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girl and boy visited their grandparents ‘ village during the summer break.

after dinner, they went on to the

roof of the was clear cloudless night. they were surprised to see a large number of bright stars in
the sky. They had never seen such a beautiful scene in their cities. girl wondered, why the village sky was so
different from the night sky in big cities? Her grandfather explained that due to bright light, smoke and dust,
the sky in big cities are really clear. Night sky watching can be fascinating experience at the place where
there are no bright lights and the atmosphere is clear.

Look at the sky on a dark, clear night. You see the whole entire sky dotted with countless stars, some bright
and some not so bright. Observe them carefully. Do all of them appear to twinkle? Do u find any stars –like
object which do not twinkle? The object which do not twinkle are planets.

The moon is the brightest, object In the night sky. The stars, the planets, the moon and many more objects
iin the sky are called celestial objects.

One day a small boy came said that he was working on the company of car which owner was very rich and
durable they were just very happy with there product and they keep on buying the goods which was made by
them. after a long their factory was on fire and there buyers were very disappointedand they buyed cars from
another company . slowly slowly they were became very poor and after 2 years they can’t paid lone to bank
that is why their company got collapsed.

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