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Some people think plastic bags hurt the nature. But it doesn’t.

If people will ban plastic bags,

then there haven’t alternatives. May be, you can say paper bags but paper bags hurt the nature
then plastic bags. Many consumers are finding plastic bags are better option than paper bags.
Then numbers tell the story, Americans Use about 100 billion plastic bags, and about 10 billion
paper bags each year. Plastic bags have advantages for retailers and consumers.
First advantage is plastic bags are more durable and waterproof than paper bags. Plastic bags
are known for their durability. They are less vulnerable to tearing and are resistant to many
chemicals. Plastic bags outperform paper or cloth bags when it comes to protect the contents
from rain or water.
Second advantage is spending Less Energy. The manufacturing process of plastic bag is energy
efficient while the solid waste percentage is less. A plastic bag consumes up to 40% less energy
to make and causes 70% less solid waste than a paper bag.
Third advantage is Quicker to Open and Pack. Plastic bags are quicker to open, pack and
double up, saving you few seconds. This is why they are widely used by busy cashiers to keep
lines moving efficiently. In addition, plastic bags take up less space than paper bags, both in
storage and at cashier point.
Fourth advantage is plastic packaging is highly economical and can be used by all industries
irrespective of their scale of operations. The cost-effectiveness of plastic food packaging is
especially beneficial to small-scale product manufactures as it allows access to standardized
packaging options in spite of lower budgets.
End. Then all of these plastic bags shouldn’t ban. And people need to use plastic bags on the
right way. We need to protect nature but if we ban plastic bags that doesn’t change the nature.
We need to close atomic electric stations and like things.

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