical
Investigational drug in the United States.
5 7
Investigational drug in the United States. Available as dietary supplement.

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