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CHANGING TIMES, SEX, etc., Page 13



- 2 -

When I first conceived the idea of doing a sequel or second book on

'The Art of Cold Reading', I did not realize it would be such a formidable

task. I sat right down and read and then re-read the original book and

found that I had covered most of the material and that it was an excellent

and instructive text book. Checking the most of my present notes, I

realized that 1 had covered most of the vital material and I did not want

to be repetitious.

However, while most of the data and statistics are basic, 1 do have a

new approach and some interesting material to add.

This book, without the original book, will be of little assistance to the

advanced student. I merely wish to re-emphasize some of the original

material and to give you a few new thoughts. While I have yet to put my

thoughts down in black and white, 1 am sure the reader will agree this has

been a very worth while project. Again, let me repeat - this manuscript

will have very little value without the best selling original book 'The Art

of Cold Reading.' It is in reality a CONTINUATION of the first book.

So take first things first, and add to your already acquired knowledge.

- Robert A, Nelson

- 3 -

I have just read an advertisement in one of our local papers by a pro-

fessional Reader/Advisor and would like to comment on same - here is

the advertisement. "Reader, Advisor, I am superior to others, giving

you names, actual facts, telling you exactly what you wish to know con-

cerning business or working conditions, love affairs, settle lover's

quarrels, family troubles, no questions asked. I have helped others and

I can help you, no matter how complicated your troubles, no matter how

deep your despair. " (Then followed the upstairs address.)

Now, this is the type of fraudulent advertising used by so many Gypsy

Fortune tellers and advisors. It is simply devised to attract a clientele,

and once inside it is a totally different story - unless they employ some

mechanical means of getting the information (switch, clipboards, e t c . , )

from YOU, or else they are damn liars!

On the other hand, the strictly cold reader can give a satisfactory

reading that will please the client. This without the aid of physical aids -

reading 'cold' and a little 'pumping' of the sitter. It has been proven

among 300 different clients that the SAME general reading can be dispensed

to them, (considering, of course, their appearance, age, address, sex,

nails and mannerisms) and they will be well pleased and satisfied with

the reading. They are given the privilege of then ASKING one or two

questions, and granted a 'wish. '

- 4 -
In the aforementioned survey of 300 clients, it was conducted by a man

and wife team, working mostly shopping centers and department stores -

with a waiting line of eager seekers of truth. Some of which waited hours

in a line. The reading given was a composite of the sample reading in

'The Art of Cold Reading','Dantes system of Life Span Reading', and the

'Psychological Reading.' The best parts of each were boiled down as used

as a stock reading lasting THREE or FOUR minutes. At about the three

minute mark, they would ASK the sitter, "Are you at present under the

doctor's care?" or "You are at present under a; physician's care!" With the

reply, if in the affirmative, "Just as I thought, you should place more con-

fidence in your doctor and everything will be alright, e t c . , " If the answer

is negative - "I didn't think so - but you should be very careful, especially

in the lung and chest area. " Or etc.,

Each sitter was given one important questions - and a wish. Then

followed the remark, "Peace be with you. " This last was regarded by

many people as sort of 'hopeful' thinking, or akin to a blessing - and highly


The average rate for each three or four minute reading was three

dollars, and if additional information was needed, a higher fee was charged.

All this information on how to engage in 'cold' readings will be found

in the earlier book - a great supply of advance ammunition that the reader

knows about his fellow man.

- 5 -
In fact, the twelve astrological readings could be passed out to twelve

different persons under the signs of the Zodiac, and EACH will find enough

substance in the readings to agree with their contents. They find the

reading intriguing and perfectly satisfactory. I have often wondered if the

twelve readings (less the dates) were passed out at random, if the results

would not be the same? A cruel joke but as long as the client was flattered

and his ego tickled I believe the people would be satisfied.

The suggestive power of astrology is great indeed. And, if the reader

will ascertain the sitter's birthdate and open the reading with a thumbnail

sketch of the person's birthdate, you have something interesting and con-

crete to say at once. You build a solid foundation for the reading and

the questions to follow. After all, anyone who seeks the services of a

reader, expect to pay for these services whether or not they are pleased

with the reading. This means, for the most part, that the seeker to

knowledge is PRE-SOLD. You have already won half the battle. Thru

advertising, reputation, or your claims the client is guillible enough to

expect you to be able to tell them what they want to know. It is their

WILLINGNESS to believe that makes your job possible.

Seldom, if ever, will you encounter a person who is very skeptical

or 'trying to catch you' and you should be able to spot them. In which case,

you fail to get the proper vibrations and turn them down. You are not

trying to prove anything. If they ask fictitious questions, they are to expect

a fictitious answer. No person is apt to merely test your powers at fifty

or sixty dollars an hour.

- 6 -
If you attract some stoney-faced, non-cooperative individual who insists

that you 'read their mind and answer their problems', you had best pass

up the situation. Explain that you do give that sort of reading while in a

TRANCE, but your time at present is very limited and that your fee is

$20. 00 or more - you thoughts that the person wanted a CONSULTATION

and were quite willing to ADVISE them on their problems. If you will con-

tinually refer to the readings as CONSULTATIONS, you will make the work

e a s i e r for yourself. Just as a patient goes to a doctor, explaining their

symptoms, or a client to a lawyer, TELLS their problems, and ASKS for


Set yourself up as a spiritual advisor, or an advisor with psychic

powers. Your appeal is in the ANSWERS given, and that is what the client

is seeking in reality.

Remember that most clients that you attract have some problem on

their mind, are worried and emotionally upset - or at least, they think

they are.

One female reader, after she decided to call herself a witch - found

she was doing twice the business. So much for their will to believe in

most anything mysterious and not understood.

This is just like the newspaper advertisement at the beginning of this

chapter. It is designed to attract a clientele, and by virtue of its exagg-

erated claims, and the desire to believe on the part of the recipient.

Most people with problems on their mind know the answer, but do not have

the courage of their own convictions and wish to share the credit (or blame)

for sound advice.

- 7 -
I recall a newspaper story that appeared in one of the local papers,

with a photo showing the author with a crystal ball, and telling of my r e -

tirement from the retail magic business. The story told of many of my

accomplishments of the past, including the results of my now famous

'Loaf of Bread' prediction. One result was a phone call to my office by

a woman seeking a 'reading. ' I was not there at the time, but the gentle-

man who took the call explained to the woman that due to illness - any

appointments for a reading was impossible. But the woman persisted -

ANY AMOUNT - any place. She had a problem and HAD to see me. She

explained that money - any amount - was not the question. All this from

the little newspaper story. And her WILLINGNESS TO BELIEVE that I

could help her with her problem.

I don't know the woman nor did I talk to her. But I would judge she

was a well-to-do married woman perhaps in her 40's or 50's with marital

trouble. Second guess - a financial problem. But no seeing her, my

guess would be confirmed.

- 8 -

First, I want to impress upon the cold reader to always use his sense of

INTUITION. This is a god-given ability that everyone possesses, to a more

or less degree, and it can and should be developed. The continual practice

of giving cold readings, in itself, will develop this faculty, though some

people will agree it is because your sense of observation becomes keener

and that you learn to ANTICIPATE certain situations, according to the

PATTERN OF LIFE, as explained in the previous book.

The continued practice of giving cold readings gives confidence in your

intuitive abilities, just as 'practice makes perfect.' You begin to believe

your own publicity. So give your INTUITION - NOT IMAGINATION - free

rein. This writer is a firm believer in Extra Sensory Perception or

intuition. It can't always be turned on like a switch, but it does exist. You

will subconsciously improve with practice. Rely basically on the knowledge

(and sample reading) given in the ART OF COLD READING that preceeded

this book. Learn to rely on your 'hunches'.

That is why older and more experienced cold readers are more proficient

at the art. They have learned the value of paying heed to subconscious

thoughts that occur to them in the course of a reading and try them 'on for

size'. They know what to anticipate, from previous experiences, and

give full rein to their intuition.

Of course, you never claim to be infallible - and you can always change

your story if necessary. If on sold ground, I formerly used this line quite

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frequently during the reading, "If at any time I am in error, please advise

me. " The repetition of this declaration is quite impressive as a positive

statement. Also when reading, you 'pump' the sitter for certain information

which you re-tell them, and although you didn't - say, "Recall I told you

that a few minutes ago. " They forget that they had even mentioned the

situation. Oft times in a reading I will say, "Of course, you want me to

tell you the BAD along with the good as I see i t ? " (The answer is usually

affirmative). "Now, you are really a courageous person, and I would say

that many of your worries and fears are without foundation and you have

nothing to really worry you. You tend to worry about situations that fail

to materialize. This is one of your bad habits. "

Always strive to give as many 'correct' or satisfactory readings as

possible. It will not only enhance your reputation (and demand) but

give you more CONFIDENCE. Play the percentage - that is what gamblers


One excellent way to develop this faculty is by the continued use of Hell-

stromism. This work seemed to sharpen and increase your intuition. You

can't force or command it. Let it develop itself. Don't be afraid of what

the tell-tale cues of your observation tell you - just start talking according

to the existing format and your intuition, and you will be surprised at the


- 10 -

The importance of the use of accessories or some external aid in giving

cold reading cannot be over-stressed, such as Tarot Cards, playing cards,

the crystal, incense or the sitter's palm. Any one or the other plays an

important part in impressing the sitter - and keeps their mind off the actual

verbal reading. Each have a certain unknown quality as far as the sitter is

concerned. It is more mysterious and attention compelling. The more

mumbo-jumbo the better if not carried to a ridiculous ends. Create an

aura of mystery.

For instance, the Tarot Cards carry a certain amount of ancient lore

with them. Whether or not you are actually reading the cards by some system,

or making a by-play with them, they are impressive because they are not

fully understood.

The crystal ball is a weird spectacle and impressive, especially if you

will have the sitter 'magnetize it' by momentarily placing his finger tips

against the ball. This mumbo-jumbo is quite impressive and should be


Palmistry has never been regarded as an exact science, but many people

believe in it. Some basic knowledge of the lines of the hand should be

learned, as many people already possess this knowledge. All of these aids

give a focal point for the eyes as well as the imagination - and if you get

into the wrong territory, they can be blamed for the error.

- 11 -
You can learn all you need to know from the palm chart. This will give

you sufficient knowledge of the lines of the palm and the mounts - and some

good terminology.

Tea-Cup reading is very effective and acceptable. They direct the sitter's

attention to an abstract object, and make the reading more plausible.

The use of a good smelling incense attacks the sense of smell-makes a

good conversational piece and adds to the atmosphere. But, don't overdue

it. Incense and the crystal or Tarot Cards are quite sufficient.

- 12 -

Times have a habit of changing, and so have people. The Art of Cold

Reading text book was written and published some fifteen years ago and a

revised edition in 1964 and 1968, and while all the basic facts and statistics

are true, you should realize the the world has changed and mankind, too.

Mankind can take no justified bows or applause for his human behavior (

Let us consider some of the factors: We are going thru a very turbulent

era, socially, economically and politically that affects our daily lives.

There is hardly a family that is not touched by this useless war in Asia. It

presents problems for every family and loved ones.

Then there is the drug addiction problem among our younger generation,

and all the campus rebellions. This presents many problems (or it should)

for the parents. Only this week I read a newspaper account in our local

paper telling of the arrest of nine persons, six of whom were juveniles,

two fifteen years old, and two sixteen years old. The police uncovered

a high school ring and involved at least 1, 000 youngsters as either users

or pushers of narcotics. And this was just one minor raid. Daily the

newspaper has several similar cases to report. All of which create


THAT A GENERATION GAP EXISTS is no idle talk - there is a lack of

communication between the younger generation and the older one, all

are contributing factors as to why many individuals will seek your services

as a reader/advisor. They create worry, doubt and anxiety.

- 13 -
Returning to the parents, there are wide-spreading wife-swapping

parties among some of our best people. More problems.

The divorce rate is at its highest level. About half of our population

if involved in extra-curricular activities in the marital department. More


Criminal activities are at an all time high and involving many teen-


Perhaps the most essential problem to be concerned about is the SEXUAL

behavior of both the male and female. Much can be learned regarding the

actions of our fellow men by studying their sexual behavior and I would again

like to recommend all of the Dr. Kinsey Reports on the subject. You can't

learn too much about this provoking problem and situations related thereto.

Also recommended reading is the book PSYCHOPATHA SEXUALIS by

Kraft Ebbing. A huge book that deals in sexual perversion, and for many

years the book was restricted to the exclusive sale to attorneys and physicians

only. These are not very nice facts, but it does tell us what makes some of

our fellow men and women 'tick. '

Don't fail to study 'Human Sexual Response' by Doctors Masters and

Johnson. It is most informative about the behavior of your fellow man

and women.

Another book that is MUST reading 'Everything You Always Wanted To

Know About Sex, But Were Afraid to Ask" by Dr. David Reuben. It has

headed the best seller list for months. Dr. Reuben is a Psychiatrist and

has written a most authorative and informative book. At your book store -

- 14 -
$5. 95 a copy and worth it. (Now in paper back at $1. 95 ). It will help you

understand many sexual problems to a broader degree and for you to antici-

pate many problems. Unsatisfied sex or frustration can create so many

problems, and while the reader should not be suspicious of this source,

he should at least recognize it.

I would like to write more on the subject of SEX and its importance to the

advisor, but I feel this information should come from a more qualified source,

hence my recommendations of certain authored books by doctors.

Many advisors go into quite a discussion of sex problems, just as a

psychiatrist does and a better understanding is most helpful. I was most

amused when a friend of mine came to me with his problem. He had been

giving readings only a short time when he was approached by a lady. He

explained that he thought the woman wanted to be 'laid', instead of having

a reading. It developed that the lady and her husband no longer had any

intercourse (admitted in the reading) but the reader turned down the oppor-

tunity, because the lady was the wife of one of his sponsors - so goes the


There has been a moral breakdown of our society, especially since the

advent of the PILL. There is so much promiscuousness, that sometimes a

calculated guess is all that is necessary to get to the seat of the problem.

Here are some vital statistics. SEVEN million women are on the PILL.

Then it is estimated that one third of the American children are products

of unplanned pregnancies; 21% of all first babies are conceived before

marriage and that 10% of all births are illegitimate. Conclusion - there

- 15 -
must be an awful lot of ' hanky panky ' business going on in our complex


Another statistic: Many diabetic men are sexually impotent.

More men have strokes (and the gout) than woman.

The Change of life or menopause is most critical in most women. It

means exactly what it says - change of life. This occurs in men also.

Any signs of such should be observed. Usually occurring from 40 to 50

years of age. Most divorces occur in this bracket. But let Dr. Reuben

explain the full significance of this in medical terms.

The average man at the age of 25, 30 or even 45 will have attained his

zenith and quit striving. He accepts his life for what it was (not that he

is entirely satisfied or contented) with his lot. This applies to emotional

problems as well as his place in the business world. He accepts life just

as it i s . This applies to emotional problems as well as his place in the

business world. He just accepts life as it i s . The average man is also in

financial debt; current bills, household expense, auto, mortgage on the

house, etc., The teenager is not very much interested in his FUTURE - is

content to accept it/ or rebel against it. He is more interested in changing

society to see eye with with conventional society.

Many young divorcees or widows, deprived of a normal sex life pre-

sent many problems by virtue of this occurrence. Maybe, that is why they

are so often considered 'fair game' for the pursuing man. It is a form of

sexual frustration that must be met, one way or the other. The sex drive

is the strongest emotion we experience, aside from hunger and self-


- 16 -
Another great source of general information will be found in the 'Dear

Abbey' and other love lorn columnists. See how you analyze some of these

problems. It is surmised some of the letters may be planted for sake of

variety and to spice up the columns. You may not agree with all the answers,

but practice on the problems.

- 17 -
After all, if you will consider your role as an 'advisor' rather than

'reader' you will find the sailing much easier and more satisfactory with

your client. Find out the birthdate of your client - then give a thumb-nail

sketch of the Zodiac sign under which they were born - a few patter lines

of 'cold reading' then use the Tarot Card test to knock down their guard.

Then explain that they are entitled to ask two questions - and sit back and

wait for them and then use your psychic awareness or intuition or good

sense and answer them. This is the more accepted way of reading. The

tarot card test is designed to 'prepare' your client for the reading. It adds

a bit of mystery, draws attention from the mechanics of the reading, and

should leave your client in certain bewilderment! Done in a casual way, it

will accomplish its intended purpose. This is the one essential ingredient

of this addition to 'The Art of Cold Reading'. It has psychological impli-

cations and response. This is the piece de resistance - the final coup in

the cold reading.


Imagine the stunning effect of this piece of business on the sitter. Having

greeted the client with 'Peace be with you' or some such phrase, and hand

the person some Tarot Cards, remark - "This is to merely establish communi-

cation between our two minds - to see if we are en rapport with each other. "

Tell the person to shuffle the cards while you do likewise with a similar

deck. Having done this, trade decks and tell the client to select any card

from their deck, remember it, and place it on top of the cards (as you do

likewise, ) then cut the cards once, twice and a third time for luck.

- 18 -
(As you do the same proceedure). Now, hand the sitter your deck and tell

them to find their card in your deck, while you find your card in their deck.

(Trade decks and start looking for the cards) telling them to place their

card face down on the table and you will do likewise. Explain there is no

relationship between the two decks and get confirmation. Now, the two cards

are turned face up and THEY ARE IDENTICAL, proving that a state of

'en rapport' does exist, and that you are sure you can be of help in solving

their problems.

Explanation: In this experiment, you have to cheat JUST A LITTLE. But

using the Tarot cards or ESP cards is most impressive. If you use the

Tarot (recommended) cards, take 10 or 12 cards from one deck that are

decidedly different to the eye, and you can recognize at a quick casual

glimpse. Discard the rest of the deck. From a second deck, take the same

number of DUPLICATE CARDS. These are the two partial decks that you

use in the test. It is best to keep a rubber band around each deck so that

the cards do not get confused, likewise yourself. Hand either one of the decks

to the client, and retain the other. Remove the bands and ask sitter to shuffle

his cards, remarking that it consists of only a dozen or so cards and that

your pack is a duplicate. Both shuffle the cards to their heart's content.

All you have to do is to glimpse the bottom card on YOUR packet and remem-

ber it. You then trade decks and with the cards flat on your hand, you with-

draw any card, look at it though no need to remember it, place it on the

top of the packet, cut the card three times. This the sitter does the same

proceedure, but be sure that they remember THEIR card. Now, the packets

- 19 -
are exchanged, and while you are pretending to find your card, you are

using the bottom card you glimpsed as the key card and their will be the

card immediately behind the key card. Withdraw this card and place face

down on the table. They find their card in your packet and, of course, the

cards will match. A miracle or coincidence? If, in the shuffling of the

cards, you happen to catch a glimpse of the bottom card of their packet,

fine. Just stop the shuffling at that point and no exchange of the cards is

necessary. Then allow them to withdraw one card from the center of

their deck and you do likewise. Then exchange decks telling them to

find THEIR card in your packet while you find YOUR card in their packet.

Obviously, this experiment can be performed by two decks of ordinary

playing cards - but it has all the ear-marks of just another card trick -

which it i s . The Tarot or ESP cards places it in the realm of mystery.

This is true with the ESP cards - using two packets of five each - one

of each symbol, and these symbols are easily recognizable. And, too,

you have only one deck to buy for $1. 00, whereas the Tarot cards are

more expensive. . .. but worth it. TRY this experiment with your friends,

and you will be amazed at the impact it creates.

Having concluded the experiment, state, "Just as I thought. I am in

tune without mental vibrations". Casually inquire as to their birthdate,

and give them a thumb nail Zodiac sketch of their birthdate - some patter

lines of 'cold reading', and then inform them that they may ask two or

three questions only.

- 20 -

Let Astrology play an important part of every cold reading. Ask the

sitter's birthdate, and then proceed after you have utilized the Tarot Cards

in the introductory text.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

"I am glad that you came to me with your problems, because I am sure that
I can help you, Just as I have helped thousands of others. (Use this line in
every reading) "Now, what is your birthdate? April 10th. You were born
under the sign of Aries, the Ram - JUST AS I THOUGHT. This is the first
sign of the Zodiac, and is ruled by Mars. You are exceptionally strong
willed, with an abundance of vitality. You are endowed with an active and
imaginative intellect. You are generous and affectionate in your personal
affairs. Your chief fault is readiness to take offense and a tendency towards
jealousy. Saturday and Tuesday - best days. Lucky number - three.

Taurus the Bull (April 21 to May 21)

"You were born under the sign of Taurus the Bull, just as I thought. You
draw your might from the Earth. You live in a world of reality, patiently
planning your destiny, sometimes slow and stubborn, but steadfast. You
are under the dominion of Venus, and your love is guileless, natural and
tender. You just keep a jealous watch over your treasures. " Tuesday and
Friday - best days. Lucky Number - five.

Gemini, the Twins (May 21 - June 21)

"You were born under the zodiacal sign of Gemini, just as I surmised. Gemini
the Twins, and are ruled by Mercury. This is a two-fold sign, carrying all
the manner of contradictions. You retain the gift of childhood. Are full of
curiosity and inexhaustibly eager. Your failing is dependency on others.
In love you have a possessive instinct. Perpetually changing, you are neither
hampered by the past or the future. Your higher attributes are reason
and sensation. "Friday - best day. Lucky number - four.

Cancer the Crab (June 22- July 22)

"You were born under the Zodiacal sign of Cancer - just as I thought -
Cancer the Crab, and is ruled by the Moon. Your most marked character-
istics are changefulness and uncertainty. You apparently make firm de-
cisions and decide on a definite course, but then counteract them. You are
neither broad-minded or open to conviction. You have strong psychic powers
that need developing. Have a natural tendency in things artistic. Cancer
women are inclined to literary pursuits. Cancer rules the breast, lungs
and stomach. Great discretion must be exercised over the proper diet. "
Monday and Friday - Best days. Lucky number - six.
Leo the Lion (July 23 - August 22)
"You were born, as I expected, under the Zodiacal sign of Leo the Lion, and
Leo is ruled by the Sun. You love to rule, but this tendency is of the heart
rather than the head. You are warm-hearted, generous, magnetic and sym-
pathetic. You acquire knowledge without being taught. Invariably you 'act'
on intuition. You cannot exist without love and affection. You are a skilled
mental worker, rather than manual. Birthstone is the ruby. " Sunday and
monday - best days. Lucky number-one.

Virgo, The Virgon (August 23 - September 22)

"You were born under the Zodiacal sign of Virgo, the Virgin, and your sign
is ruled by the planet Mercury. This sign imparts good balance, intellectual,
studious and fondness of detail. Discord or disorder cause you great dis-
tress You have rare psychic powers, which should be developed. You
are of a nervous temperament, always seeking excitement. Your most promi-
nent fault is selfishness. You have an inborn desire to give advice. " Wed-
nesday and Sunday - best days. Lucky number - seven.

LIBRA, The Scales (September 23 - October 23)

"You were born under the seventh sign of the Zodiac, just as I thought. This
sign is symbolized by the Scales and is ruled by the planet Venus. Justice,
strength, and liberty are the guiding influences in your life. You are a born
leader and worthy of positions of authority. You are largely original in your
operations. Possessing the Venus temperament, which usually endows you
with artistic and musical qualities. You are best suited to occupations re-
quiring great tact and skilled judgment with physical labor. " Wednesday and
Sunday - best days. Lucky number - two.

Scorpio, The Scorpion (October 23 - November 22)

"You were born under the Zodiacal sign of Scorpio, and just as I thought,
and symbolized as the Scorpion. This is the eighth sign and ruled by the
planet, Mars, the God of War. People of this sign are very secretive,
aggressive and jusicial. Their minds are keen, perceptive and their intuition
is wonderful. In spite of their restless nature, their self-control is wonder-
ful. They are endowed with an impressive flow of language, possess great
dignity and persuasive ability. Scorpio rules the s e x organs and the sexual
nature is unusually strong. " Best days - Sunday and Friday. Lucky number -

Sagittarius, the Archer (November 22 - December 21)

"Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac and is ruled by the planet, Jupiter
and is symbolized by the Archer. People of this sign possess many desirable
traits; their talents are great and varied. Business pursuits hold the great-
est attraction for them. You are truly clairvoyant and possess remarkable
foresight. By nature, you are generous, strong, and fearless. Your sign
has produced many of the world's greatest musicians. " Thursday - best day.
Lucky number - five.
Capricorn, the Goat (December 21 - January 20)
"You were born under the Zodiacal sign of Capricorn the Goat, just as I
thought. People of this sign are usually very cool headed and deliberate.
This is the 10th sign of the Zodiac and is ruled by Saturn, the planet of
Fate. Birthstone is the Garnet. You have great confidence in your ability
to manage your affairs and resent any interference. You are proud, high-
minded and independent. You are quite liable to failures and set-backs. You
are best suited to commercial callings. Women of this sign are usually
better managers than men. "Wednesday - Friday - Best days. Lucky number-

Aquarius, The Water Bearer (January 20th - February 19th)

You were born under the sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, just as I thought.
This is the 11th sign of the Zodiac, and ruled by the planet Saturn. Amethyst
is your birthstone. Two distinct natures are revealed under this sign. The
natures and influences are the exact opposite. These people represent the
intellectual and scientific phase of mankind. You possess dignity and a
nervous temperament. Women of this sign make devoted and good wives. You
have a great deal of psychic power. Prominent faults are uncertainty and
lack of hope. " Tuesday and Saturday - best days. Lucky number - nine.

Pisces, the Fishes (February 19th - March 21st)

"You were born under the sign of Pisces, the Fishes, just as I surmised.
This is the last sign of the Zodiac and is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Birth-
stone is the bloodstone. This sign imparts a religious and benevolent nature.
You possess a strict sense of honor and fidelity. This is a very psychic and
mediumistic sign. All defects of the Pisces nature will yield to wisdom.
You are generous and absolutely unselfish. Having once made a choice of
occupation, you usually stick to it. . " Tuesday and Thursdays - best days.
Lucky number - seven.

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