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Powers of Labor
 Supplied by the fundus of the uterus, are implemented by uterine contractions, a process
that causes cervical dilatation & then expulsion of the fetus from the uterus.

Uterine contractions

A. Origins-like cardiac contractions, labor contraction begin at a pacemaker point located in

the myometrium near one of the uterotubal junctions.

3 Phases of Uterine contractions

1. Increment- intensity of contraction increases. 

2. Acme- strongest contraction. 

3. Decrement- intenstity of contraction decreases. 

B. Contour changes-
 As the labor contractions progress and become regular & strong, the uterus
gradually differentiates itself into two distinct functioning areas.
 The upper portion becomes thicker & active, preparing it to exert the strength
necessary to expel the fetus when the expulsion phase of labor is reached.
 The lower segment becomes thin-walled, supple, and passive, so the fetus can be
pushed out of the uterus easily.
C. Cervical changes
1. Effacement- shortening & thinning of the cervical canal

2. Dilatation- enlargement of the cervical canal from the opening of the few millimetres

wide to one large enough (approx. 10cm) to permit passage of the fetus.

4. Psyche- refers to the psychological state/ feelings that women bring into labor with them.

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