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To our Almighty Father, my fellow Junior Senior Kinder and Junior High School Completers, to our

distinguishable Guest Dr. Cecilia Junio Sabio, our respected School Administrator, Engr. Joseph Sualog, our beloved
School Principal, Mrs. Maria Cecilia C. Sualog, to our diligent teachers and staffs of Ridgewood School of Caloocan,
loving parents, guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen a pleasant Good Afternoon.

For the past twelve years Ridgewood School has been my second home. This is where I take my first step in
achieving my goals, began dreaming, start learning some lessons not only academically but also some moral values in
life and creating a lot of wonderful memories together with my friends. Studying here in RSOC is such an incredible
journey, it is just like riding a roller coaster ride, I have experienced some ups and downs which left me with some
important lessons in life.

Pre school years have come, it is the first step in my journey, all I can remember is the memories that I have
done with my friends, however I can clearly recognize the appearance of the school, our classroom is in front of the
stage, there’s no annex building in that time and it is just a simple school but now our school grows a lot bigger and it
gives a lot more students an opportunity to study in a private school with a high quality in teaching and I am glad
that I am one of the people who witnesses the improvement of our school.

As I’ve take another step I have reached elementary years, I have to undergo six years of elementary
education to reach another destination. This is a pretty fun journey I’ve met a whole new bunch of friends we’ve
create a lot of memories together. This is also the time where I first experienced to compete with other schools it is
in the 4th grade we joined the folk dance competition in ISAAL and surprisingly we are the first runner up. During
elementary I joined some few extracurricular activities one of it is the dance competition, I also joined some clubs
like glee club and become a member of student council. I have experience a lot of new things and learn some lessons
in it, but that’s not all being an elementary student is fun because you do not have to worry and stress yourself too
much just enjoy the time of being a kid before you reached the teenage years because you will miss the things that
you have done in those time. But then the time comes where we take different paths a lot of my classmate goes to
different school after the elementary graduation, they might have left but the memories we shared together stayed
in our hearts.

My journey doesn’t end there, I take another step and find myself in junior high school, honestly it is a whole
new environment for me because I do not get used to see a lot of students but since we are the first batch that is
FAPE certified so there are a lot of transferees and that is quite exciting. In that case my junior high school
experience became a lot more fun because of them, it maybe stressful sometimes because we had a lot more
difficult challenges to faced, it may be hard to handle and there will be a lot of arguments that can happened but in
the end together we can overcome it one by one and we will just be surprised that we have accomplished it.
However time flies so fast we are already at the last year of junior high school yet it seems like yesterday when we
first met each other we wore different school uniforms and introduce ourselves with each other and making
memories together but now here we our in our moving up ceremony all dressed in our filipiniana’s and barong and
ready to get our junior high school diploma. This year was the most memorable and special journey for me because I
had experienced a lot of challenges with my classmates, we have shared sadness and happiness together for 4 years
and we may not be the best class or the perfect class but I can say that we have created a wonderful memories
together that we will not forget and we may be take different paths from now but the memories we have made for
the solid 4 years of our junior high school will never be replaced.

Thank you Cylord, James, Paul, Ivan Kobe and Llyod for making our classroom a lot more happier, thank you
for making us smile when we are upset continue spreading those smiles in other people and also wag ng mga
pasaway ah.

I also want to thank Maxine, Marithey and Sofia our muses for representing our section in different
competition thank you for all the chitchats and memories that we’ve made together. Study harder and continue
achieving your dreams.
Thank you Archie, Baldon, Lance, Ilao, Sairel, Flaire and Steaven for making us laugh and making some
craziness in our classroom also thank you for helping us in other activities you boys are surely a helping hand
continue doing it and making more memorable experiences in you life.

Also Thank you Nicole, Ate Criza and i just wanted to thank you for the chitchats and craziness that we’ve
made through out the year I just wanted to tell you that keep achieving your goals and study hard I know that you
will come a long way.

And lastly I just wanted to thank my two best friends Ayehn and Angelica thank you for all the advice, the
chitchat together, the road trips, craziness, and memories that we’ve done together even if we are now going to
different school I just wanted to say that both of you are one of the reasons why my high school life became more
memorable study hard I know you both will be a very successful person someday.

I also want to congratulate my fellow junior high school completers Grade 10 Bohr, thank you for all the
memories even though we do not get to bond a lot this year I hope you will have a great career and I know all of you
will be successful someday.

To my fellow pre elementary completers, congratulations for completing in taking your first step in your
journey and I hope that you will have a great one, because you will have a long journey ahead.

To our respected School Administrator Engr. Joseph Sualog and to our beloved School Principal Mrs. Maria
Cecilia C. Sualog, thank you for all the things that you have done for us and thank you for helping us as we take this
journey in achieving our dreams.

To our guest, friends and to our distinguishable speaker Dr. Cecilia Junio Sabio thank you for taking the time
in sharing us this special moment this year and thank you for inspiring us as we take another step in our life.

I would also want to thank our diligent teachers, thank you for being our second parent, thank you for
nurturing us and helping us to become a better person. We will never forget all the things that we have learned from
all of you.

To our Heavenly Father thank you for always guiding us and helping us in every step in this journey that we
are taking. We love you

And lastly to our parents especially to mama and papa, thank you for all of your hard work and support in
every decision that we’ve made that you gave for us. Someday we can repay you for all the wonderful things that we
have done for us. We love you so much.

Ladies and gentlemen this is not a goodbye instead it is we will see each other again, Congratulations to all
of us God bless and have a wonderful day.

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