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University of Agriculture,Faisalabad

M.Phil & M.Sc


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1.____________ is a fundamental, structural and functional unit of living organisms.
a) Organelle b) Organ
c) Tissue d) Cell
2.At __________ temperature water has maximum density.
0 0
a) 10 C b) 100 C
0 0
c) 4 C d) 105 C

3..For metabolic processes of the cell, energy is supplied by ___________ molecules.

a) ADP b) ATP
c) AMP d) NADP
4.The shrinkage of protoplasm due to loss of water is known as __________.
a) exosmosis b) endosmosis
c) plasmolysis d) diffusion
5.Guttation occurs through _________.
a ) Stomata b) Lenticels
c) Hydathodes d) Salt glands
6.Induced fit Hypothesis was proposed by ____________.
a) Fischer b) Summer
c) Koshland d) Kuhne
7.For formation of primary structure in proteins, _________ are responsible.
a) Covalent interactions b) Non-covalent interactions
c) Enzyme actions d) Osmotic processes
8.The loss of water in the form of water vapour by aerial parts of plant is called
a) Diffusion b) Osmosis
c) Guttation d) Transpiration
9.The plants that tolerate extremely low temperature are called __________.
a) microtherms b) megatherms
c) Hekistotherms d) mesotherms
10.The total amount of hygroscopic and capillary water present in soil is called
a) diffusion b) endosmosis
c) exosmosis d) water holding capacity
11.__________ is a fundamental, structural and functional unit of living organisms.
a) Tissue b) Cell
c) Organelle d) Organ
12.___________ is considered as a power house of the cell.
a) Mitochondria b) Nucleus
c) Ribosomes d) Lysosomes
13.In water molecule, the angle between two hydrogen atoms is about ______.
0 0
a) 110 b) 120
0 0
c) 105 d) 115
14.Enzymes are ___________ in nature.
a) Carbohydrates b) Lipids
c) Vitamins d) Proteins
15.Lock and key hypothesis was proposed by ____________.
a) Fisher b) Kuhne
c) Koshland d) Roberts
16.___________ firstly coined the term enzymes.
a) Kuhne b) Fisher
c) Sumnner d) Koshland
17.Cell wall is ________.
a) Permeable b) Impermeable
c) Non-permeable d) Semi-permeable
18.Transpiration mainly occurs through _____________.
a) Flowers b) Leaves
c) Root d) Stem
19.The ecological or environmental factors are classified into __________ categories.
a) Three b) One
c) Four d) Two
20.___________ soil is having poor water holding capacity.
a) silt b) clay
c) sandy d) loamy
21.___________ interactions are responsible for primary structure in proteins.
a) Covalent b) Non-covalent
c) Ionic d) Hydrophobic
22.Water has highest ____________, hence it is relatively slow in gaining as well as losing
a) density b) specific heat
c) heat of evaporation d) latent heat of fusion
In ATP molecule, there are _____________ phosphate bonds with high energy.
a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4
The multi-molecular forms of the same enzyme that differ in their electrophoretic
mobility are known as __________.
a) isoenzyme b) haloenzyme
c) apoenzyme d) co-enzyme
During the biochemical reactions, enzyme __________ the activation of energy of the
a) maintains b) lowers
c) do not maintains d) increases
The oxido-reductases enzyme catalyses the reactions such as __________.
a) reduction b) oxidation
c) oxidation and reduction d) hydrolysis
The enzyme phosphorylase converts starch into soluble sugars at pH ________.
a) 5 b) 7
c) 6 d) 8
The loss of water in the form of liquid or water drop is known as ___________.
a) transpiration b) evaporation
c) guttation d) diffusion
The relative proportion of the soil particles having different sizes is called
a) soil humus b) soil moisture
c) soil water d) soil texture
The term ecology was coined from greek word ___________.
a) oikos b) logous
c) ecos d) house
The biochemical reaction occur inside a living cell is called __________.
a) exergonic b) endergonic
c) endochemical d) exochemical
A solution having pH-7 is _________ in nature.
a) acidic b) basic
c) neutral d) alkaline
In a protein molecule ___________ types of covalent bonds are established.
a) One b) Two
c) Five d) Eight
Water has maximum density at __________
0 0
a) 4 C b) 6 C
0 0
c) 100 C d) 105 C
Enzymes are also called ________.
a) Bioindicators b) Biocatalysts
c) Bioactivators d) Bioenergetics
According to IUB, the enzymes are classified into__________ major classes.
a) Four b) Six
c) Five d) Eight
Enzymes acts on specific _____________.
a) Substrate b) Molecule
c) Ions d) Photons
The term ecology was coined by ___________.
a) Odum b) Heackel
c) Reiter d) Linnaeus
___________ soil is having poor water holding capacity.
a) Silt b) Clay
c) Sandy d) Loamy
The ascent of sap is ___________.
a) Active b) passive
c) Moderately active d) Non-active
The biochemical reactions which occur inside the a living cell are called
____________ reactions.
a) Exochemical b) Endochemical
c) Exergonic d) Endergonic
__________ is considered as power house of cell.
a) Chloroplast b) Nucleus
c) Mitochondrion d) Endoplasmic reticulum
There are ___________ main types of covalent bonds in Protein molecule
a) Four b) Three
c) Two d) Five
The angle between two hydrogen atoms in a water molecule is _________.
0 0
a) 105 b) 108
0 0
c) 100 d) 115
________ ion concentration plays an important role in metabolic activities of living
a) Carbon b) Hydrogen
c) Nitrogen d) Oxygen
The solutions which resists changes in hydrogen ion concentration are called
a) acids b) enzymes
c) bases d) buffers
_____________ coined the term „enzyme‟
a) J. B. Summer b) Emil Fischer
c) Frederick Kuhne d) Koshland
Transpiration occurs mainly through _____________
a) Roots b) Leaves
c) Stems d) Flowers
Soil humus contain 55% of _________ content.
a) Nitrogen b) Carbon
c) Oxygen d) hydrogen
Spiral bacteria are called _________ bacteria.
a) Coccus b) Spirullum
c) Vibrios d) Bacillus
Alga growing in salt takes are called _________ alga.
a) epiphytic b) Halophytic
c) epizoic d) endozoic
________ lichens grow on rocks and stones on firm substrum in cold regions.
a) Saxicolous b) Corticolous
c) Terricolous d) Epiphytic
The closed fruiting body (ascocarp) is also called ___________.
a) Perithecium b) Apothecium
c) Cleistothecium d) Sclerotium
_________ is an example of floating bryophyte.
a) Riccia fluitans b) Anthoceros
c) Marchantia d) Cryptothallus
___________ is a parasitic red alga growing on the leaves of angiospermic plants.
a) Ectocarpus b) Batrachospermum
c) Gracilaria d) Cephaleuros parasitica
___________ is green sulphur photosynthetic bacterium.
a) Chlorobium b) Pseudomonas
c) Xanthomonas d) Rhizobium
) ___________ forms symbiotic association in coralloid roots of gymnosperm, cycas.
a) Nostoc b) Ulothrix
c) Oedogonium d) Volvox
In ___________, sporophyte remain embedded in the gametophytic thallus.
a) Funaria b) Porella
c) Anthoceros d) Riccia
In _____________ thallus, photosynthetic region is made up of assimilatory cells
arranged in vertical rows.
a) Funaria b) Poytrichum
c) Pogonatum d) Riccia
A trilocular spore producing organ in Psilotum is called _________.
a) Strobils b) Sorus
c) Synangium d) SporophyII
Carinal cannal and vallecular cavity is found in ___________.
a) Psilotum b) Equisetum
c) Selaginella d) Lycopodium
The pollination in pinus is of ____________ type.
a) Anemophily b) Hydrophily
c) Entomophily d) Malacophily
Mycorrhizal roots are present in _________.
a) Cycas b) Pinus
c) Thuja d) Cedrus
In Arum, the entire inflorescence in enclosed by a large bract known __________.
a) Bracteole b) Scape
c) Spathe d) Lodicule
In ________ flower, all floral parts are developed below the overy.
a) Hypogynous b) Epigynous
c) Perigynous d) Incomplete
___________ is a one seeded fruits with hard and woody pericarp.
a) Berry b) Nut
c) Capsule d) Siliqua
Indian Botanical Garden is situated at ___________.
a) Lucknow b) Darjeeling
c) Kolhapur d) Calcutta
Non – adaptive anomalous secondary growth occurs in ______.
a) Dracaena b) Annona
c) Bignonia d) Cucurbita
Tetrarch vascular bundles are found in _________.
a) Sunflower root b) Sunflower stem
c) Maize root d) Maize stem
DNA doubles during ___________.
a) interphase b) anaphase
c) prophase d) telophase
Mitosis is __________ cell division.
a) equational b) reductional
c) rotational d) doubling
An organism with two unlike genes of a trait is called __________.
a) homozygous b) heterogyous
c) monozygous d) hermaphrodite
The genes of different pairs may interact was first observed by ____________.
a) Bateson b) Punnett
c) Bateson and Punnett d) Mendel
The cereals belong to family ____________ .
a) Poaceae b) Rubiaceae
c) Anacardiaceae d) Rutaceae
Sonalika is high yielding veriety of __________.
a) Rice b) Wheat
c) Jowar d) Bajara
Botanical name of Ground nut is ___________.
a) Zea mays b) Cajanus cajan
c) Archis hypogaea d) Sorghum bicolour
Legumes are rich in ______________.
a) Proteins b) Carbohydrates
c) Vitamins d) Minerals
Ornamental plant Quisqualis Indica is __________.
a) Shrub b) Tree
c) Climber d) Aroid
Father of Genetics is ___________.
a) Darwin b) Mendel
c) Morgan d) Bateson
In general orchids like vanda are called as _________.
a) Parasites b) Epiphytes
c) Hydrophytes d) Symbiotic
__________ are called higher vascular plants.
a) Bryophytes b) Gymnosperms
c) Angiosperms d) Pteridophytes
Heterospory is usually observed in _____________.
a) Equisetum b) Pteris
c) Psilotum d) Selaginella
Selaginella is commonly called ___________ moss.
a) Spike or club b) Horsetail
c) Thalloid d) Lycopod
In Selaginella stem radially arranged endoderm cell are called ________.
a) Trabaculae b) Airspaces
c) Hypodermis d) Pericycle
_______________ seeds are naked.
a) Gymnosperms b) Angiosperms
c) Pteridophytes d) Bryophytes
Monoxylic wood is a characteristic of ______________.
a) Coniferales b) Gnetales
c) Cycadales d) Selaginellales
Normal root of Cycas usually shows _________ type of xylem.
a) Triarch b) Tetrach
c) Polyarch d) Diarch
________ are responsible for increase the girth of the plant body.
a) Intercalary meristem b) Apical meristem
c) Lateral meristem d) Apical & intercalary meristem
In Solanaceae members ___________ vascular bundles are present in stem.
a) Collateral b) Bicollateral
c) Radial d) Amphivasal
Fungi growing on insects are called ___________
a) Aquatic b) Coporophilous
c) Entomogenous d) Symbiotic
____________ algae grow on moist surfaces of rocks and stones.
a) Parasitic b) Epiphytic
c) Thermophytic d) Lithophytic
Air bladders are present in the thallus of __________
a) Nostoc b) Sargassum
c) Oedogonium d) Polysiphonia
G.M. Smith classified the group algae into ____________ divisions.
a) Four b) Five
c) Six d) Seven
Cap cells are present in ___________
a) Oedogonium b) Sargassum
c) Nostoc d) Polysiphonia
Heterotrophic mode of nutrition is found in ____________
a) Algae b) Fungi
c) Bryophytes d) Pteridophytes
The fruiting body of Aspergillus is ____________
a) Apothecium b) Perithecium
c) Sclerotium d) Cleistothecium
Primary host of Puccinia graminis tritici is ____________
a) Jowar b) Wheat
c) Oat d) Groundnut
The plants included in bryopsida are commonly known as ___________
a) Liver worts b) Hornworts
c) Stoneworts d) Mosses
Only unicellular and smooth walled rhizoids are present in _______________
a) Funaria b) Anthoceros
c) Riccia d) Marchantia
___________ Lichens grow on rocks and stones.
a) Corticolus b) Saxicolus
c) Terricolus d) Hypocolus
______________ is considered as water pollution indicator.
a) Oscillatoria b) Spirogyra
c) Oedogonium d) Nostoc
Fungi growing on insects are called __________
a) Coprophilous fungi b) Entomogenous fungi
c) Symbiotic fungi d) Terrestrial fungi
___________ is main site of Nitrogen fixation in Nostoc.
a) Endospore b) Hormogonium
c) Heterocyst d) Akinet
Prokaryotic cells are present in ____________
a) Spirogyra b) Sargassum
c) Polysiphonia d) Nostoc
Cercospora causes ____________ disease in higher plants.
a) Rust b) Tikka
c) Blight d) Smut
___________ are heterotrophic organisms.
a) Fungi b) Algae
c) Bryophytes d) Pteridophytes
Mycelium is coenocytic in ____________
a) Ascomycotina b) Zygomycotina
c) Basidiomuycotina d) Deuteromycotina
_____________ members are called Liverworts
a) Hepaticopsida b) Anthocerotopsida
c) Bryopsida d) Psilopsida
Sporophyte is with foot, seta and capsule in _____________
a) Psilopsida b) Hpaticopsida
c) Anthocerotopsida d) Bryopsida
___________ show symbiotic association between alga and a fungus.
a) Bacteria b) Viruses
c) Lichens d) Mycoplasma
Fungi growing on cattle or animal dung are called ___________ fungi.
a) entomogenous b) coprophilous
c) saprophytic d) parasitic
___________ is a fresh water alga.
a) Ectocarpus b) Polysiphonia
c) Spirogyra d) Ulva
____________ is responsible for biological nitrogen fixation.
a) Nostoc b) Sargassum
c) Spirogyra d) Polysiphonia
____________ lack chlorophyll pigments.
a) alga b) bryophytes
c) fungi d) pteridophytes
_________ is called bread mould fungus.
a) Cercospora b) Puccinia
c) Mucor d) Fusarium
Riccia belongs to ____________.
a) Sphenopsida b) Lycopsida
c) Hepaticopsida d) Anthocerotopsida
The thalluas of bryophytes consists only ___________ type of cells.
a) lignified b) silicified
c) collenchymatous d) parenchymatous
Cercospora causes __________ disease in higher plants.
a) Tikka b) Smut
c) Rust d) Blight
Polyporus and Ganoderma causes __________ to higher plants.
a) wood rot b) blight
c) blast d) collar rot
___________ bacteria are rod shaped.
a) Coccus b) Bacillus
c) Spirullum d) Vibrios
A red alga named ___________ only grows in fresh water.
a) Batrachospermum b) Chlorella
c) Volvox d) Chara
Fungi growing on insects are called ____________.
a) Coprophilous fungi b) Entomogenous fungi
c) Mycorrhizal fungi d) Aquatic fungi
An example of aquatic floating bryophyte is __________.
a) Marchantia b) Porella
c) Funaria d) Riccia fluitans
____________ lichens grow on bark, leaves, or young or old branches in abundant moisture
a) Saxicolous b) Terricolous
c) Corticolous d) Lithophytic
In Nostoc, the ____________ are the main sites of biological nitrogen fixation.
a) heterocysts b) aplanospores
c) akinetes d) endospores
A green pond silk alga called spirogyra belongs to class ___________.
a) Rhodophyceae b) Chlorophyceae
c) Cyanophyceae d) Phaeophyceae
A Yeast Saccharomyces reproduces by ____________.
a) budding b) Chlamydospores
c) Zoospores d) aplanospores
The bryophytes belonging to class Hepaticopsida are commonly called ________.
a) horn worts b) liverworts
c) stoneworts d) mosses
Somatic mycelium of ___________ is coenocytic, aseptate and branched.
a) Cercospora b) Aspergillus
c) Mucor d) Neurospora
In prokaryotic cell ribosomes are of ___________.
a) 40S b) 100S
c) 70S d) 80S
Apoptosis is a process of _________ cell death.
a) Natural b) Infectional
c) Biochemical d) Pathological
An organism with two unlike genes of a trait is called ____________.
a) Heterozygous b) Homozygous
c) Monozygous d) Hermaphrodite
A test cross is one, crossing of F hybrid to _________.
a) Heterozygous recessive Parents b) Homozygous recessive Parent
c) Homozygous dominant Parent d) None of the above
_________ is the ratio of complementary gene interaction.
a) 9 : 3 : 4 b) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
c) 9 : 7 d) 3 : 1
The genes of different pairs may interact was first observed by ___________.
a) Carlson b) Bateson and punnet
c) Mansoon d) Watson and crick
___________ is high yielding variety of wheat.
a) Maldandi b) kalian sona
c) Guntur d) Hageri
The essential oil of Rose is called ________.
a) Botto b) Henna
c) Annatto d) Otto
____________ plant is useful for indoor decoration.
a) Mango b) Jowar
c) Dieffenbachia d) Tamarandus
Botanical name of sunflower is ____________.
a) Arachis hypogeal b) Helianthus annus
c) Zea mays d) Coccus nucifera
True nucleus is absent in --------------
a) bryophytes b) Pteridophytes c) gymnosperms d) Bacteria
141) Nuclear membrane is present in nucleus of ----------
a) eukaryotic organisms b) bacteria c) fungi d) viruses
142) Nucleoplasm carries out the synthesis of ----------
a) m-RNA b) t-RNA c) proteins d) lipids
143) Histones are rich in -----------
a) glutamine b) valine
c) Arginine and hysine d) Aspargine
144) Ribosomes observed in clusters and held together by m-RNA strand, are called --------
a) polyribosomes b) polysomes c) oxysome d) peroxisomes
145) Ribosome particles are measured by --------
a) Sodimentation coefficient b) linear coefficient
c) upward coefficient d) downward coefficient
146) --------- ions are responsible for dissociation of Ribosomes.
a) Mg++ b) Fe++ c) Na++ d) Ca++
147) Eukaryotic ribosome is made up of sedimentation coefficient ------------
a) 60s b) 80s c) 40s d) 50s
148) 70s of Prokaryotic ribosome is composed of --------
a) 50s & 30s b) 40s & 30s c) 50s & 20s d) 35s & 35s
149) Larger submit of eukaryotic ribosome consists of ----------- proteins
a) 40 b) 30 c) 50 d) 34
150) --------- (1956) used the term Ribosomes
a) Robertson b) Morgan c) De robertis d) S Hall & Zubay
151) Eukaryotic ribosomes show ------- RNA.
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6
152) Prokaryotic ribosomes consists ------ RNA.
a) fat b) carbohydrate c) Protein d) lipid
153) Yeast ribosomes contain ------- RNA
a) 10% b) 20% c) 30% d) 30-44%
154) Ribosomes carry out ----------- synthesis
a) Fat b) Carbohydrate c) Protein d) lipid
155) The unit membrane of nuclear envelope is about ----- thick.
a) 75- 90oA b) 20-30oA c) 40 - 70oA d) 30-40oA
156) The nuclear envelope is interrupted by ----------
a) b) nuclear pores c) larvina d) peripheral space
157) Nuclear pore is enclosed by a circular structure called ------------
a) lumen b) lamina c) lumen d) annulus
158) ----------- are the uncondensed chromatin material present in nuleoplasm
159) Eukaryotic cells are --------
a) dikaryotic b) monokaryotic c) Polykargotic d) akaryotic
160) DNA and Histores are always present in fixed ratio of --------
a) 2 : 1 b) 2 : 2 c) 1 : 2 d) 1 : 1
161) Eukaryotic chromosome usually show ---------
a) three b) four c) five d) six
162) H1 histone is rich in ---------
a) Vanine b) aryonine c) lysine d) Nanine
163) Histones are ---------
a) lipids b) proteins c) syars d) lignin
164) Golgi complex was first discovered by ----------
a) Weismass b) Camillic Golgi c) Fontana d) Krebs
165) --------- is responsible for cell plate formation.
a) Golgi complex b) mitochondria c) mososome d) giboromes
166) --------- are absent in blue greealgu and bacteria.
a) ER b) mitochondria c) mesosome d) gibosome
h -------- are called suicide bags
a) Lysosomes b) mesosomes c) ribosomes d) ribosomes
168) Autolysis is found in ---------
a) me b) dictyosomes c) Lysosomes d) ribosomes
h ------- in golgi complex help in transport of proteins and lipids.
a) cyloplasm b) vesicles c) ectoplasm d) lysatubules
170) The -face of cisterna consists ------------ enzyme.
a) acid phophatase b) alkaline - phosphatose
c) ATP d) catalose
171) Golgi complex are located near ---------
a) nucleus b) mitochondria c) chloroplast d) peroxisomes
172) Golgi complex are responsible for -------------- during cell division.
a) cell wall formation b) cell plate formation
c) nuclear membrane formation d) cytoplasm formation
In golgi complex, ------------- store proteins & lipids
a) vesicles b) tubules c) cisternne d) ER
-------- care found attached to nucleus
a) chloroplast b) ER c) mitochonolnia d) ribosomes
175) ER constitute cisternae, vesicles and ---------
a) cytoskeleton b) tubules c) thylakoids d) fibrils
176) --------- are found attached to ER
a) Lysosomes b) Peroxisomes c) Ribosomes d) Gloxysomes
177) Vesicles in ER, synthesize ----------
a) proteins b) lipids c) carbohydrates d) pectin
178) The outer bilayer of ER is made up of --------
a) carbohydrates b) lipids c) amino acids d) suberin
179) Golgi bodies are absent in ---------
a) plants b) animals c) insects d) bacteria
180) Catalase enzyme is found in ----------
a) peroxisomes b) glyoxysomes c) ribosomes d) oxysomes
181) ---------- iarry photorespiration in C3 plants.
a) ribosomes b) Glyoxysomes c) peroxisomes d) dictyo
182) Lysosomes are absent in -------
a) bacteria b) plant cells c) animal cells d) viruses
183) Agranular ER synthesizes ---------- , stored in ER
a) glycogen b) pectin c) sugars d) phospholipids
184) ER membrane consists ---------- enzyme
a) ATP-ase b) Xylase c) pectinase d) nitrogenose
185) ER activities --------- synthesis
a) protein b) ATP c) lipid d) carbohydrates
186) ---------- organecl consisting enzymes H2O2 metabolism
a) lysosomes b) peroxisomes c) ribosomes d) dictyosomes
187) H2O2 is broken down by ----------- in useful products.
a) dictyosomes b) glyoxysomes c) peroxisomes d) ribosomes
188) Peroxisomes contain --------- enzyme.
a) peroxidase b) catalase c) ATP-ase d) ligase
Enzymes of glyoxylace cycle are present.
a) peroxisomes b) dictyosomes c) glyoxisomes d) ribosomes

190) Singer - Nicholson's submit model of cell membrane is also known as ------
a) fluid-mosaic nodel b) Robertson model
c) Davson model d) Singars model
191) Lipid Bilayer model of cell membrane is also known as ---------
a) Singer Micholson's model b) Danielli Davson model
b) Robertson's model d) Nicholson's Model
192) Integral membrane proteins are called ----------
a) actin b) tubulin c) mydin d) ion chamels
193) Smooth ER is mainly present in cells those carrying ---------- metabolism
a) lipid b) Nitrogen c) Carbohydrate d) fat
194) Linkage in Orosophila discovered by ----------
a) Morgan b) Muller c) Mendel d) Bateson
195) Phenomenon that works opposite linkage is ---------
a) Segregation b) Mutation c) assoitment d) Crossing over
196) Complete linkage is found in ---------
a) mala Drosophila b) Birds
c) Insects d) female Drosophila
197) Crossing over occurs at ---------
a) Pachytene b) dialinesis c) Zygotene d) leptotene
198) Crossing over results in ----------
a) mutation b) selection
c) genetic recombination d) inversion
199) Crossing over occurs at ------------- stage
a) centromere b) chaistmata c) telomere d) deletion
200) Linkage groups are equal to --------- number of chromosomes
a) haploid b) diploid c) triploid d) tetraploid
201) In --------- ichaismata are formed along the length of chromosomes in homologous
a) double cross over b) triple crossing over
c) single crossing over d) four stranded crossing over
202) ----------- considered as cytological proof for crossing over
a) chromosome variation b) gene mutation
c) chaisma d) deletion
203) In human beings, --------- linkage groups occur
a) 46 b) 23 c) 33 d) 13
204) Mendelian recombination are due to ----------
a) linkage b) mutation c) crossing over d) Indegendent assarment
205) In ------------
, the linked genes don't always stay together.
a) complete linkage b) incomplete linkage
c) mutation d) crossing over
206) Crossing over leads to new ---------
a) character combination b) deviation
c) mutation d) segregation
207) The genes which are not assorted indepently are called -----------
a) barnase genes b) jumping genes
c) lethal genes d) linked genes
208) The unit of crossing over is ----------
a) centimeter b) millimeter c) centimorgan d) milligram
209) The botanical name of rubber plant is ---------
a) Hevea brasiliensis b) Hibiscus rosa Sinensis
c) Lawsenia inermis d) Acadirachta indica
210) Hevea brasiliensis belongs to ---------
a) India b) Indonesia c) Africa d) Brazil
211) The rubber obtained from Hevea brasiliensis is called --------
a) ceara rubber b) para rubber
c) Assam rubber d) Lagas silk rubber
212) The collection of latex from rubber is called
a) pressing b) evaporation c) tapping d) crushing
213) ----------- is an important chemical constituent of Neem
a) borneol b) curcumin c) Nimbidine d) Azadirachtine
h Red Indians used, ------------ for colouring bodies
a) annatto b) c) d)
215) ----------- is obtained from Azadirachta
a) Azadirachtine b) curcumin c) indicant
216) Curcuma longa is also called ---------
a) Henna b) turmeric c) saffron d) Annatto

217) 'Aunalto' is obtained from ------------

a) Bixa orellatna b) Lawsonia inermis
c) Carthamous tinctorius d) Rubia tentorium
218) Orange-red dye is obtained from rhizomes of -------------
a) turmeric b) annattic c) henna d) saffron
219) ----------- insecticide is obtained from Nicotiana tabaccum
a) nicoline b) Azadirachtine c) nimbin d) Nimbidine
220) Flower of Butea yields ------------ eye
a) bright yellow b) blue c) orange d) purple
221) The botanical name of ginger is --------
a) Zingiber officinale b) Withania somnifera
c) Emblica officinalas d) Tinospora corditolia
222) The botanical name of Ashwagandha is ------------
a) Tinospora cordifolia b) Withania somnifera
c) Emblica officinali d) Adhatoda vasica
223) The botanical name of Adulsa is ---------
a) Justicia adhadota b) Tinospora cordifolia
c) Zingiber officinale d) Szyjgium aromaticum
224) The botanical name of Clove is -------------
a) Syzygium rubicundum b) Szygium aromiticum
c) Syzygium jambolana d) Syzgium cumini
225) An important chief constituent of Zingiber officinale is ------------
a) eugenol b) Zingiberine c) Codeine d) morphine
226) A chemical constituent somniferine is present in -------------
a) Withania somnifera b) Zingiber officinale
c) Curcuna longa d) Justicia adhatoda
227) A bitten alkaloid of Justicla adhatoda is ----------
a) Vasicinine b) phyllembin c) Caryophyllene d) Zingiberine
228) Justicia adhatoda is commonly called ----------
a) clove b) vasoka c) Turmeric d) Aswagandha
---------is used in ayurvedic medicine in case of Zingiber officinale
a) rhizome b) fruits c) leaves d) flower buds.

230) The native place of clove referred to -----------

a) Moluccas island b) India c) West Indies d) Africa
231) ---------- fruits are richest natural source of Vit-C.
a) Emblica b) Zingiber c) Withania d) Syzygium
232) ----------is one of the important constituents of Triphala churna in ayurvedic
a) Emblica fruits b) clove buds
c) Zingiber rihizome d) withania roots
233) Flowers buds of -------- are used in ayurvedic medicines.
a) clove b) Amla c) Zinger d) Vasaka.
234) Chavanprash a ayurvedic tonic is made from ----------
a) Emblica officinalis b) Tinospora cordifolia
c) Terminalia bellerica d) Terminalea chebula
235) --------- is one of the chemical constituents present in Syzygium aromaticum
a) Caryophyllene b) Zingiberine c) coderine d) Morphine
236) --------- oil is used in mouthwash preparations.
a) Clove b) Zinger c) turmeric d) Amla
237) --------- is a ayurvedic preparation extracted from dry stem of Tinospora
a) gulvel satva b) sunth c) Avalkathi d) Chavanprash
238) Chewing -------- prevents nausea and vomiting
a) Amla fruits b) clove c) Vasaka leaves d) Zinger rhizome
239) Active constituent of ---------- inhibits growth of E. coli.
a) Tinospora b) clove c) Withania d) Vasaka
240) Zingiber originated in ---------
a) Africa b) Far east c) South-East Asia d) Moluccas
241) ---------- is used in antiseptic ointments and lotions for skin.
a) clove oil b) zinger oil c) Amla oil d) Root paste
242) --------- is a important constituent of Emblica officinalis
a) phyllemblin b) Zingiberene c) engenol d) curcumene
243) --------- is commonly called Horse tail pteridophyte
a) Equisetum b) Ophioglossum c) Adiantum d) Psilotum
244) --------- is the spore producing structure in Psilotum
a) Sorus b) Strobilus c) Synangium d) Sporangium

245) Pinus belongs to class ---------

a) psilopsida b) Bryopsida c) Anthocerotopsida d) Coniferopsida
246) The ovules of Pinus are --------
a) Campycotropus b) Orthotropus
c) Circinotropus d) Anatropous
247) Ocimum shows ------------ type of inflorescence.
a) Verticillaster b) Capitulum c) Cyathium d) Spadix
248) -------- is an essential whorl of a flower.
a) Corolla b) Bracteole c) Gynoecium d) Calyx
249) Standard or vexillum is a part of ----------- Corolla.
a) Canpanulate b) Cruciform
c) Caryophyllaceous d) Papilionaceous
250) Bentham and Hooker published -------- for a system of classification of plants.
a) Indian herbs b) Genera plantarum
c) Materia medica d) Garcia d'orta
251) The natural openings in the periderm region of stem are known as --------
a) hydathodes b) Stomata
c) pneumatothodes d) lenticles
252) Bulliform cells are present in ------------- .
a) Banyah leaf b) Sunflower leaf
c) Maize leaf d) Mangifera leaf
253) 70s of prokaryotic ribosome is composed of -------- subunits.
a) 30s and 50s b) 60s and 40s
c) 60s and 20s d) 40s and 40s
254) DNA and histones are present usually in fixed ratio of --------- .
a) 1:2 b) 1:1 c) 1:3 d) 1:4
255) There are about fifty --------- enzymes present in the Lysosomes.
a) nitrogenase b) hydrolases c) phosphatases d) catalases
256) The tendency of genes to remain together during the process of inheritance is called --
a) mutation b) deletion c) Linkage d) evolution
257) Leaves of Nicotiana tabacum Linn. contain pyridine alkaloid named --------
a) bixin b) Phellandrene c) nimbin d) nicotine

258) The rhizome of turmeric contain colouring matter ---------- .

a) curcumin b) Saponins c) glycoside d) flavonoids
259) Butea monosperma flowers yield ------------ .
a) blue-green dye b) bright-yellow dye
c) orange-red dye d) Pink-red dye
260) The stem of Tinospora cordifolia consists medicinally important constituent ---.
a) curcumin b) vascicinine c) glucoside-giolin d) gingerin
261) The leaves of Justicia adhatoda contain an important alkaloid called --------- .
a) columbin b) curcumin c) tinosporol d) vasicinine
262) ---------- is one of the constituents of ayurvedic medicine 'Triphala churna'
a) Turmeric rhizome b) Ginger rhizome
c) Stem of Tinospora d) Emblica fruit
263) A stele without a central pith is called a ----------
a) Dictyostele b) Protostele c) Siphonostele d) Solenostele
-------- and Archegonia are produced in the prothallus.
a) antheridia b) ascogonia c) Oogonia d) Spermatangia
265) In Stele, a smooth core of xylem is surrounded by Phloem is called a ----------
a) Haplostele b) Plectostele c) Siphonostele d) actinostele
266) ---------- is a leafless pteridophyte
a) Selaginella b) Psilotum c) marsilea d) Equisetum
267) Pteridophytes belonging to equisetineae are called ------------ .
a) Horse tail pteridophytes b) liverworts c) hornworts d) mosses
268) The xylem in Equisetum root is usually -----------
a) Diarch b) monarch c) tetrarch d) Polyarch
269) The tubers in Equisetum are -----------
a) one internode long b) neither nodes or internodes
c) two internode long d) several internode long
270) The root of Equisetum shows -----------
a) double layered pericycle b) cortical aerenchyma
c) double layered endodermis d) single layered endodermis
271) Annulus in the cone of Equisetum lies at the ---------
a) base of Sporangiophore b) base of Sporangium
c) base of cone d) top of sporangiophore
272) The number of Sporangia in Equisetum per sporangiophore ranges between ---
a) 2-4 b) 5-10 c) 15-20 d) 20-30
273) The jacket of a mature Sporangium of Equisetum is ---------
a) 1-2 layered b) 4-8 layered
c) 3-5 layered d) many layered
274) The elaters in the Sporangium of Equisetum are derived from -----------
a) Exospore b) epispore c) epispore d) exosporium
-------- sporangiophores are present in each whorl in Equisetum cone.
a) two b) four c) twelve d) twenty
-------- elaters are present in Equisetum spore
a) two b) four c) six d) eight
277) Antherozoids of Equisetum are --------
a) spiral biflagellate b) sickle shaped biflagellate
c) spiral multiflagellate d) sickle shaped multiflagellate
278) In --------- antheridia are produced on the lobes of the prothallus.
a) Psilotum b) Marsilea c) Equisetum d) Rhynia
279) Prothallus of Equisetum is ------------
a) only monoecious b) dioecious
c) equally of mono & dioecious d) usually monoecious or partly dioecious
280) The vallecular canals in Equisetum are present --------
a) below the ridges b) below the furrows
c) between ridges and furrows d) between epidermis and endodermis
281) Equisetum belongs to ----------
a) Sphenopsida b) Psilopsida c) Lycopsida d) Eligulopsida
282) The Stele in Psilotum stem is of ----------
a) Protostele b) Solerostele c) Polystele d) dictyostele
283) In ----------- scaly leaf lacks midrib.
a) Equisetum b) Psilotum c) Marsilea d) Selaginella
284) ---------- reproduces vegetatively by gemmae.
a) Equisetum b) Seloginella c) Psilotumd) Marsilea
285) Specialised structures are developed in Psilotum to produce spores are called ----------

a) Synangia b) Conidia c) anthercidia d) Oogonia

286) Each sporangium in Psilotum is ------------ lobed.

a) two b) three c) four d) five
287) Eusporangiate type of sporangium development is found in ---------

a) Selonginella b) Marsilea c) Nephrolepis d) Psilotum

288) --------- is Homosporous.
a) Equisetum b) Psilotum c) Selaginella d) Marsilea
289) Psilotum belongs to order -----------
a) Equisetales b) Psilotales c) Rhyniales d) Marcileales
290) The gametophyte of Psilotum grows as ------------
a) Parasite b) epiphyte c) Saprophyte d) halophyte
291) Spermatozoids in Psilotum are --------- .
a) biflagellate b) biflagellated and uncoiled
c)multiflagellate and spirally coiled d) uniflagellated and coiled
The roots of Pinus have symbiotic association of ----------
a) bacteria b) alga c) ecto-mycorrhiza d) endomycorihiza
293) Winged pollen grains are found in ----------
a) Pteris b) Pinus c) Selaginella d) Psilotum
294) The wing of Pinus derives from --------
a) Seed coat b) axis of cone c) bract scale d) avuliferous scale
295) Pinus seed develop ----------- cotyledons
a) one b) two c) many d) fleshy
296) Seeds of ---------- are edible and named Chilgoza
a) Pinus roxhurghii b) Pinus gerardiana
c) Pinus wallichiana d) Pinus armandi
297) Resin from Pine is obtained by ---------
a) tapping b) maceration c) squashing d) ratting
298) The foliage leaves of Pinus are ---------
a) lanceolate b) terete c) acicular d) spinous
299) Pinus seedlings thrives well in soil with ---------
a) mycorrhiza b) algae only c) bacteria only d) algae and bacteria
300) The stele of pinus root has resin canal in the region of ------------
a) Protoxylem b) Metaxyleum c) Phloem d) Pith

301) The wood of Pinus is ----------

a) monoxytic and manoxylic b) monoxylic and manoxylic
c) monoxylic and pycnoxylic d) polyxylic and pycnoxylic
302) Pinus needle has stomata of ---------- type.
a) normal and haplochelic b) sunken
c) sunken d) normal and syndeto chelic
303) The supra stomatal spaces of Pinus needle is called ---------
a) vertitube b) respiratory chamber
c) photosynthetic chamber d) exceretory chamber
304) Microsporophylls of Pinus are ---------
a) acicular b) circular c) dorsivental d) terete
305) The ovules of Pinus are ----------
a) orthotropous b) circinotropam c) campylotropus d) anatropus
306) The endosperm in Pinnus is formed ------------
a) before meiosis b) before fertilization
c) after triple fusion d) after fertilization
307) Archegonium in Pinus is --------- called
a) ten b) six c) four d) eight
308) The male gametes of Pinus are ----------
a) uniflagallate b) biflagellate
c) non-flagelluar d) multiflagellar
309) The axis with single flower is considered as ---------- inflorescence.
a) solitary cymose b) racemose c) special d) corymbose
310) The entire inflorescence is enclosed by a large bract called ----------- .
a) spatue b) sripule c) petiole d) scape
311) --------- type of inflorescence is found in Caesalpinia pulcherrima.
a) verticillaster b) Catkin c) raceme d) umbel
312) Spikelet inflorescence is found in ----------
a) poaceae b) solanaceae c) Caesalpiniaceae d) Acanthacsa.
313) Catkin type of inflorescence is found in ----------
a) caesalpinia b) M. acalypha c) maize d) margosa
314) Banana shows -------- inflorescence.
a) Catkin b) thyrsoid cyme c) compound spadix d) caryumb
315) Capitulum inflorescence is found in ----------
a) Datura b) Sunflower c) Centella d) Onion
316) Centella (Hydrocotyle) shows ------------ inflorescence.
a) simple umbel b) Compound umbel c) cymose d) racemose
317) Compound umbel inflorescence is present in ----------- .
a) Hydrocotyle b) c) Onion d) Caesalpinia
318) Ray florets are present at periphery in ----------- inflorescence.
a) verticillaster b) umbel c) racemose d) capitulum
-------- is a typical example of Capitulum
a) sunflower b) onion c) ocimum d) Datura
320) --------- is an example of solitary cymose inflorescence
a) Datura b) Chinorose c) jasminum d) Ocimum
321) Heliotropium shows -------- type of inflorescence.
a) Helicoid cyme b) Scorpioid cyme
c) biparous cyme d) multiparous cyme
322) Bougeinuillea shows -------- inflorescence.
a) monochasial cyme b) dichasial cyme c) racemose d) solitary cyme
323) Verticillaster inflorescence is present in ------------ .
a) Ocimum b) Onion c) Carrot d) Datura
324) Cup shaped involucre is present in ---------- .
a) cyathium b) verticillaster c) Hypantholium d) umbel
325) Male, female and gall flowers are present in ----------- inflorescence.
a) Cyathrium b) Hypanthodium c) Verticillaster d) capitute
326) ----------- is one of the essential whorls of a flower
a) corolla b) calyx c) bract d) androecium
327) In Gynandropsis, the elongation of second and third internode is called -----
a) anthophore b) gynophore
c) gynandrophore d) sporangiophore
328) The spongy and flat top modified thalamus is present in -----------
a) carrot b) chinorose c) Annona d) chinorose
329) Cupulate type of Calyx is present in ----------
a) vinca b) Bryophyllum c) Datura b) Bombax

The disc florets exhibit

a) pappus b) marigold c) Datura d) petalloid sepat
331) Petalloid sepals are present in --------
a) mussaenola b) Barleria c) Tridax d) Salvia
332) Flower having four free petals arranged in the form of cross is called --------
a) caryophyllaceous b) Papillionaceous
c) Cruciform d) Rosaceous
333) The shape of corolla is like butterfly is called ---------
a) Cruciform b) Papilionaceous
c) Caryophyllaceous d) Rosaceous
334) Cucurbita flower shows ---------- type of corolla
a) campanulate b) cruciform c) Rotate d) Infundibuliform
335) Bryophyllum flower shows ---------- type of corolla
a) Cruciform b) rotate c) Urceolate d) Hypocrateriform
336) Strap shaped corolla is present in -----------
a) ray floret of sunflower b) Catharanthus
c) Bryophyllum d) Ipomoea
337) Bilabiate corolla is present in -----------
a) Cucurbita b) Salvia c) Dahlia d) Mirabilis
338) Twisted aestivation is found in -----------
a) China rose b) Salvia c) Anona d) Caesalpinia
339) Imbricate aestivation is found in -----------
a) China-rose b) Salvia c) Caesalpinia d) Clitoria
340) Vexillary aestivation is common in flowers of ----------
a) Clitoria b) Salvia c) Caesalpinia d) Shinorose
341) The fusion of stamens on sepals is called ----------- condition.
a) Cpipetalous b) pisepalous c) epiphyllous d) inferior
342) The fusion of Stamens with petals is called ---------- condition
a) epipetalous b) gynostegium c) epipetalous d) episepalous
343) Adhesion between androecium and gynoecium is called -------------
a) gynostegium b) monoadeliphy c) diadelphy d) polyadephy

344) Disc florets of sunflower shows ------------- stamens

a) Synandrous b) syngenesious
c) polyadelphous d) monoadelphous
h -------- pistil is present in Michelia
a) syncarpous b) apocarpous c) tricarpellary d) bicarpellary
346) --------- placenration is present in sunflower
a) marginal b) basal c) axile d) parietal
h When micropyle, Chalaza and funiculus lie in one straight vertical line; the ovale is
termed as ------------
a) campylotropous b) circinotropus
c) anatropous d) orthotropous
348) ---------- type of fruit is present in sunflower
a) cypsela b) achene c) caryopsis d) Samara
349) ---------- exhibit samara type of fruit
a) Terminalia arjuna b) sunflower c) maize d) cypsela
350) Mustard shows ------------- type of fruit
a) Siliqua b) drupe c) capsule d) follicle
351) Ocimum shows ------------- type of fruit
a) carcerule b) drupe c) regma d) Lomentum
352) Acacia fruit is called ----------
a) Reqwa b) carcerule c) cremocarp d) Lomentum
353) Coconut exhibit ----------- fruit
a) fibrous drupe b) regma c) cremocarp d) Lowentum
354) Cucurbita shows ------- of fruit
a) regma b) pepo c) carcerule d) cremocarp
355) Michelia shows ------------
a) Etacrio of folliclies b) Elaero of achenes
c) Etaerio of dmpe d) Sorosis
356) Etaerio of berries is present in ------------
a) China rose b) Datura c) Anona d) Ocimum
357) Fruit of fig is called ----------
a) Sorosis b) Syconus c) drupe d) Pepo
358) Mulberry shows --------- type of fruit
a) etaerio of berries b) etaerio of blrapes
c) etacrio of achenes d) etaerio of follicles.
359) A term plant taxonomy was coined by -----------
a) A.P. deCandolle b) Bentham and Hooker
c) Hutchinson d) Linnaeus
360) In 1565, Garcia d'orta published and translated a book -------- in Latin language.
a) Indian Medicinal plants b) Indian ornamental plants
c) Indian herbaceous plants d) Indian trees
361) Indian Botanic Garden was established by -------- in 1787.
a) Leut.col. Robert Kyd b) Roxburgh c) Calder d) Wallich
362) Indian botanic Garden is situated at ------------
a) Calcutta b) Lucknow c) Darjeling d) Coimbatore
h -------- tree appear like tiny forest in Indian Botanic Garden, Calcutta.
a) Fig b) Indian rubber c) Banyan d) Margosa
364) ---------- are the wonder of Indian Botanic Garden, Calcutta.
a) Giant water lilies b) Bamboos c) Roses d) Phlox
365) National Botanic Garden, Lucknow was established by ---------- .
a) Sadat Ali Khan b) Roxburgh c) Wallich d) Calder
366) Lead botanical Garden was funded by --------- to Shivaji University, Kolhapur in
a) MoEF b) DBT c) DST d) UGC
367) Bentham and Hooker published ----------- .
a) Genera plantarum b) Indian trees
c) Indian Meteria Medica d) Indian herbs
368) Radial voscular bundles are present in ---------
a) Sunflower stem b) Maize stem c) Jowar stem d) Maize root.
369) ---------- is present in vascular bandle of Maize stem.
a) bundle sheath b) sclerenchynatous
c) lignin sheath d) collenchymate sheath.
370) Hypodermis in maize stem is made up of --------
a) parenchyma b) collenchyma c) sclerendyma d) chlorenchyma
371) When cambium is absent vascular bundle it is called ----------
a) bicollateral b) closed c) open as well as closed d) only open
372) Tetrarch vascular bundles are present in ----------
a) sunflower roots b) sunflower stem
c) maize stem d) maize root
373) Starch sheath is present in covtex of --------- stem
a) sunflower b) maize c) jowar d) wheat
374) Hard bast is made up of ----------
a) parenchyma b) collenchyma c) xylem d) sclerenchyma
375) Adaptive abnormal secondary growth is found in --------- stem.
a) Bignonia b) Dracaena c) Yucca d) Aloe
376) Non-adaptive abnormal secondary growth is found in ------- stem.
a) Dracaena b) Bignonia c) Serjania d) sunflower.
377) Cap cells are present in alga -------- .
a) Sargassum b) Nostoc
c) Oedogonium d) Spirogyra
378) Male and Female conceptacles are present in ---------- .
a) Oedogonium b) Spirogyra
c) Sargassum d) Nostoc
379) The antibiotic Penicillin is obtained from ------------- .
a) Penicillium b) Mucor
c) Aspergillus d) Puccinia
380) Puccinia is a -------------- .
a) Saprophyte b) Ectoparasite
c) Obligate Parasite d) Facultative Parasite
381) Lichens are formed by Symbiotic association between alga and ---------- .
a) bacteria b) fungus
c) bryophyte d) pteridophyte
382) Sexual reproduction in Anthoceros is ------------
a) isogamous b) anisogamous
c) oogamous d) plasmogamous
383) Mushrooms produce ------------ .
a) ascospores b) conidiospores
c) basidiospores d) teleutospores
384) The main source of biofertilizers are ------------ .
a) Mycoplasma b) Pteridophytes
c) BGA d) Bryophytes

385) Sporophyte with cylindrical capsule, bulbous foot and no distinct seta is present in ----
--------- .
a) bryopsida b) anthoceratopsida
c) hepaticopsida d) pteropsida
386) ------------- alga is abundant in Sargasso sea.
a) Nostoc b) Sargassum
c) Ectocarpus d) Oedogonium
387) A circular electron dense structure that surrounds the nuclear pore is referred as -------
a) Lumen b) Annulus
c) Peri nuclear space d) nucleoplasm
388) During anaphasic movement, metacentiric chromosome assure ---------- shape.
a) „M‟ b) „W‟
c) „V‟ d) „N‟
389) Ribosomes are responsible for ----------- synthesis.
a) Lipid b) Plasmolytic enzyme
c) Carbohydrates d) Protein
390) Camillio Golgi discovered a organelle viz.------------- .
a) Golgi complex b) Peroxisomes
c) Lysosomes d) Nucleus
391) Autoysis occurs in -------------- .
a) Ribosomes b) Lysosomes
c) Dictyosomes d) Mitochondrion
392) The phenomenon which works opposite to linkage is referred as --------- .
a) Deletion b) Mutation
c) Crossing over d) Epistasis
393) The botanical name of Para-rubber tree is ----------- .
a) Castilla elastica b) Ficus elastic
c) Manihot glaziovii d) Hevea brisiliensis
394) Apocarotenoids like bixin and narbixin are present in --------- .
a) Azadirachta indica b) Indigofera tinctoria
c) Butea monosperma d) Bixa orellana
395) Emblica fruits are rich in --------- .
a) Vitamin-B b) Vitamin-D
c) Vitamin-C d) Vitamin-A
396) The important ayurvedic tonic „Gulvel Satva‟ is obtained from stem of ---------.
a) Tinospora cordifolia b) Emblica officinalis
c) Curcuma longa d) Zingiber officinale

397) Phytochrome pigments exist in -------- forms.

a) P b) P
c) P & P d) None of the above
398) Naturally occurring hormone in coconut is ---------
a) Gibberellin b) Ethylene
c) Auxins d) Cytokinins
399) is long day plant.

a) Coconut b) Wheat
c) Tobacco d) Cabbage
400) 261) There are ------------- phytogeographical regions of India.
a) Nine b) Eight
c) Twelve d) Ten
401) serve as good indicator of land productivity.

a) Forest b) Community
c) Population d) Organisms
402) 263) ----------- succession takes place in xeric area.
a) Xerosere b) Lithosere
c) Pasmmosere d) Hydrosere
403) Salt glands are found in ------------ plants.
a) Xerophytic b) Halophytic
404) deals with cultivation of flowering plans.

a) Pomoculture b) Olericulture
c) Floriculture d) Landscape gardenting
405) Art of connecting two pieces of living tissue together is known as ------- .
a) Grafting b) Layering
c) budding d) Cutting
406) Bryophyllum is propagated by ----------- cutting.
a) Stem b) Leaf
c) Root d) None of these
407) Etiolation in plants is caused when they are grown in ----------- .
a) intense light b) dark
c) blue light d) red
408) Avena coleoptiles test was performed by ---------------- .
a) R. V. Thimann b) F. W. Went
c) F. Skoog d) L. J. Audus
409) The term vernalization was coined by ---------- .
a) Purvis b) Chourad
c) Mekchers d) Ly senko
410) Seed dormancy in pulses is due to -----------.
a) thin seed coat b) hard seed coat
c) immature embryo d) auxin
411) Glycine max is a -------- plant.
a) short-day b) long day
c) CAM d) Day neutral
412) ----------- growth hormone is found in coconut milk.
a) Kinin b) Abscissic acid
c) lndole-acetic acid d) Gibberellic acid
413) -------------- is a submerged hydrophyte.
a) Typha b) Vallisnaria
c) Salvinia d) Azolla
414) Air layering is also denoted as ------------ .
a) Whip graft b) Top-tongue graft
c) Approach graft d) Goote
415) ------------ serves as a good indicator of land productivity.
a) Forest b) Pollution
c) Desert c) Agriculture
416) ------------- deals with the distribution of plants.
a) Phytomorphology b) Geomorphology
c) Phytogeography d) Geology.
417) The wall of a guard cell surrounding stomatal pore is ---------- .
a) thin and elastic b) thin and non-elastic
c) thick d) thick and nonelastic
h Due to deficiency, the older leaves show marginal chlorosis and necrosis
a) Copper b) Phosphorus
c) Potassium d) Calcium
419) During light reachion, splitting of water molecule occurs, the process is referred as ---
--------- .
a) Photolysis. b) Phosphorylation
c) Photoperiodism d) Photorespiration
420) -------------- show symbiotic association between alga and a fungus.
a) Bacteria b) Viruses
c) Lichens d) Pteridophytes
421) Fungi growing on cattle or animal dung are called ---------- fungi.
a) entomogenous b) aquatic
c) parasitic d) coprophilous
422) ---------- is a fresh water alga.
a) Spirogyra b) Ulva
c) Sargassum d) Ectocarpus
423) -------------- is responsible for biological nitrogen fixation.
a) Nustoc b) Sargassum
c) Polysiphonia d) Spirogyra
424) -------------- lack chlorophyll pigments.
a) Fungi b) alga
c) bryophytes d) pteridophytes
425) is called bread mould fungus.

a) Puccinia b) Cercospora
c) Mucor d) Cercospora

426) Polyporus and Ganoderma causes -------------- to highor plank

a) Wood rotting b) parasitic
c) aquatic d) entomogenous
427) Riccia belongs to ------------ .
a) Sphenopsida b) Lycopsida
c) Hepaticopsida d) Anthocerotopsida
428) The thallus of bryophytes consists only ---------- type of cells.
a) collenchymatous b) pareachymatous
c) lignified d) silicified
429) The loss of water from aerial organs in the form of water vapour is called ---------------
a) respiration b) assimilation
c) transpiration d) diffusion
430) number of elements are „essential elements‟.

a) seventeen b) Seven
c) twenty one d) twenty Seven
431) In photophosphorylation process, process, sunlight is used for synthesis of -------------
--------- .
a) PGA b) ATP
b) AMP d) ADP
432) In C4 cycle, the first stable compound is three carbon organic acid named as -----------
--------- .
a) Pyruvicacid b) Oxaloacetic acid
c) 3-Phosphoglyceric d) Phosphoric acid
433) Heterocysts in blue green alga consists of enzyme ------------ .
a) nitrate reductase b) nitrogenase
c) catalase d) dehydrogenase
434) nif-genes are reported in bacterium ---------- ------------.
a) Escherichia coli b) Xanthomonas compestris
c) Cercospora rosicola d) Klebsiella pneumonieae
435) Artificial fruit ripening can be made by using ---------
a) auxin b) cytokinin
c) ethylene d) abscisin
436) show inhibitory action on growth process.

a) Abscisic acid b) Gibberellic acid

c) Napthalene acetic acid d) Indole-3-butyric acid

437) Glycolysis process occurs in ---------------

a) Cytosol b) Endoplasmic reticulum
c) mitochondria d) chloroplast
438) Nitrogen is convered to ammonia in presence of ------------- enzyme.
a) peroxidise b) caltalse
c) ligase d) Nitrogenas

h Healthy root nodules in leguminous plants are pink due to presence of red pigment
called ------------ .
a) haemoglobin b) leghaemoglobin
c) anthocyanin d) cyanophyan
440) Naturally accurring hormone present in coconut milk is called ------------- .
a) Abscisin b) Ethylene
c) Gibberellin d) Gytokinin
441) The substance responsible for flowering stimulus is known as ----------- .
a) Kinetin b) florigen
c) Vernalin d) Abscisin
442) -------------- is essential for fixation of atmospheric nitrogen.
a) Zinc b) Nickel
c) Molybdenum d) Copper
443) ------------ deficiency is responsible for physiological disease like mottled chlorosis.
a) Magnesium b) Molybdenum
c) Manganese d) Chlorine
444) Kranz anatomy is seen in ---------- plants.
a) C3 b) C4
c) CAM d) CAM and C3
445) -------------- is the site of photochemical reactions in chloroplast.
a) Ribosomes b) Lysosome
b) Chromosome d) Quantasomes
446) ---------- enzyme catalyzes the reduction of Nitrogen to ammonia.
a) Nitrogenase b) Peroxidase
c) Catalase d) nitrate reductase
447) The growth curve is usually referred as ---------- curve.
a) sigmoid b) rhomboid
c) - shaped d) V-shaped.
448) The naturally occurring hormone in coconut milk is ----------------- .
a) ethylene b) cytokinin
c) abscisin d) auxin
449) The shrinkage of protoplasm due to loss of water is known as -------------
a) Endosmosis b) plasmolysis
c) Exosmosis d) transpiration
450) The botanical name of Lucerne is ------------ .
a) Medicgo sativa b) Cymbopogon nardus
c) Phaseolus vulgaris d) Stylosanthes guyanensis
451) Coconut oil is obtained from ------------------ part of fruit.
a) Mesocarp b) Endocarp
c) Solid endosperm d) Cotyledons
452) Perfume obtained from rose is called ----------------- .
a) Henna b) Jasmine
c) Otto d) None of these

453) The natural source of Vitamin „C‟ is -------------- .

a) Fruit of Withania b) Fruit of Tinospora
c) Fruit of opium d) Emblica officinalis
454) The botanical name of ginger is ------------- .
a) Papaver somniferum b) Zingiber officinale
c) Rawolfia serpentina d) Emblica officinalis
455) Curcumin is present in ------------- .
a) Annatto b) Turmeric
c) Henna d) Saffron
456) The term „Rubber‟ is firstly coined by ------------ .
a) Priestly b) Mackintosh
c) Goodyear d) None of these
457) Cat‟s tail name is referred to -------------- .
a) Acalypha hispida b) Quisqualis indica
c) Aster amellus d) Celosia cristata
458) Zhukovsky proposed -------------- megacentres for diversity of cultivated plants.
a) 12 b) 11
c) 10 d) 8
459) Lucerne or Alfalfa is main source of ------------- .
a) Dyes b) Fodder legume
c) Fibres d) Edible oil
460) In India mustard oil is called as ----------- oil.
a) Coconut b) Groundnut
c) Sarson d) Palm
461) Coir is obtained from ------------- fruit.
a) Arachis hypogyea b) Cicer arietinum
c) Brassica juncea d) Cocos nucifera
462) “Otto of Rose” is prepared from ------------ of Rosa damascene plant.
a) Flower b) Leaf
c) Stem d) Fruit
463) Which part of the syzygium aromaticum plant is medicinally important --------
a) Stem b) Floral bud
c) Seed d) Fruit
464) Azadirachta is a source of ---------- .
a) Rubber b) Dye
c) Insecticide d) Prefume
465) Indigo dye is obtained from --------------- of Indigofera tinctoria plant.
a) Root b) Stem
c) Bark d) Leaf
466) Chlorosis usually occurs -----------.
a) in strong light b) in dark
c) due to excessive respiration d) due to deficiency of Mg and Fe

Process of selective transmission of liquid through semipermeable membrane is called

as ----------------.
a) Difusion b) Osmosis
c) Plasmolysis c) Transmission
468) Which of the following is a micronutrient --------------- .
a) Na b) K
c) Ca d) Cu
469) For the synthesis of organic matter the green plants need --------------- .
a) Light b) Chlorophyll
c) CO2 d) All of these
470) ATP formation during the photosynthesis is termed as -------------- .
a) Phosphorylation b) Photophosphorylation
c) Oxidative photophosphorylation d) Non of these
471) Enzyme ----------- catalyze the reduction of Nitrogen to Ammonia.
a) Nitrogenase b) Nitrate reductase
c) Protease d) Ligase
472) Vernalization is the effect of ------------ on flowering.
a) room temperature b) atmospheric pressure
c) low temperature d) high temperature
473) The hypothetical chemical involved in flowering in plans is ------------ .
a) IAA b) GA
c) Kinetin d) Florigen
474) ------------ are the micronutrients to the plants.
a) N, P, K b) Cu, Fe, Mn
c) Ca, K, Na d) C, N, O
475) During night, the stomata are open in --------------
a) C3 plants b) C4 plants
c) C3 and C4 plants d) CAM plants
476) --------------
number of elements are called essential elements.
a) 17 b) 20
c) 25 d) 30
477) In photosynthesis light is converted to ------------- .
a) Kinetic energy b) Chemical energy
c) Radiant energy d) Photochemical energy
478) Naturally occurring hormone in coconut is ----------- .
a) Auxin b) Gibberellin
c) Cytokinin d) Ethylene
479) Phycobilins are found in --------------- .
a) Algae b) Fungi
c) Actinomycet d) Bacteria
480) The growth curve is usually ------------ .
a) „S‟ shaped b) „V‟ shaped
c) „J‟ shaped d) Bell shaped

481) Kranz anatomy is characteristic of ------------ .

a) C3 plants b) C4 plants
c) CAM plants d) Succulant plants
482) Uniseriate unbranched filaments are found in -------------- .
a) Oedogonium b) Chara
c) Polysiphonia d) Sargassum
483) Sargassum belongs to order -------------- of phaeophyta.
a) Zygnematales b) Oedogoniales
c) Fucales d) Siphonales
484) --------------is commonly known as blue mold or green mold.
a) Penicillium b) Rhizopus
c) Cercospora d) Puccinia
485) An alternate host of Genus Puccinia causing wheat rust is --------- .
a) Launea b) Malva
c) Helianthus d) Berberis
486) Lichens growing as crust on rocks and bark are ------------ lichens.
a) Crustose b) Terricoles
c) Saxicoles d) Lignicoles.
487) Anthoceros reproduces vegetatively by ------------- .
a) Propagules b) Tubers
c) Spores d) Elaters
488) Botanical name of oyster mushroom is ------------ .
a) Agaricus bisporus b) Volvariella volvacea
c) Pleurotus sajor-kaju d) Agaricus bitorquis
489) ----------- used as a biofertilizer form blue green algae.
a) Azotobacter b) Acetobacter
c) Azospirillum d) Nostoc
490) Sexual reproduction in Sargassum is -------------- .
a) Conjugatory b) Isogamous
c) Oogamous d) Anisogamous.
491) Litmus as a acid base indicator is obtained from a lichen named ---------- .
a) Roccella b) parmelia
c) Graphis d) Cladonia
492) Gibberellic acid was isolated from ---------- fungus.
a) Aspergillus nidulans b) Aspergillus flavans
c) Gibberella fujikuroi d) Aspergillus nigricans.
493) Wheat is an example of --------------- .
a) Short day plant b) Long day plant
c) Day neutral plant d) Medium day plant
494) The hypothetical chemical responsible for flowering in plant is --------------- .
a) GA b) IAA
c) Kinetin d) Florigen
495) Vernalization is the effect of ---------------- on flowering.
a) Atmospheric temperature b) Room Temperature
c) High temperature d) Low temperature
496) ---------------
deals with distribution of plants.
a) Geography b) Phytogeography
c) Biogeography d) Zoogeography
497) ------------- is a free floating hydrophyte.
a) Eichhorania b) Hydrilla
c) Valisneria d) typha
498) Andaman region shows dominant --------------- forest.
a) Mangrove b) Pine
c) Sal d) Xerophyte.
499) The plants serve as „measure‟ or index are called ------------- .
a) Plant indicators b) Animal indicators
c) Environmental indicators d) Pollution indicators
500) Pomegranate is generally propagated by ----------------- .
a) Air layering b) Mound layering
c) Trench layering d) Tip layering
501) The upper part of the graft is called --------------- .
a) Stock b) Rhizome
c) Scion d) Root
502) A standard growth curve of plant, is ------------- shaped.
a) bell b) sigmoid
c) pyramid d) square
503) The classical Avena curvature test was performed by --------------- .
a) F. Skoog b) F.W. Went
c) L. J. Oudus d) S. Miller
504) ------------- is capable of delaying of leaf senescence.
a) Gibberellic acid b) Cytokinin
c) Abscisic acid d) Auxin
505) -------------- is the indicator of low moisture contents of the soil.
a) Acacia nilotica b) Agrostis biemalia
c) Cassia tora d) Capparis decidua
506) To explain distribution of plants, a theory of tolerance was first proposed by -----------
a) Salisbury b) Cain
b) Good d) Thoday
507) The plant succession taking place in an aquatic environment is known as ---------------
a) hydrosere b) xerosere
c) halosere d) hydrophilic
508) The exposure of plants to low temperature for induction of flowering is called ---------
a) photoperiodism b) Photorespiration
c) vernalisation d) stratification

h Breaking of seed dormancy by either rupturing or weakening of hard seed coat is

known as ----------------- .
a) stratification b) scarification
c) devernalisation d) guttation
510) In ---------------- the root formation takes place on the branches which are still
attached to the parent plant.
a) cutting b) grafting
c) layering d) budding
511) An art of connecting two pieces of living plants together, is known as -----------
a) layering b) budding
c) grafting d) cutting
512) --------- performed experiment in DNA Technology
a) Boyer and Cahen b) Mc clintaff c) Watson and Crick d) Willard
513) --------- is one of the important stages of Recombined DNA Technology
a) repression of genes b) lysis of clones
c) Insertion of selected DNA into cloning vector d) Doubling of clones
514) --------- are one of the most important groups of enzymes for the manipulation of
a) Endonucleases b) Restrictin endonucleases
c) Helicase d) Primases
515) --------- are enzymes that restrict the viral replication
a) Nitrate reductiase b) restriction endonucleases
c) belicase d) primase
516) Restiotion endonucleases are --------- enzymes
a) bacterial b) viral c) fungal d) algal
517) Restriction endonucleases are first discovered in ---------- that restricting replication of
bacterio phages
a) Rhizobium b) Pseudomonous c) bacteriophages d) E. coli
518) -------- are used for joining cut DNA fragments
a) Endonucleases b) Polymerases c) Ligases d) isomerase
h During cloning experiments, there is need to prevent frequent unwanted ligation of
DNA. For this ------- enzyme is used.
a) restriction endonucleases b) isomerase c) alkaline phosphatase
d) both 'a' & 'b'
520) --------- enzymes is essential to remove phosphate groups
a) alkaline phosphatase b) acid phosphatase c) ligase d) endonuclease

521) Nucleases are the enzymes that break the --------- bonds of DNA
(a) Hydrogen b) phosphodiester c) Carbon d) Hydrogen and carbon
522) --------- are the good examples of endonucleases
a) Restriction endonucleares b) Primare
c) helicase d) exonucleases
523) ---------- cuts either single or double stranded DNA molecates of random sites.
a) Deoxyribonucleas-I b) alkaline phosphatase
c) acid phasphatase d) helicase
524) ---------- groups of enzymes that catalyse synthesis of nucleic acid molecules.
a) Endonucleases b) Exonuclease c) Polymerases d) primase
525) RNA specific nucleases are referred to as -------
a) DNAse b) RNAses c) phosphatase d) helicase
526) ----------- are extra chromosomal, double stranded, circular, self replicating DNA
a) bacteriophages b) virions c) plasmids d) Cosmids
527) Plasmids carrying set of transfer genes are called --------- plasmid.
a) Conjugative b) Non-conjugative c) fusitive d) negative.
528) Plasmids carrying genes resistant to antibiotics are referred to as ----------
a) F-plasmids b) R-plasmids c) S-plasmids d) Phage
529) ---------- are the vectors possessing the characteristics of both plasmids and
a) Virion b) E.coli c) Cosmids d) Phasids.
530) introduced yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) which is a synthetic DNA that

can accept large fragments of foreign DNA.

a) M. olson b) Sanger c) Boyer d) Boyer and Cohen
531) The southern blotting is named after the scientist -----------
a) Ed. Southern b) Olson c) Gilbert d) Sanger
532) --------- technique is important for the confirmation of DNA cloning results.
a) Ed southern blotting b) Northern blotting
c) Western blotting d) Northern & Western blotting
533) In case of identification of parenthood, Thieves -------- blatting method is very useful.
a) Northern b) Southern
c) both Southern or Northern d) Western

534) --------- technique is the technique used for specific identification of RNA molecules.
a) Southern b) Western
c) Northern d) either Southern or Western
535) --------- is a technique (in vitro) for generating large quantities of a specified DNA
a) Polymerase chain Reaction (PCR) b) Southern blotting
c) Northern blotting d) Western blotting
536) PCR technique is developed by ----------
a) Karry Mullis b) Gilbert c) Olson d) Sanger
537) A basic tool for molecular biologists, is referred to as ----------
a) PCR b) VCR c) TCR d) Non of these.
538) ---------- is a cell free amplification technique for synthesizing multiple identical
copies of any DNA of interest.
a) PCR b) Southern blotting c) Northern blotting d) Dot blotting
539) PCR is used to diagnose retrovival infection like ---------
a) Tmv b) Tuberculosis c) HIV d) Cancer
540) ---------- is considered as present day genetic detective.
a) gene bank b) gene pool
c) DNA finger printing d) DNA chip
541) Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) represents a strength of ----------
that serves as a marker for mapping a specified gene.
a) RNA b) mRNA c) tRNA d) DNA
PCR Technique is much simpler and quicker to amplify the DNA and conveniently
used for --------- of DNA.
a) digestion b) lysis c) denaturation d) sequencing
The basis for DNA finger printing is ------------
availability of cloned DNA
knowledge & human kanotype
occurrence of restriction fragment length polymorphism.
Phenotypic differences between individuals.
544)The recent technique used for separating fragments of DNA is -----------.
a) Southern blotting b) Northern blotting
c) Western blotting d) Eastern blotting
545) Enzyme which acts like a Scissor in genetic engineering is ------------
a) Ligase b) Transcriptase c) Exonuclease d) Endonuclease
546) Vector used to carry foreign DNA in genetic engineering are ----------
a) Plasmid b) phage c) Viruses d) All of these
547) Restriction enzymes have been found in ----------

a) humans b) birds c) bacteria d) bacteriophages

548) --------- of the following cell organelle is associated with genetic engineering.
a) Centriole b) Mitochandnia c) Plasmid d) Chloroplast
549) Bacterial resistance to antibiotic is a genetic trait carried in the bacterial --------
a) Intrun b) plasmid c) centromere d) telomere
550) Collection of bacteria with gDNA is called --------
a) DNA clones b) DNA libray c) cDNA library
d) Genomic DNA library
551) DNA fingerprinting is very useful for ---------
a) Forensic studies b) tests of identity and relationships
c) Polymosphism d) All of these
552) DNA sequencing is -------------
a. Nucleotide or base sequence of a mDNA fragment.
b. Nucleotide or base sequence of a DNA fragment.
c. Nucleotide design of DNA fragment
d. Nucleotide or base sequence of t-RNA.
553) Collection of cloned DNA segments from complete genome is called --------
a) DNA library b) Genomic bank
c) Gene bank d) both 'b' & 'c'
554) The genetically transformed new plants are regarded ------------
a) transgenic plants b) mutant plants
c) hybrids d) Cybrids
The most common vector used for genetic transformation is ---------
Rhizobium b) E. coli c) Agrobacterium tumefaciens d) Plasmid
-------- is a soil born gram negative bacterium used as vector in transgenesis.
a) Agrobacterium b) Pseudomonas c) Neurospora d) Saccharomyces
557) Agrobacterium tumefaciens induces crown gall through releasing -------- into plant
a) Cosmid b) Phasid c) Ti-plasmid d) viriod
558) A segment of Ji plasmid is referred as -----------
a) C-DNA b) T-DNA c) rRNA d) mRNA
559) T-DNA carries genes that for proteins involved in biosynthesis of auxin
and --------------
a) ABA b) IBA c) GA d) Cytokinin
T-DNA is responsible for biosynthesis of metabolites like opines (amino acid
derivatives) and ------------- derivatives like agropines, in Agrobacterium affected
a) Protein b) lipid c) sugar d) All of these
561) Agrobacterium cells consists --------- as independently replicating circular DNA.
a) cosmids b) virioids c) Ti plasmids d) Phagids
T-DNA has genes for biosynthesis of auxin. cytokinin and opine, these genes are
referred as ---------- which are determinants of tumour phenotype.
a) jamping genes b) nifaenes c) Oncogenes d) regular genes
563) Agrobacterium produce ---------- in affected plant tissue.
a) virulence proteins b) nucleic acids c) Organic acids d) GA
564) Agrobacterium mediated 'transformation is --------------- method of gene transfer.
a) natural b) artificial c) chemical d) Physical
565) ---------- genes are used for resistance to glyphosate in transformed plasma.
a) epsps gene b) bxn gene c) aada gene d) ble gene
The use of recombinant DNA technology to transfer & insert desired gene from one
organism into another organism to confer the new traits is called -------------.
a) Genetic engineering b) Transgenesis
c) Mutagenesis d) Sporogenesis
567) The foreign gene which is inserted into plant is called as ------------ .
a) Vector b) Plasmid
c) Transgene d) nif-genes
568) The process of transfer of transgene is called ------------.
a) Genetic engineering b) Transgenesis
c) mutagenesis d) Cytokinensis
569) Genes for insect resistance from ------------ have been used to produce transgenic
a) Bacillus thuringensis b) E. coli
c) Agrobacterium tumefaciens d) Xanthomonas
570) ------------ is a natural genetic engineer.
a) Bacillus thuringensis b) Bacillus subtilis
c) Agrobacterium tumefaciens d) E. coli
571) Agrobacterium tumefaciens consists of plasmid called ------------ .
a) Ti plasmid b) Vector
c) Conjugative plasmid d) Non Conjugative plasmid
572) Agrobacterium tumefaciens transfer small DNA segment of Ti plasmid is called -------
a) m-RNA b) r- RNA
c) T - DNA d) F plasmid
573) ------------ region has the genes for the biosynthesis of aurin, cytokinin & opine.
a) Virulence region b) T - DNA region
c) Opine region d) f-plasmid region.
574) ------------ region codes for protein involved in the uptake & metabolism of opines.
a) T - DNA region b) Virulence region
c) Opine cotabolism d) Non-virulence region.
575) ------------ are microscopic tungsten or gold particles which are coated with foreign
a) microprojectile b) macroprojectile
c) stopping plate d) Platinum wire
576) A lipid vesicle is known as ------------ .
a) liposome b) microprojectile
c) macroprojectile d) lipofection
577) Delivery of foreign DNA into eukaryotic plant cell by using liposome is called --------
a) microinjection b) electroporation
c) lipofection d) None of the above
In fibre mediated DNA delivery, the DNA is delivered into cytoplasm & vacuoles of
target cells with the help of ------------.
a) silicon carbide fibre b) microprojectile
c) macroinjectile d) electroporation
579) ------------ means of disruption of cells or DNA molecule by frequency of sound
a) sonication b) Lipofection
c) electroporation d) microinjection
h The technique in which the foreign DNA is introduced into the cells through the
fransient pares into the cells called ------------.
a) electroporation b) sonication
c) lipofection d) macroinjection
581) ------------ gene provides resistance to drug, antibiotic or other agents that arrest the
growth of normal cells.
a) markergene b) reporter
c) luxgene d) nasgene
582) ------------ is isolated from R plasmid of bacteria.
a) kan gene b) hpt gene
c) dhfr gene d) nas gene
583) hPt gene synthesizes the enzyme------------ .
a) hygromycin phosphotransferase b) acetyl transferases
c) endonucleases d) cellulose
584) ------------ gene encocles for the enzymes chloramphenicol acetyl transferase.
a) cat gene b) nas gene
c) hpt gene d) kan gene
585) ------------ gene synthesizes luciferase enzyme.
a) lux gene b) nas gene
c) cat gene d) hpt gene
586) --------- have no relation in determination of sex of individual.
a) oxysomes b) Polysomes
c) autosomes d) oxysomes and polysomes
587) In human males the chromosomal constitution will be -------
a) 2 A + XX b) 1 A + XX c) 2A + XY d) 2A + XO
588) In human females the chromosomal constitution will be ---------
a) 2A + XX b) 2 A + XY c) 2 A + XO d) 1 A + XY
589) Sex linked characters are --------
a) dominant b) recessive c) lethal d) mutative
590) A human ---------- is heterogametic in nature.
a) male b) offsprings c) Both male & female d) female
In human, ---------- is homogametic in nature
a) male b) female c) offsprings d) both male & female
592) In human, two chromosomes are ---------
a) genetically different b) functionally different
c) morphologically different d) all of these
593) Hardy Weinberg Law is also called as law of -----------
a) segregation b) independent assortment
c) equilibrium d) mutation
594) Chromosomes related with sex determination are ----------
a) heterosomes b) -chromosomes
c) autosomes d) oxysomes
595) An autosome is ----------
a) chromosomes other than sex b) half of a sex chromosome
c) sex chromosome d) oxysome
The sex determination system in which males (XY) and females (XX) is found in all
a) unicellular organisms b) vertebrates
c) mammals d) animals
597) The sex chromosomes are segregated during ---------
a) meiosisb) mitosis c) linkage d) crossing over
598) A man receives his 'x' chromosome from ----------
a) his mother only b) his father only
c) either his mother or his father d) both his father and mother
599) There are about --------- main types of sex expression in higher plants.
a) 5 b) 10 c) 8 d) 20
Mc Clung reported that, ---------- is involved in sex determination
a) Y body b) 'x' body c) X and Y body d) only 'Y' body
601) In --------- organisms there are two types of chromosomes (autosomes and sex
a) dioecious b) monoecious
c) andromonoecious d) gynomonecious
602) Y chromosomes has small amount of --------- and large amount of heterochromatin
a) ribosomes b) nucleosomes c) oxysomes d) euchromatin
603) The chromosomes responsible for determination of sex are called --------
a) autosomes b) sex chromosome c) nucleosomes d) oxysomes
604) The phenotypic characters (traits) of different organisms may be of qualitative and ----
a) supplementary b) complementary c) quantitative d) inhibitory
Quantitative inheritance show ------
a) dominance b) no epistasis c) linkage d) mutation
In Quantitative Inheritance there is no involvement of ---------
a) linkage b) recessiveness
c) only recessiveness d) only dominanceness
-------- is a single gene effect
a) qualitative b) quantitative
c) cumulative d) only quantitative
Each contributing allele in series of multiple genes produce --------- effects.
a) equal b) unequal
c) medium d) equal as well as unequal
Quantitative trait is called --------
a) Polygene b) barnase gene c) lethal gene d) nif-gene
Polygene term was coined by ---------
a) Muller b) Morgan c) Stevens d) K. Mather
-------- is essential for knowing evolution in the species
a) population genetics b) cell biology
c) biophysics d) biochemistry
By following Hardy Weinberg Law the genotype frequency in the next generation will be ----
a) 2 b) half c) one d) 1.5
The Hardy Weinberg Law proves, ------------ equilibrium is maintained.
a) phenotypic b) genetic
c) only phenotypic d) phenotypic and genotypic
--------- responsible for cytoplasmic inheritance in Mirabilis jalapa
a) Ribosomes b) Mitochendria c) Plastid d) Golgibodies
--------- plays important role in extra chromosomal inheritance
a) Nucleus b) Cytoplasm c) Plastid d) plasma membrane
The cytoplasmic units of inheritance are called --------
a) lethal genes b) jumping genes c) plasma genes d) nif genes
Albinism in corn is due to -------
a) mineral deficiency b) high temperature effect
c) cytoplasmic inheritance d) low intensity of light
618) Extra-nuclear genetic material is present in --------
a) nucleus b) nuclear membrane c) cell membrance d) cytoplasm
619) ----------- are responsible for plastid inheritance
a) chloroplast DNA b) mitochondria
c) t-RNA d) r-RNA

620) Variegated coloration of leaves was first studied by ---------

a) K. Correns b) Muller c) Batesond) Punnet
h In higher eukaryotes, traits coded for extranuclear inheritance are inherited solely from
a) Nucleus b) Plasma membrane
c) Nuclear membrane d) Females gametes
622) ----------- and chloroplast organelles responsible for cytoplasmic inheritance
a) Lysosomes b) Golgibodies
c) Mitochondria d) Endoplasmic reticulum
623) Genetic variations are essential for --------
a) deviation b) alteration c) evolution d) selection
624) Repition of chromosomal segment is known as -----------
a) translocation b) transformation c) transduction d) duplication
h Mutual exchange of chromosome segments between non-homologous chromosomes is
called ---------
a) deletion b) duplication c) Inversion d) translocation
626) Rearrangement of a group of genes in a chromosome in reverse order is called ------
a) deletion b) deficiency c) duplication d) Inversion
627) 2n chromosome number indicates ----------
a) monosomy b) bisomy c) trisomy d) nullisomy
628) 2n number of chromosome number indicates --------
a) monosomy b) nullisomy c) trisomy d) tetrasomy
629) Reverse sequence of genes in a chromosome is observed in --------
a) Inversion b) duplication c) translocation d) deletion
630) Occurrence of three or more sets of chromosome in somatic cells is called -----
a) polyploidy b) tetraploidy c) triploidy d) diploidy
631) Trisomy is expressed as --------
a) 2n+1 b) 2n-1 c) 2n-2 d) 2n+2
632) Loss of single chromosome, create a condition called ----------
a) diploidy b) bisomy c) monosomy d) tetraploidy
633) Cultivated wheat is an example of ---------
a) allohexaploid b) amphidiploid c) triploid d) autotetraploid
634) Datura is a classical example of ---------
a) monosomy b) trisomy c) nullisomy d) tetraploidy
635) are said to be more useful than other polyploids due to they are sterile and

show more vigour.

a) tetraploids b) hexaploids c) triploid d) monoploid
636) Raphanobrassica is an --------
a) autopolyploid b) allopolyploid c) hexaploid d) tetraploid
637) Chromosomal aberrations are commonly found in -----------
a) maize b) onion c) Rhoeo d) Jowar
638) Dicentric chromosome forms -------- during meiosis
a) bridge b) complete ring
c)  like figure d) non-homologous pair
639) -------- is found in duplication type of chromosome abbervations
a) linkage b) crossing over c) laggard d) position effect
640) Numerical + chromosomal aberrations involve change in --------- of chromosomes.
a) number b) structure c) shape d) position
641) --------- is an example of monosaccharides
a) Sucrose b) Lactose c) Glucose d) Starch
642) Starch is composed of -------
a) amylose b) amylose and amylopectin c) pectin d) suberin
643) Cellulose is composed of --------
a) amylose b) fructose c) glucose d) lactose
644) ----------- is the general formula of monosaccharides
a) C12H22O11 b) (C6H10O5) n c) Cn H2nOn d) C6H12O3
645) ---------- have free / potential aldehyde or ketone group in its structure.
a) reducing sugars b) non-reducing sugars
c) trisaccharides d) lipids
646) ---------- is the main constituent of cell wall in plants
a) starch b) pectin c) suberin d) cellulose
647) ---------- on hydrolysis gives large number of monosaccharides
a) oligosaccharides b) monosaccharides
c) polysaccharides d) lipids
648) ---------- is found in animals.
a) Sucrose b) Fructose c) Lactose d) Maltose

649) Heparin is an example of ----------

a) monosaccharides b) oligosaccharide
c) heteropolysacchoids d) homopolysacc
650) (C6H10O5) n is the general formula of ------------
a) maltose b) starch c) raffinose
d) sucrose
651) --------- enzymes are responsible for degradation of starch
a)  -  amylases b) Invertase c) nitrogenase d) phosphatase
652) In -------- isomers carbon atoms are arranged in a straight chain / branched chain
a) positional b) skeletal c) functional d) meta
-------- have same structural formula but differs in configuration.
a) structural isomers b) stereoisomers
c) functional isomers d) positional isomers
654) Triose contain ----------- carbon atoms.
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 8
655) Commercially important corn starch is a source of --------------
a) glucose b) fructose c) maltose d) rhamnose
656) Lipids are esters of --------- and glycerol
a) saturated fatty acid b) unsaturated fatty acid
c) fatty acids d) essential oil
-------- is a common sterol found in the mammals
Ergasterol b) cholesterol c) carotenoids d) cytosol
Which of the following is not a saturated fatty acid ?
a) palmitic b) steari c) lauric d) Linoleic
659) The lipids contain, besides C, H, O and ---------
a) Nitrogen & iron b) Iron & sulphur
c) Phorphorus & Calcium d) Nitrogen, phosphorous & sulphur
An unsaturated fatty acid having minimum molecular weight is -
a) Linolenic b) Crotonic c) Oleic d) Behenic
661) The terpenes are also called -
a) Sterane b) Isoprenoids c) Steroids d) Sex hormones

Which of the following is not a saturated fatty acid ?

a) Gebberellic acid b) Carotenoids c) latex d) glucose
Which of the following is important in oxidative & fat metabolism ?
a) Pyruvic acid b) Glucose c) Acetyl coA d) CO2
Those lipids which are formed by the combination of fatty acids & carbohydrates are called --
a) Glycolipids b) Sphingolipids
c) Compound lipids d) Derived lipids
When fatty acids having odd number of carbons are oxidized it is called
a) -oxidation b) -oxidation
c) -oxidation d) -oxidation
The number of fatty acid molecules condensing with glycerol to form the simple lipid
a) One b) three c) two d) four
In the syntheses of triglycerids, there is participation of -
a) Acetyl CoA & ATP b) Acetyl CoA, NADPH & ATP
c) Acyl CoA & NADPH d) Acyl CoA & ATP
Lipids are esters of ---------- and glycerol.
a) saturated fatty acid b) unsaturated fatty acid
c) neithr saturated nor unsaturated fatty acids d) essential oil
---------- is a common sterol found in mammals.
a) Ergasterol b) Cholesterol c) Carotenoids d) xanthin
---------- introduced the word Protein.
a) Sanger b) Moalder c) Watson & Crick d) Crick
The number, Nature and sequence of Amino Acid molecules in a polypeptide chain is called -
----------- structure.
a) Primary b) secondary
c) tertiary d) Quaternary
---------- is the example of secondary structure of Protein
a) - helic & -pleated sheet b) Globular proteins
c) Glycine d) Lysine.
---------- proteins have an N-terminal signal peptide which target the proteins to be
a) Secretary proteins b) Plasma membrane proteins
c) Lysosomal proteins d) plasma globulin.
---------- is the example of fibrous proteins
a) Albumin b) fibrinogen c) Plasma globulin d) None of these.
Albumin is ------
a) Globular proteins b) fibrous proteins
c) Both of these d) None of these.
The operon model of gene regulation and organization in Prokaryoles was proposed by -------
a) Jacob & Monod b) Beadle & Tatum
c) Messelson & Stahi d) Wilkins & Franklin
Proteins are formed by the condensation of ------------
a) fatty acids b) Amino acids
c) Carbohydrates d) Nucleic acids
Transcription is -----------
Recognition of base sequence on m-RNA
Transfer of genetic information from DNA to m-RNA
Recognition of amino acid by RNA synthesis
Assembly of amino acids by m-RNA in the form of polypeptide.
Translation is ---------
formation of protein from RNA
formation of DNA from DNA
formation of RNA from DNA
formation of DNA from RNA
Transcription of DNA is aided by --------------
a) RNA polymerase b) DNA polymerase
c) Exonuclease d) Recombinase
Amino acid sequence in Protein synthesis is decided by -----------------
a) t-RNA b) s-RNA c) m-RNA d) r-RNA
682) The prokaryotic RNA polymerase compresses a core enzyme combined with the
comprises factors
a) Sigma b) Omega c) alpha d) Delta
683) The codons causing chain termination are ---------

684) Intron is a part of DNA which -----------

a) Codes for protein synthesis b) helps in forming prices of DNA
c) Initiates transcription d) does not code of protein synthesis
Reverse transcriptase is ------------
DNA dependent RNA polymerase
DNA dependent DNA polymerase
RNA dependent DNA polymerase
RNA dependent RNA polymerase
In operon concept regulator gene functions as -
a) Repressor b) Regulator c) Inhibitor d) All the above.
The RNA that picks up specific amino acid from amino acid pool in the cytoplasm to
ribosome during protein synthesis is called ----------
a) m-RNA b) t-RNA c) r-RNA d) DNA
688) In splits genes; the coding sequences are called -----------
a) operon b) Introns c) Cisrons d) Exons
689) Repressor is the product of ---------
a) Operator gene b) structural gene
c) promoter gene d) regulator gene
690) The site of t-RNA which binds it to m-RNA molecule is -----------
a) 5' end b) 3' end c) Codon d) Anticodon
691) The Polypeptide chain is initiated by -------------------
a) Glycine b) Lysine c) Methionine d) Leucine
692) Transcription involves synthesis of -----------------
a) m-RNA b) t-RNA c) r-RNA d) DNA
693) Lac operon is ----------
a) Repressible operon b) Inducible operon
c) Arabinose operon d) Overlapping gene
694) The length of m-RNA that carries information of complete polypeptide synthesis is
called -------------
a) Cistron b) Codon c) Operon d) Muton
Correct sequence of the transfer of genetic information during formation of a polypeptide is -
DNA, t-RNA, r-RNA & m-RNA
m-RNA, r-RNA, dna & amino ACID
r-RNA, DNA, m-DNA & t-RNA
DNA, m-RNA , t-RNA and Amino acid
The genetic information is determined by ---------
a) Variation b) Morphological trends
c) sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain d) structural pattern
Watson & Crick are known for their discovery that DNA a. Is a
single stranded helix
b.Contains deoxyribose only
c. Synthesizes r-RNA
d.Is a double stranded helix
DNA is present in ----------
a) chloroplast, b) Nucleus c) Mitochondria d) All the above.
Nucleic acid was first discovered as nucleic by --------
a) A. Kornberg b) J. Griffth c) H.G. Khorana d) F. Meisch
A nucleoside consists of -------
a) Sugar + Phosphate b) Sugar + Pyrimidive + Phosphate
c) Sugar + Purine + Phosphate d) sugar + Purine/Pyrimidive
In DNA, the sugar is -----------
a) Ribose b) Deoxyribose c) Cellulose d) Arabinose
Watson & Crick proposed the model of DNA structure in ---------
a) 1963 b) 1943 c) 1953 d) 1955
Experimental demonstration of the semi conservative mode of DNA replication was given by
a) Watson & Crick b) Bauden & Pirie
c) Meselson & Stahi d) Huberner & Riggs.
A riboside is -------
a) Ribose + Phosphate + base b) Ribose + base
c) Ribose + Phosphate d) Base + Phosphate
705) In DNA, base pairing occurs as ---------
a) Thymine with adenine b) Cytosine with cytosine
c) Adenine with thymine d) cytosine with
706) The nitrogeneous purine base occurring in RNA is --------
a) Guanine b) Trymine c) Uracil d) Cytosine

707) DNA contains a ---------

a) five carbon sugar b) Six carbon sugar
c) Four carbon sugar d) Chain of nucleosides
708) Synthesis of DNA takes place by --------
a) Transduction b) Transcription c) Transformation d) Replication
h If the base sequence in one polynucleotide series of DNA is G-C-A-T-G, what shall be
sequence in the replicated complementary strand ?
a) G-C-A-T-G b) C-G-T-A-C
c) A-T-G-C-G d) G-C-A-T-C
710) The structure of DNA was given by ----------
a) Wilkins b) Watson & Crick c) Muller d) Morgan
711) The difference of RNA from DNA is in the -------------
a) Purine b) Pentose sugar c) Pyrimidine d) Nucleotides
712) DNA was synthesized in vitro by ---------
a) A. Kornberg b) A. Garrod c) J.D. Watson d) H..G Khorana
h Nucleotides are formed of --------
Purive & Pyrimidine bases & phosphates
Pyrimidine, sugar & phosphates
Pyrimidine, sugar & phosphates
Purine, pyrinidine bases, sugar & phosphates
h The nitrogen bases in DNA are ------------
715) A nucleoside differs from a nucleotide in not having ----------
a) phosphate b) sugar c)Nitrogen base d) Phosphate & sugar
716) The diameter of DNA molecule is --------
a) 50 Ao b) 20 Ao c) 100 Ao d) 200 Ao
The two strands of DNA are bound by --------
phosphate - diester bonds b) Covalent bonds
c) Ionic bonds d) Hydrogen bonds
The two strands of DNA ---------
are similar in nature & complementary
are antiparallel & complementary
are basically different in Nature
are anti-parallel & non complementary
The diameter of A-DNA molecule is --------
a) 20 Ao b) 19 Ao c) 23 Ao d) 18 Ao
A unit composed of a sugar & base linked with -glycoside bond is known as a)
Nucleotide b) Nucleoside c) Glycoside d) Purine
Nucleotides are present in one turn of DNA helix ?
a) Nine b) Eight c) Ten d) Twenty
The type of coiling in DNA is -----------
a) Right handed b) Left handed c) Zig-zag d) Opposite
An enzyme that forms the two strands of NA
a) Polymerase b) Ligase c) Synthetase d) Helicase
Double hydrogen bond occurs in DNA between --------
a) Ademine & thymine b) Uracil & thymine
c) Thymine & Cytosive d) Adenine & guanine
The formation of m-RNA from DNA is called ------
a) Translation b) Transformation
c) Transduction d) Transcription
Transcription means synthesis of ---------
a) DNA b) r-RNA c) m-RNA d) t-RNA
In RNA, base is found in place of thymine found in DNA.
a) Uracil b) Adenine c) Pyridine d) Butodene
The function of nucleous is the synthesis of --------
a) DNA b) m-RNA c) r-RNA d) t-RNA
------- is the most unstable type of RNA.
a) t-RNA b) viral RNA c) r-RNA d) m-RNA
The initiating codon in eukaryotes is -----------
a) GAU b) AUG c) AGU d) UAC
------- enzyme can catalyze RNA to give rise to DNA.
a) Restriction enzyme b) DNA polymerase
c) RNA polymerase d) Reverse transcriptase
The message from nuclear DNA for the synthesis of specific cytoplasmic protein is carried
by --------
a) m-RNA b) t-RNA c) S-RN d) r-RNA
733) Ribosomal RNA is synthesized in -----------
a) Nucleolus b) Nucleosome c) Riboxome d) Lysosome
734) Non genetic RNA is of -----------
a) Two types b) three types c) only one type d) five types
735) An anticodon is -------------
a) Triplet base on r-RNA b) Triplet base on t-RNA
c) Triplet base on m-RNA d) Non triplet base on r-RNA
736) RNA contains ---------
a) Hexose b) Ribose c) fructosed) Glucose
737) Maximum amount of RNA is formed in the ----------
a) Nucleoplasm b) cytoplasm c) Nucleolus d) Ribosome
738) Amino acid binding site of t-RNA is ---------
a) 5' end b) -CCA3' end c) DHU loop d) Anticodonal loop
The RNA that picks up a specific amino acid from amino acid pool of cytoplasm & carries it
to ribosome during protein synthesis is ---------
a) g-RNA b) t-RNA c) r-RNA d) m-RNA
The person who received a Nobel prize for describing the molecular structure of t-
RNA is ------------.
a) Nirenberg b) Holley c) Ochoa d) Khorana
741) Genetic information in a DNA molecule is ended in the ------------
a) base pairings b) sequence of nucleotides
c) proportion of each base present d) the turning pattern of the helix
The two strands of double helix model of DNA are held together by hydrogen bonds between
a) sugar and nitrogenous bases b) Sugar and phosphate group
c) phosphate groups and nitrogenous bases d) any nitrogenous bases
743) The number of cytosine bases in a DNA molecule is ---------
a) equal to number of uracil base b) equal to number of guanine base
c) equal to number of adenine bases d) double the number of uracil base
DNA molecules are composed of three units viz. phosphate group and a nitrogen-containing
a) Proteins b) lipids c) Fats d) deoxyribose
DNA molecule consists nitrogenous bases viz. the two double ring purines codenine and
guanines and 2 single ringed -------
a) deoyribose b) lipids c) phosphate d) pyrimidine

-------- proposed definitive model of molecular structure of DNA

a) Watson b) Crick c) Watson and Crick d) Levene
747) The molecular structure of DNA proposed by Watson and Crick is ----------- model.
a) single b) double-helix
c) Polyhedral d) coiled
748) The sugar molecule (De oxyribose) in each DNA nucleotide is bound to a -------- at
10, 5th carbon position and to a phosphate group phosphate group at its 3rd carbon
position is -----------
a) lipid group b) protein group c) phosphate group d) Not known
749) The basic molnomers used in DNA replication are -------
a) amino acids b) glucose c) DNA nucleotides d) RNA nucleopides
750) The exact replication of DNA is possible due to the --------
a) base pairing rules b) genetic code c) mitosis
d) fact that the DNA molecules are enclosed within a nuclear membrane.
751) --------- enzyme catalogues the synthesis of new strands of DNA molecule.
a) DNA ligase b) DNA polymerase c) nelicase d) primase
752) In DNA replication -------- enzyme unwind the helix
a) Primase b) DNA ligase c) Topoisomerare d) Helicase
In DNA replication the Okazaki fragments on the lagging strand are joined together by
enzyme ----------
a) helicare b) primase c) DNA polymerase d) DNA ligase
In DNA replication, the primer is ---------
small deoxyribonucleotide primer
small ribonuclotide primer
Helix destablishing proteins
Enzyme taking part in joining nucleotide to their complainant template bases.
Topisomerase is involved in ------------
a) producing RNA primer b) separation of DNA strands
c) providing nick in DNA d) joining the DNA segments
Okazaki segments are small -----------
a) segments of RNA b) segments of DNA
small DNA segments formed over DNA template running over 3-s direction.
Okazaki fragments give rise to -----------
a) master strand b) Lagging strand c) sense strand d) Leading strand
Leading strands during DNA replication is formed --------
a) first b) continuously c) Ahead of replication
In short segments
Formation of RNA over the temptate of DNA is ----------
a) replication b) transversion
c) translation d) transcription
The process of multiplication of DNA from DNA is known as ------
a) replication b) transversion c) translation d) transcription
761) The area of unwinding and separation of DNA strands during replication is called -----
a) Initiation point b) origin c) primer d) replication fork
Two strands of DNA are ---------
a) similar & parallel b) similar but not parallel
c) complementary and anti-parallel d) complementary and parallel
DNA acts as template for synthesis.
a) DNA b) RNA c) Protein d) DNA and RNA
Meselson - stahl experiment confirm that DNA replication is ---------
a) Conservative b) semi-conservative
c) Not conservative d) Not semi-conservative
In post replication repair of DNA molecules, there is first cross strand exchange and then -----
a) excision repair b) Incision repair
c) excision and incision repair d)
Replication errors are fortunately corrected by ----------------
a) primase b) ligase c) DNA polymerase d) helicase
Eukaryotes have ---------
a.One promoter in gene structure
b. Two promoters in gene structure
c. No promoter gene
d. Many promoters in gene structure
768) According to operon concept, regulator gene form ------
a) an inducer b) a repressor
c) a small peptide d) a general inhibitor

769) Regulated unit of genetic material is called --------

a) operator gene b) promoter gene
c) operon d) Regulator
770) Tryptophan operon is ---------
a) repressor b) Inducible system
c) controlled by regulator gene d) made of 3 structural genes
771) Exons and introns are parts of -------------

a) DNA b) RNA c) mRNA d) t-RNA

772) Operon consists of -------------
a) Regulator & repressor b) Regulator, structural gene and operator
c) Regulator & operator d) Regulator, structural operator & promoter
773) An environmental agent that triggers transcription from operon is --------
a) depressor b) inducer c) regulator d) controlling element
The lac operon is an example of ----------
a) arabinose operon b) inducible operon
c) overlapping gene d) repressible operon
775) In split genes the coding sequences are called -----------
a) cistrons b) introns c) exons d) operons
776) In lac operon model, the addition of lactose induces synthesis of --------
a) -galactosidase b) permease c) transacetylase d) a,b & c
777) Gene expression in eukaryotes at a time never exceeds --------
a) 15% of the total b) 25% of the total
c) 35% of the total d) 45% of the total
778) A split gene is --------
a) Arranged as exons and introns b) cistron
c) muton d) recon
Genes that are involved in turning 'on' or 'off' the transcription on a set of genes are called ----
a) Polymorphic genes b) promoter gene
c) regulator genes d) operator genes
RNA processing is ---------
An event that occurs after RNA transcribed.
The rejection of old worn-out RNA
An event that occurs before RNA is transcribed
Both 'a' & 'c'
A gene is made up of ------------
a) DNA b) RNA c) Amino acids d) either DNA or RNA
In negative operon co-repressor ---------
a) binds with repressor b) does not binds with sepresser
c) binds with induced d) None of these
Transfer of genes from owe gene pool to another is called ---------
a) speciasion b) Genetic drift c) Mutation d) Gene flow
one of the following ------- is not a component of operon model
a) primer gene b) promoter gene
c) Regulator gene d) structural gene
The operon gene of lac operon is 'turned on' when lactose molecule binds with --------
a) promoter gene b) operator protein
c) Represser gene d) m-RNA
Lac-operon concept in E. coli was proposed by -------
a) H.G. Khorana b) Jacob and Monad
c) Watson & Crick d) Meielson and Stahl
Gerome means --------
diploid set of chromosomes
haploid set of chromosomes
polyploids set of chromosomes
triploid set of chromosomes
Regulation of gene activity is carried out by --------
a) special genes b) cytoplasm c) golgibodies d) other genes
Modern concept of gene means --------
a) a segment of DNA b) a segment of chromosome
c) a functional unit of DNA d) all of these.
790) In operon model regulator gene functions as ------ A functional unit of DNA
a) Regulator b) Inti c) Repressor d) stimulator
791) ---------- are called ray fungi.
a) basidiomycetes b) actinomycetes c) deuteromycetes d) ascomycetes

792) Bacteria growing in hotwater springs are called ---------- .

a) thermophiles b) halophiles c) lithophytes d) cryophytes
793) Cell wall of actiomycetes is made up of ----------.
a) chitin b) cellulose c) lipo-protein d) peptidoglycon
794) Pleomorphism is one of the characteristics of ---------- .
a) Phytoplasma b) viruses c) fungi d) actinomycetes
795) Triple layered cell membrane of phytoplasma contains---------- .
a) lipids b) glycan c) mannitol d) sterol
796) Fungi cell wall is made up of ---------- .
a) chitin b) cellulose c) hemicellulose
d) fungal cellulose and chitin
797) Phytoplasma can be stained with ---------- stain.
a) safranin b) cotton blue c) diene's blue d) crystal violet
798) The genetic material of viruses is ---------- .
a) Only DNA b) either DNA or RNA c) only RNA d) DNA & RNA
799) Phytoplasma are ---------- .
a) saprophytes b) facultative saprophytes
c) obligate parasites d) facultative parasites
800) Viruses are ---------- .
a) saprophytes b) obligate intracellular parasites
c) facultative parasites d) facultative parasites
801) Viruses multiplies in ---------- .
a) culture medium b) dead tissue c) living tissue d) soil
802) Bacteria producing heat resistant structure called ---------- .
a) capsules b) endospores c) exospores d) aplanospores
803) Bacteria commonly reproduce vegetatively by ---------- .
a) conjugationb) budding c) binary fission d) chlamydospores
804) Thermoacidiophilic bacteria are found in ---------- .
a) low pH water b) high salt water
c) hot water springs d) brackish water
805) Bacteria growing in extreme habitat are called ---------- .
a) nitrifying bacteria b) extremophiles
c) symbiotic bacteria d) lithophytes
806) Bacteria are stained with ---------- .
a) safranin b) lightgreen c) cotton blue d) crystal violet
807) Spherical bacteria are termed as ---------- .
a) bacillus b) coccus c) spirillum d) vibrio
808) Spiral bacteria are referred as ---------- .
a) vibrio b) coccus c) spirillum d) bacillus
809) Comma shaped bacteria are called ---------- .
a) streptococcus b) diplococcus c) bacillus d) coccus
810) Rod shaped bacteria are called ---------- .
a) streptococcus b) diplococcus c) bacillus d) coccus
811) Bacteria cell walls are composed of ---------- .
a) aminoacids and polysaccharides b) cellulose
c) chitin d) pectin
812) Fungi exhibit ---------- mode of nutrition.
a) autotrophic b) hetrotrophic c) pinocytic d) phagocytic
Newly ploughed soil produce smell after rain by actinomycetes is due to emission of -
--------- .
a) geosmin b) CO 2 c) SO2 d) O2
814) Fungi lacks ----------.
a) chitin b) pectin c) chlorophyll d) glycons
815) Fungi growing on dead organic matter are called ---------- .
a) saprophyte b) parasite c) symbiont d) obligate parasite
816) Methanagenic bacteria produce ---------- .
a) SO2 b) methane c) CO2 d) O2
817) Acetobacter produces ---------- on fermentation.
a) Itaconic acid b) gluconic acid c) gibberellic acid d) kojic acid
818) Gibberella fusikuroi produces ---------- .
a) gluconic acid b) gibberellic acid c) kajic acid d) Itaconic acid
819) Aspergillus niger is used for obtaining ---------- .
a) citric acid b) lactic acid c) gibberellic acid d) antibiotics
820) Penicillin is obtained from ---------- .
a) Aspergillus flavus b) Aspergillus tamari
c) Penicillium chrysogerum d) Aspergillus tamarii

821) Streptomyces griseus is used to obtained antibiotics like ---------- .

a) penicillin b) grisesfulvin c) aureofungia d) Streptomycin
822) Bacillus polymyxa is used to obtain antibiotics ---------- .
a) griseofulvin b) penicilliun
c) Streptomycin d) Amoxycillin
823) Chlorotetacycline is obtained from ---------- .
a) Streptomyces griseus b) Penicillium notatum
c) Streptomyces aureofaciens d) Penicillium chrysogerum
824) Yeast is used for obtaining beer from ----------
by fermentation.
a) rice b) barley c) corn d) wheat
825) ---------- is used on a wide scale for obtaining vine from grapes.
a) Saccharomyces cerevisiae b) Aspergillus nigricans
c) Hordenm vulgare d) Lactobacillus plonatum
826) Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used to obtain ---------- from sugars by fermentation.
a) ethyl alcohol b) fats c) lipids d) lactic acid
827) Plant diseases are classified based on pathogen as parasitic and ---------- .
a) epiphytic b) non-parasitic c) epidemic d) sporadic
828) Necrosis refers to ---------- .
a) overgrowth of tissue b) death of tissue
c) undergrowth of tissue d) malformation of tissue
829) Hypertrophy refers to ---------- .
a) overgrowth of tissue b) death of tissue
c) undergrowth of tissue d) malformation of tissue
830) Localised death of tissue forming crater like appearance is known as ---------- .
a) wilting b) dieback c) necrosis d) canker
831) The disease occurring widely but periodically is called ---------- digease.
a) epidemic b) endemic c) epiphytotic d) sporadic
832) The disease occurring irregularly in relatively few instances are called -------- .
a) epidemic b) endemic c) epiphytotic d) sporadic
833) Symptoms like dwarfing and rosetting considered under ---------- .
a) wilting b) neerosis c) dieback d) hypoplasia
834) Witchesbroom / phyllody are classified under ---------- .
a) shot holes b) becrosis c) hypertrophy d) dieback
835) ---------- is known as yellowing.
a) greening of leaf tissue b) distortion of leaf tissue
c) disintegration of chlorophylls d) disintegration of tissue
836) Disintegration of chlorophylls from leaves is referred as ---------- .
a) chlorosis b) matting c) malformation d) dwarfing
837) Diseases of pulses are classified as ---------- .
a) pulses crop diseases b) vegetable crop diseases
c) cash crop diseases d) fruit crop diseases
838) Diseases transmitted through soil are referred as ---------- .
a) air borne diseases b) soil borne diseases
c) water borne diseases d) seed borne diseases
839) Pathogen transmitted through seed is called ---------- .
a) seed borne b) soil borne
c) air borne d) water borne
840) Viral diseases are transmitted by ---------- .
a) soil b) seed c) air d) insect vector
841) Pathogens causing are ---------- soil borne.
a) wilting b) necrosis c) die back d) phyllody
842) Root knots are the example of ---------- .
a) necrosis b) dwarfing c) hypertrophy d) motting
843) ---------- is used as a natural culture medium.
a) PDA b) CDA c) Sabourds medium d) Potato cylinders
844) ---------- is a semisynthetic medium.
a) PDA b) CDA c) Hogland medium d) Richards medium
845) ---------- invented pasterisation method of sterilisation.
a) Louis pasteur b) Richard c) Sabourds d) Hogland
846) Steam sterilization is done under pressure at ---------- temp. using antoclave.
a) 1210c b) 1200c c) 1000c d) 1310c
847) Steam sterilisation is done under ---------- pressure.
a) 15 lbs b) 20 lbs c) 10 lbs d) 30 lbs
848) Delicate surgical implements are sterilized by ---------- .
a) autoclave b) hot air c) radiations d) direct heat

849) Liquid media sensitive to heat are sterilized by ---------- .

a) autoclave b) tyndalisation c) pasterisation d) radiation
850) Glasswares are sterilized by using ---------- .
a) strong acids b) alkalis c) radiation d) direct heat
851) Soil borne organisms are cultured by using ---------- .
a) leaf cut method b) tissue cut method
c) soil dilution method d) streak method
852) Agar is used as ---------- in culture media.
a) solidifying agent b) liquefying agent
c) chelating agent d) nutritive agent
853) Dextrose in PDA is a source of ---------- to organisms.
a) nitrogen b) sulphur c) carbon d) potassium
854) Agar Agar is obtained from ---------- .
a) Gracillaria b) Oscillatoria c) Sargassum d) Batrachospermum
855) Grassy shoot of sugarcane is caused by ---------- .
a) bacteria b) fungi c) Phyoplasma d) viruses
856) Casual organism of leaf spot of turmeric is ---------- .
a) Cercospora personata b) Colletotrichum falcatum
c) Taphrina maculans d) Sphacelotheca sorghi
857) Casual organism of yellow vein mosaic of bhendi is ---------- .
a) Colletotrichum fulcatum b) Xanthomonas campestris
c) Yellow vein mosaic virus d) Mycoplasma like organisms
858) Grain smut is caused by ---------- .
a) Ustilago scitamineae b) Colletotrichum lindemuthianum
c) Colletotrichum fulcatum d) Sphacelotheca sorghi
859) Downy mildew of bajra is also called ---------- .
a) white rust disease b) red rust disease
c) brown rust disease d) green ear disease
860) Grassy shoot disease of sugarcane is transmitted through ---------- .
a) viruses b) bacteria c) insects vectors d) fungi
861) Grassy shoot disease is commonly found in ----------.
a) rice b) wheat c) barley d) sugarcane

862) Causal organism of grain smut of Jowar is ---------- .

a) Xanthomohas campestris b) Sphacelotheca sorghii
c) Taphrina maculans d) Ustilago scilamineae
863) Citrus canker is caused by ---------- .
a) Taphrina maculans b) Ustilago scilamineae
c) Xanthomohas campestris d) Collection falcatum
864) Colletotrichum linelemuthianum cause ---------- disease.
a) red-rot b) wheat rust c) brown rot d) anthracnose of bean
865) Dowry mildew of bajara is caused by ---------- .
a) Xanthomohas campestris b) Peronospora viticola
c) Albugo candida d) Sclerospora graminicola
866) Antibiotic like streptomycin is used against ---------- .
a) brown spot disease b) citrus canker
c) leaf spot d) white rust
867) Transformation of grains into green leafy structures is referred as ---------- .
a) die back b) chlorosis c) green ears d) phyllody
868) ---------- is a non-symbiotic biofertilizer.
a) VAM b) Azotobacter c) Anabaena d) Rhizobium
869) ---------- fixes biological nitrogen in root nodules.
a) Acetobacter b) Azotobacter c) Rhizobium d) Nitrobacter
870) ---------- cyanobacterium fixes biological nitrogen.
a) spirogyra b) Nostoc c) Ulothrix d) Volvox
The nitrogen fixing non-symbiotic bacteria associated with maize roots are named as -
--------- .
a) Acetobacter b) Azotobacter c) Enterobacter d) Azospirillum
872) VAM provide ---------- to plants.
a) sulphates b) nitrates c) phosphates d) carbonates
873) ---------- blue green alga is a strong nitrogen fixer in rice field.
a) Ulothrix b) Aulosira c) Derxia d) Tolypothrix tenuis
---------- isolated from sugarcane rhizosphere that fixes biological nitrogen.
a) Azotobacter croococcum b) Azospirullum lipoferum
c) Acetobacter diazotrophicus d) Aspergillus awamarii

---------- is a phosphate solubilizing bacterium (PSB).

a) Azotobacter diazotrophicus b) Pseudomonas striata
c) Xanthomohas campestris d) Xanthobacter autotrophicus
Seed inoculation with ------- exhibited increased grain yield in Jowar and Rice.
a) Azotobacter brasilense b) Rhizabium leguminosiarum
c) Rhizobium phaseoli d) Acetobacter diazotrophicus
---------- is a symbiotic root nodule bacterium.
a) Calathrix b) Ulothrix c) Psudomonas d) Rhizobium
Kingdom monera include -------
a) Bacteria b) fungi c) viruses d) Algae
Kingdom monera was cracked by -------
a) Bessey b) de Candolle c) Whittaker d) Haeckel
One of the following is rod-shaped bacterium
a) Bacillus b) Streptococcus c) Pseudomonas d) Diplococcus
Blue green algae are referred as ------
a) Nitrogen fixing fungi b) Photosynthetic bacteria
c) nitrogen-fixing bacteria d) sulphur utilizing bacteria
Curve or comma shaped bacteria are called ---------
a) coccus b) vibrio c) Bacillus d) Spirillum
Spiral bacteria are termed as -------
a) Coccus b) Bacillus c) Spirillum d) vibrio
Spherical bacteria are termed as --------
a) Bacillus b) coccus c) Spirillum d) vibrio
The term 'blue green alga' refers to -----
a) Cyanobacteria b) Phosphate solubilizing bacteria
c) sulphur utilizing bacteria d) methane bacteria
886) Bacteria are stained by - stain
a) crystal violet b) Eosin c) Carmine d) Haematoxylin
Bacteria with single flagellum are called -------
a) Monotrichous b) Peritrichous c) Atrichous d) Cephalotrichous
Bacterial cells are usually enclosed by - --------
a) slimy capsule b) suberised capsule
c) lignified capsule d) chitinous capsule
Bacterial cell wall is composed of ------
a) cellulose and chitin b) cellulose and pectin
c) chitin and pectin d) Amino acids and poly saccharides
Some bacteria found in extreme habitat are called -------
a) Extremophiles b) symbiotic bacteria
c) Osymbiotic bacteria d) Nitrifying bacteria
Thermoacidophilic bacteria found in ---------
a) Hot acidic springs b) High salty water
c) low pH water d) High temp. springs
Bacteria commonly reproduce vegetatively by --------
a) conjugation b) Budding c) Binary fission d) chlamydosperes
Some bacteria, produce heat resistant structures, called --------
a) Capsules b) Endospores c) Exospores d) Aplanospores
One of the following is autotrophic bacterium
a) Pseudomonas b) Xanthomonas c) Chlorobium d) Rhizobium
Methanogenic bacteria produce ---------
a) Oxygen b) CO2 c) Methane d) SO2
Bacteria present in milk called --------
a) Lactobacillus b) Bacillus subtitis
c) Baccillus denitrificans d) Pseudomonas
Infectious material of virus is ----------
a) DNA and RNA b) DNA or RNA c) RNA only d) DNA only
---------- can be crystallized
a) Bacteria b) Mycoplasma c) Viruses d) fungi
Virus multiplies in -------
a) culture medium b) dead tissue
c) living tissue d) soil
Viruses are -------
a) obligate intercellular parasites b) facultative parasites
c) saprophytes d) facultative saprobes
Viruses are considered to be ----------
a) Living organisms b) non-living organisms
Living organisms which have lost power of multiplication
a transitional group between non-living & living
Mycoplasma consists ---------
a) only RNA b) only DNA
c) DNA & RNA both d) either DNA or RNA
Taxon having cytoplasm DNA and RNA but no cell wall is -------
a) Bacteria b) Mycoplasma c) Chlamydias d) fungi
904) Mycoplasma contain
a) Only RNA b) only DNA
c) DNA & RNA both d) either DNA or RNA
Mycoplasma can be stained with --------
a) Methylene blue b) Carmine c) Aceto orcein d) Diene's blue
The cell membrane in mycoplasma is -------- layered
a) single b) double c) triple d) four
Cell membrane of mycoplasma contain --------
a) Sterol b) nucleic acids c) amino acids d) lipids
---------- have primitive nucleus
a) bacteria b) mycoplasma c) Actinomycetes d) Viruses
Actinomycetes are -
a) Gram's negative b) Gram's positive
c) a & b both d) Only Gram's negative
--------- is blood sucking parasites of mites, lice ticks & fleas
a) Mycoplasma b) viruses c) Ricketsias d) bacteria
Ricketsias are -------
a) Gram's Negative b) Gram's positive
c) a & b both d) Only Gram's positive
--------- lacks ATP generating pathways
a) only mycoplasmas b) only Bacteria
c) only viruses d) chlamydias and viruses
Cell wall of Ricketsias contains - ---
a) lipoprotein b) cellulose c) chitin d) Muramic acid
---------- are called energy parasites
a) mycoplasmas b) Rickettsias c) Chlamydias d) Viruses
Outer membrane of chlamydias contain -------
a) lipoprotein b) Peptidoglycan
c) lipopolysaccharides d) Muramic acid
One of the following cann't be cultured outside the cell
a) Bacteria b) fungi c) virsues d) both a & b
Food stored in fungal cell is ---------
a) Glucose b) starch c) sucrose d) Glycogen
All fungi are -----
a) parasites b) saprophytes c) autrophs d) Heterotrophs
--------- is predatory fungi
a) Corticolous b) coprophilons c) Entomogenous d) saxi colous
A group of fungi in which sexual reproduction is either unknown or lacking ---------
a) Ascomycetes b) Basidiomycetes
c) Phycotrocetes d) Deuteromycetes
In ascomycetes, fruting bodies are of --------- type.
a) Cleistothecia b) Perithecia c) Apothecia d) All of these
Haustoria in fungi are meant for -----
a) attachment of mycelium with host b) spreading the mycelium
c) reproduction in fungi d) absorption of food
Fungi growing on dung of animals are called ---------
a) coprophilous b) corticolous c) saxicolous d) Zoophilous
The mycelium having different kinds of nuclei is called
a) monokaryotic b) Dikaryotic c) Heterozygous d) Heterokaryotic
Fungi growing on dead organic matter is called -------
a) saprophyte b) parasite c) symbiotic d) Sporophyte
Most simple thallus in fungi converted into reproductive cells are --------
a) Holocarpic b) dimorphic c) sporophytic d) Eucarpic
One of the following is asexually produced structure
a) Pycnidia b) Basidia c) Perithecia d) ascothecia

'+ve', '-ve' strained gametes are produced in ----------

a) Deuteromycetes b) Phycomycetes
c) Basidiomycetes d) Actinomycetes
When a portion of fungal mycelium is used in the formation of reproductive structure, the
organism is called --------
a) Eucarpic b) Holocarpic c) Acarpic d) dimorphic
h Mycelium is typically coenocytic in ------------
a) Basidiomycetes b) Ascomycetes c) Phycomycetes d) None of these
h Deuteromycetes lack ---------
a) Spores b) Hyphae c) asexual reproduction d) Sexual reproduction
932) Before sexual reproduction, mycelium in basidiomycetes become --------
a) Coenocytic b) Monokaryotic c) dikaryotic d) Only Coenocytic
Isogamy is common in ---------
a) Primitive fungi b) basidiomycetes c) deuteromycetes d) None of these
In Heterogamous ---------
female gamete is larger and male gamete is smaller
male gamete is larger & female gamete is larger
Both gamete are smaller
Both gamete are larger
Somatogamy is also called ---------
a) pseudomixis b) Hologamy c) isogamy d) anisogamy
Direct fusion occurs in ----------
a) Zygomycotina b) Ascomycotina
c) Deuteromycotina d) Basidiomycotina
-------- is most efficient method of sexuality in fungi
a) somatogamy b) Holagamy c) isogamy d) anisogamy
In ---------- whole male & female thallus acts as mycelium.
a) Heterogamy b) Hologamy c) Somatogamy d) Isogamy
Puccinia is an example of
a) spermatisation b) direct fusion c) Somatogamy d) Isogamy
In isogamy ----------
both gametes are similar in size & motile
both gametes are not similar in size & motile
both gametes are similar in size & non motile
both gametes are not similar in size & non-motile
941) Uncinula belongs to order ---------
a) Erysiphales b) Aspergillales c) Mucordos d) Polyporales
942) Ceistothecium in Uncinula is characterized by --------
a) Straight appendages b) curved appendages
c) forked appendages d) Branched appendages

943) Cleistothecium in Uncinula is ----------

a) without opening b) with opening
c) with or without opening d) None of these
944) Mycelium in Uncinula produce ------------ of haustoria
a) knob shaped b) cleistothecium
c) sclarothecium d) pseudothecium
945) Polyporus is -------- fungus
a) Leaf inhabiting b) Wood rotting
c) coprophilous d) entomogenous
946) Basidiocarp in Polyporus is ---------------- after maturation
a) soft, b) corky or leathery and woody
c) Not soft d) only woody
947) Polyporus belongs to ----------- family
a) Albuginaceae b) Aspergilaceae
c) Polyporaceae d) Erysiphaceae
948) Polyporus belongs to ----------- fungi
a) Truffels b) Puff ball c) Pore d) foot ball
949) Albugo is called ---------
a) white rust fungus b) Brown rust fungus
c) orange rust fungus d) black rust fungus
950) Albugo commonly occurs on ---------
a) cruciferous plants only b) Amaranthaceae members only
c) a and b d) Malvaceae members
951) Conidia in Albugo develops in ----------- succession.
a) acropetal b) basipetal c) centripetal d) centrifugal
952) Acetobacter produce -----------
a) citric acid b) Gluconic acid c) kojic acid d) Gibberelic acid
Cibberella fjikuroi produce ---------
a) citric acid b) Gibberellic acid c) Gluconic acid d) Lactic acid
Clostridium produces ------------
a) Glucoconic acid b) fumaric acid c) lactic acid d) kojic acid
--------- is obtained from citric acid by transformation using Acetobacter terreus which is
used as resin in detergents.
a) Itaconic acid b) citric acid c) Gluconic acid d) fumaic acid
Lactic acid is obtained by formentation using ---------
a) Lactobacillus b) Azotobacter c) Acetobacter d) Pseudomonas
Yogh is obtained from fermentation of milk by using
a) Streptomces lactis b) Streptoeacus thermophilus
c) Lactobacillus bulgaricus d) None of these
Butter milk is obtained by using --
a) Leuconostoc citrovorum b) Leuconostac dextranicum
c) Streptomyces cremoriu d) All of these
Kefir' a food product is obtained by using
a) Saccharomyces kefir b) Torula kefir
c) Lactobacittus caucasicus d) All of these
Cheddar cheese is obtained by using ----
a) Streptocaceus cremoris b) Streptomycis lactis,
c) Mucor pusillus d) Both a and b
Oives are prepared by using lactic acid fermentation through ---------
a) Leuconostoc mosenterrides b) Lactobacillus plantanum
c) Both a & b d) None of these
To obtain grapevine, fresh fruits of grape are fermented with -------
a) Candida vini & Candida krusei b) Torulopsis stellate
Kloeckera apiculata & K. cortices d) All of these
The principal substrates from fresh grapes are utilized for fermentation to obtain vine, They
are -------
a) sugars and nitrogen compounds b) starch
c) Pectin d) lipids
On a large scale, ----------- is used for fermentation of fresh grapes to yield grapne-vine.
a) Aspergillus flavus b) Aspergillus nigricans
c) Aspergillus niger d) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
965) ---------- obtained from grapes
a) Bhewine b) Yellow wine c) Orange wine d) Champagne
966) ----------- is used as substrate to obtain beer by yeast fermentation.
a) Rice b) Bajra (Pearlmillet) c) Barley & malt d) Corn
967) For flavouring beer, the essential oil from ---------- plant is used.
a) Humulus lupulus b) Hordeum vulgare
c) Hordeum distichum d) Hordeum hexastichum
968) Soy sauce, a dark brown liquid with salty taste is obtained from --------- by using
Aspergillus oryzae as starter.
a) Brassica nigra b) Brassica compestris
c) Brassica rapa d) Glycine max.
969) ----------- is a food product obtained from soybean fermented by Rhizopus
a) Tempen b) Ontjom c) Soysauce d) Miso
970) ----------- is a Japanese food product obtained from soybean for flavouring meat
a) Hamanatto b) ontjom c) sufu d) miso
971) 'sufu' a Chinese cheese made from cakes of --------- curd.
a) soybean b) French bean c) kidney bean d) Limabean
972) 'Idli' is made from backgram & rice by using ----------- as starter in fermentation.
a) Torulolopsis candida b) Aspergillus niger
c) Aspergillus flavus d) Aspergillus oryzae
By using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as starter in fermentation of sugary, starchy materials, ---
------- is obtained.
a) ethyl alcohol b) oleic acid c) glycerol d) Oxdic acid.
974) Traditional Indonesian food 'Ontjom' is obtained through fermentation of -------- by
using Neurospora.
a) potato b) sweet potato
c) Peanut & coconut cake d) Asporagus roots
975) Algae growing in hot water springs are called ---------
a) thermophytes b) epiphytes c) cryophytes d) endophytes
976) Algae growing on ice are called -------
a) epiphytes b) cryophytes c) endophytes d) thermophytes
977) Algal forms growing on other plants are called -----------
a) endophytes b) thermophytes c) epiphytes d) parasites
978) Alga growing on animals, are described as --------
a) endophytes b) epiphytes c) epizoic d) endozoic
979) Blue green alga growing endozoically inside the protozoan are called -------
a) cyanallae b) symbionts c) epiphytes d) parasites
980) Alga growing as a parasite on tea leaves is named as -------
a) Anabaena b) Nostae c) Cephaleuros d) Chlorella

981) Blue green Alga growing as endophyte inside the leaf of Azolla fern, is named as -----
a) Chlorella b) Oscillatoria c) Cladophora d) Anabaena
982) --------- alga grows as endophyte inside the coralloid roots of Cycas.
a) Chlorella b) Nostoc c) Ectocarpus d) Polysiphonia
Several forms of alga remained attached to bottom or to submerged objects are called
a) thermophytes b) Cryophytes c) benthos d) epipelic
984) Algal forms growing on bottom soil are called ----------
a) epipelic b) lithophytic c) epiphytes d) epizoic
985) Symbiotic relationship of -------- with fungi, constitute a thallas of lichen.
a) Nostoc b) Ectocarpus c) Polysiphonia d) Spiragya
986) Polysiphonous thallas is found in ---------
a) spiragya b) Nostoc c) Oedogonium d) Polysiphonia
987) The algal thallus appearing like a microscopic tree are called --------- .
a) dendroid b) palmelloid c) colonial d) siphonous
988) ---------- exhibit filamentous plant body.
a) Nostoc b) Ulothrix c) Anabaena d) Scytonema
989) ---------- is growing in freshwater belonging to red alga.
a) Ulothrix b) Oedogonium
c) Ectocarpus d) Batrachospermum
990) The branches of limited and unlimited growth are found in -----------
a) Chlorella b) Volvox c) Spirulina d) Chara
991) The sexual reproduction in Chara is -----------
a) isogamous b) anisogamous c) Oogamous d) heterogamous
992) --------- is the male sex organ in Chara
a) globale b) nucule c) bulbil d) protonema
993) ---------- is the female sex organ in chara
a) nucule b) bulbil c) protonema d) globule
994) The cells of Chara possess --------- shaped chloroplasts.
a) cup b) stellate c) reticulate d) discoid
995) The star shaped bodies meant for vegetative reproduction in Chara are rich in ---------
a) starch b) proteins c) lipids d) cellulose

996) The wall of the globule in Chara is composed of -------

a) shield cells b) primary capitulum

c) manubrium d) secondary capitulum
997) The nucule of Chara is capped by -------
a) nodal cells b) internodal cells c) tube cells d) coronary cells
998) The number of tube cells in a nucule of Chara are ------
a) three b) four c) five d) many
999) The number of manubrial cells in globule of Chara are ------
a) four b) eight c) sixteen d) thirty two
1000) The number of corticating filaments at a node in chara ranges from --------
a) 2-12 b) 6-20 c) 16-48 d) 24-64
1001) The oogonium of Chara is surrounded by ---------
a) tube cells b) internodal cells c) nodal cells d) coronary cells
1002) Chara baltica is a ---------
a) marine alga b) fresh alga
c) lithophytic d) cryophytic
1003) Chara multiplies vegetatively by forming -------- stars.
a) lipid b) protein c) nitrogenous d) amylum
1004) Plant body of Ectocarpus grow as ------ on other algae
a) benthos b) parasite c) epiphyte d) Chryophyte
1005) Ectocarpus filaments show -------- habit
a) heterotrichous b) dendroid c) palmelloid d) coccoid
1006) Apical cell of Ectocarpus is --------- shaped
a) dome b) capitate c) pointed d) lobed
1007) Chromatophores in cells of Ectocarpus are --------
a) Discoid b) cup shaped c) stellate d) reticulate
1008) The zoospores of Ectocarpus are ----------
a) uniflogellabe b) terminally biflagellate
c) laterally biflagellate d) quadric flagellate
1009) The female gametes of Ectocarpus secrete ---------
a) histidine b) asparagene c) serine d) sirenine
1010) The gametes of Ectocarpus are --------
a) pyramidate b) kidney-shaped c) sickle shaped d) spiral
1011) The haploid Ectocarpus forms ------ gametangia
a) unilocalar b) plsurilocular c) bilocular d) empty
1012) Coenocytic mycelium occurs in --------
a) puccinia b) Aspergillus c) Albugo d) Uncinula
1013) Fungi cell wall is made up of ------
a) lignin b) suberin c) chitin d) fungal cellulose and chitin
1014) Parasitic fungus usually obtain nutrition by producing --------- within host tissue
a) haustoria b) appresoria c) appendages d) synnemata
1015) Fungi are -------
a) autotrophs b) Heterotrophs c) symbionts d) epiphytes
1016) Albugo causes rust commonly called ----------
a) red rust b) white rust c) brown rust d) black rust
1017) Albugo is a -----------
a) focaltative parasite b) facultative saprophyte
c) obligate parasite d) saprophyte
1018) Mycelium of Albugo is ------------
a) coenocytic b) rhizomorphic c) holocarpic d) multiseptate
1019) Sexual reproduction in Albugo is ----------
a) somatogamous b) heterogamous c) oogamous d) isogamous
1020) Sporangia in Albugo are produced in ---------- manner.
a) basipetal b) centrifugal c) centripetal d) intercalary
1021) Cell wall of Albugo mycelium is made up of ------------
a) lignin b) suberin c) cellulose-glucan d) mannan-glucan
1022) The reserve food in Albugo is --------
a) chitin b) proteins c) oil and glycogen d) mannan
1023) The egg in Albugo is represented by -------
a) periplasm b) ooplasm c) oosphere d) peridium
1024) The botanical name of white rust fungus is --------
a) Aspergillus niger b) Albugo canclida
c) Penicillium notatum d) Uncinula necator
1025) Mushroom is a --------
a) Saprophyte b) obligate parasite
c) epiphyte d) facultative parasite
1026) According to Ajnsworth, Aagaricus belongs to -----------
a) Deuteromycotina b) Ascomycotina
c) Basidiomycotina d) Mastigomycotina
1027) In Aagaricus sexual reproduction occurs by --------
a) Somatogamy b) binary tission c) isogamy d) conjugation
1028) -------- is a edible field mushroom commonly occurring in rainy season.
a) Agaricus xanthodermus b) Agaricus sylvations
c) Agaricus compestris d) Agaricus placomyces
1029) The subglobose peltate umbrella shaped cap of mushroom is referred as ---
a) gill b) stipe c) Pileus d) Velum
1030) The fertile cells of Hymenium in Agaricus are called -------
a) trama b) basidia c) cystidia d) conidia
1031) --------- mycelium is observed during somatogamy in Agaricus
a) dikorytic b) monokarytic c) multikaryotic d) coenocytic
1032) Primary mycelium of opposite strain in Agaricus , fuse to form ------- mycelium.
a) monokaryotic b) coenocytic
c) dikaryotic d) polymorphic
1033) Most widely cultivated edible mushroom is ------
a) Agaricus bisporus b) Agaricus compestos
c) Agaricus sylvaticus d) Agaricus placomyces
1034) ---------- is a cultivated edible oyster mushroom.
a) Agaricus bisporus b) Agaricus compestos
c) Agaricus arvensis d) Plectrotus sajor - kaja
1035) The union of two protoplasts of opposite strain is referred as -------
a) Plastrogamy b) Karyogamy c) conjugation d) heterogamy
1036) ---------- is common in most primitive fungi
a) Anisogamy b) isogamy c) heterogamy d) Hologamy
1037) somatogamy in higher fungi is also called -------
a) apomixes b) pseudomixis
c) gametangial contact d) karyogamy
1038) morphologically distinguishable gametangia in fungi are referred as ------
a) isogametangia b) synangia c) heterogamentangia d) spermatangia

1039) fusion of two gametangial cells in fungi is called --------

a) indirect fusion b) direct fusion
c) binary fussion d) spermatization
1040) Direct fusion occurs in ---------
a) ascomycetes b) zygomycetes
c) deuteromycetes d) basidiomycetes
1041) -------- are used for study of genetic recombination
a) Bacteria b) viruses c) fungi d) alga
1042) ---------bacterial strain transformation process of genetic recombination is studied by
Griffith (1928)
a) Diplococcus pneumoniae b) Pseudomonas
c) Salmonella d) Pneumococcus
1043) ---------- process is called phage-mediated genetic transfer
a) Transformation b) Transduction c) Conjugation d) Repulsion
1044) Transducting phages are characterized by the presence of --------
a) r-RNA b) t-RNA c) m-RNA d) bacterial DNA fragment
1045) Transduction was first studied in ----------
a) Escherichia b) Rhizobium c) Salmonella d) Pseudomonas
1046) The extra genomic DNA segment of bacteria is ------------
a) Episome b) plasmid c) cosmid d) viroid
1047) Extra chromosomal DNA fragment in bacteria is called ----------
a) plasmid b) desmid c) cosmid d) viroid
1048) Bacterial genome consist of -----------
a) DNA & histones b) DNA only
c) histones only d) DNA without histones
1049) The term 'plasmid' is coined by ------------
a) Lederberg b) Griffith c) Tatum d) Wollman
1050) In bacteriophage, the genetic material is -----------
a) DNA b) RNA c) only DNA d) both DNA & RNA
1051) Plant viruses have -----------
a) DNA b) RNA c) Only DNA d) both DNA & RNA
1052) Phages that show lysogenic cycle are called
a) temperate phage b) Arivulent phage
c) virulent phage d) lytic phage
1053) Transformation mechanism of recombination in bacteria is discovered by -----
a) Griffith b) Tatum
c) Lederberg and Tatum d) Zinder and Lederberg
1054) Conjugation mechanism of recombination in bacteria is discovered by ------
a) Leaderberg and Tatum b) Zinder and Lederberg
c) F. Griffith d) Leaderberg
1055) Transduction mechanism of recombination in bacteria is discovered by --------
a) Zinder b) Zinder and Lederberg
c) F. Griffith d) Leaderberg and Tatum
1056) Emasculation is carried out -----
a) before anthesis b) after anthesis
c) before fruiting d) after fruiting
1057) "Pure line" term coined by -------- , a Danish botanist
a) Norman Blorlaug b) Mendel c) Darmin d) Johansen
1058) The term 'arrow' is referred to the inflorescence of --------
a) Jowar b) bajra c) sugarcane d) Groundnut
1059) The botanical name of cultivated sugarcane is ----------
a) Saccharum officinarum b) Saccharum spontancum
c) Saccharum robustum d) Sorghum halpense
1060) Peg formation is related with the morphological development of ovary in -----
a) Jowar b) Groundnut c) Sugarcane d) Cotton
1061) Groundnut is ----------- crop.
a) self pollinated b) cross pollinated
c) sterile d) often cross pollinated
1062) The botanical name of Groundnut is ------------
a) Arachis hypogaea b) Arachis monticola
c) Archis villosa d) Phaseolus vulgaris
1063) 'Valencia' Spanish and Virginia are varietal forms of ---------- crop.
a) jowar b) sugarcane c) cotton d) groundnut
1064) --------- is not a cross pollinated crop.
a) Banana b) Papaya c) groundnut d) carrot
1065) is applied for improvement in self pollinated crops.

a) Pedigree method b) Double cross

c) Multiple cross d) Back cross
1066) Emasculation means ----------- from flower.
a) removal of gynoecium b) removal of petals
c) removal of anthers d) removal of sapals
1067) Early Testing method of inbred lines was proposed by -----------
a) Johansen b) Borlaug c) Jenkins d) Swaminathan
1068) CO 740 is the ------------ resistant variety of sugarcane developed by mutation
a) rust b) smut c) red rot d) wilt
1069) TMV-10 is the Virginia bunch type variety of ----------
a) Potato b) tomato c) groundnut d) brinjal
1070) Curl Tea Cut (CTC) is an example of ------------

a) autoploidy b) allopolyploidy c) Aneuploidy d) eupolyploidy

1071) ---------- is an example of Allopolyploidy
a) TV-29 b) Raphanobrassica c) Virginia d) Valencia
1072) ---------- is variety of wheat developed by mutation breeding
a) golden promise, b) Gautam c) Sharabati sonora d) virginia
1073) ---------- is an example of salt tolerant variety developed by mutation breeding in rice.
a) Laxmi b) Automita - 2 c) Valencia d) Spanish
1074) ---------- is used to develop genetic male sterility in cucurbits.
a) maleic hydrazine b) 2-4, D c) gibberelic acid d) cytokinin
1075) A sudden heritable change in a characteristic of an organism is called ---------
a) hybridization b) Mutation c) Selection d) emasculation
1076) Complete genetic male sterility is produced by recessive (MS) gene at -------
a) higher temperature b) higher pressure
c) higher chilling effect d) lower temperature
1077) ------ Nobel prize winner referred as father of Green revolution.
a) M.S. Swaminathan b) Norman Borlaug
c) Jenkins d) Johansen
1078) Genetic male sterility is governed by --------------
a) Two recessive gene b) two dominant genes
c) single recessive gene d) single dominant gene
1079) ------------ is carried out to avoid undesirable selfing.
a) tagging b) bagging c) emasculation d) selection

1080) ---------- is the simplest and oldest method of crop improvement.

a) Pureline selection b) Mass selection
c) Clonal selection d) Hybridization
1081) ----------- is the variety of tomato, achieved by pedigree method.
a) Jaya b) Laxmi c) Pusa early dwarf d) Laxmi
1082) ---------- is the variety of potato developed by mutation.
a) Pusa early dwarf b) Kufri-Red
c) Sharabati Sonora d) Varalaxmi
1083) Coefficient of variation is usually expressed in ----------
a) Percentage b) frequency c) density d) Percentage of frequency
1084) ----------- is the quantitative measure of character
a) mean b) variate c) median d) frequency

1085) is the alternative measure position which is infact the 50th percentile.

a) Mean b) mode c) median d) frequency

1086) Chi-square distribution was first discovered by -------
a) Helmert b) Griffin c) Galton d) Pearson
1087) --------- was known as father of biostat
a) Charles Darwin b) Mendel c) Bowley d) Francis Galton
1088) --------- is the sum of all the values divided by their total number.
a) mode b) median c) frequency d) mean
1089) The measure of control tendency about which Kurtosis marked, is ---------
a) Mean b) male c) variation d) frequency
1090) Mean of chi-square distribution is ---------

a) n b) 2n c) n2 d) 2n2
1091) Contradiction between observed and expected frequencies is measured by ----
a) chi-square test b) Variance
c) Standard deviation d) Mean variation

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