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Earth has always been a huge resource pod for man. From the vast sky to the lowest part of land
we humans live not from the fruits of our labor but from the fruits of our planet. As the time progressed
the once so called “Garden of Eden” was reduced to nothing but mountains of waste. Humans became
so advanced and such advancements brought forth a new industrial age where resources from the earth
were a large necessity. Disregarding about the earth itself man continues to savage across land and seas
to satisfy their needs.

Overconsumption of natural resources became normal without thinking about the

consequences whatsoever. Mining is definitive example of resource collecting where the Lithosphere is
greatly affected. Too much mining would cause mountains to crumble not only that but also living
organisms will lose their natural habitats.

The earth’s hydrosphere is also a loot crate for man. Where the vast seas and lakes reach is
where humans plunder deep or shallow. Example of which is offshore drilling in search for oil below the
seabed, again this greatly affects aquatic life due to the large scale destruction of coral reefs.

They say the sky is the limit but man has no bounds thus the earth’s atmosphere is also not safe
from humans. The atmosphere was supposed to be the planet’s blanket against the harmful Ultraviolet
light but now it is reduced to just spots and holes, this is because of too much carbon dioxide use in
factories and cars. This has led to the increase of global temperature and changes in weather and
climate and in turn causes the formation of super typhoons, ultimately leading to the loss of many lives
in the biosphere which includes human lives.

It cannot be denied that the advancements of man has helped a lot and brought us to where we
are now, but is it all worth it? Should the Planet we call home be the price for man’s greed? Will man
continue the path of destruction or will we alter the world again where everything was the way it was
supposed to be.

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