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WW2 Timeline

Can you name some of the key events which happened during the War?

1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946

Name: ______________________ Date:_____________

World War Two

Match up these events with their correct dates:

 1st American Troops arrive in Europe

 British, American & Canadian troops land 1940

on beaches in France (D-Day)
 Japan surrenders. War is over.
 Germany invade Poland. Britain declares
war on Germany
 German bombers drop bombs on London
(The Blitz on London ) 8th May 1945

 War is over in Europe (VE Day) 15th August 1945

 Pearl Harbour is bombed by Japan.

America joins the war.
Can you match the countries to their leaders during WW2?
1. Britain _____________________________
2. Germany ____________________________ Benito Mussolini
3. Italy _______________________________ Josef Stalin
4. U.S.A ______________________________
Winston Churchill
5. Soviet Union (Russia) ___________________
Adolf Hitler
Franklin D.Roosevelt

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