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Language testing-Contoh Soal


The following are some of the most common types of objective
items used to test awareness of the grammatical features of the
language. Each type of item will be treated in greater detail in this
- multiple-choice items
- error-recognition items
- rearrangement items
- completion items
- transformation items
- items involving the changing of words
- ‘broken sentence’ items
- combination items
- addition items
It should always be remembered that such items as the above test
the ability to recognize or produce correct form of language rather
than the ability to use language to express meaning, attitude,
emotions, etc. nevertheless, it is essential that students master the
grammatical system of the language they are learning. Thus,
classroom tests of grammar and usage can play a useful part in a
language program.
Silakan Download Contoh soal Testing of grammar di sini !

For each example, define for yourself what aspects of the

item(s) are being tested, and just as important – what is not being
Example 1
Choose the letter of the item which is the nearest in meaning to the
word in italics:
He was reluctant to answer.
a) unprepared b) unwilling c) refusing d) slow
Example 2
Choose the letter of the definition which comes closest in meaning
to the word elated.
a) ready and willing b) tense and excited c) tending to talk a
lot d) in high spirits
Example 3
Draw lines connecting the pairs of opposites.
brave awake
female expensive
cheap succeed
asleep cowardly
fail male

Example 4
Which of the prefixes in Column A can combine with which of the
words in Column B? Write out the complete words.
over human
trans national
super flow
dis form
inter infect
Example 5
Underline the odd one out:
goat, horse, cow, spider, sheep, dog, cat.


You will hear compersation between Todd and Nanju then you will
answer some questions about their compersation.

Before answer the question you may download the audio here !

1) What is his favorite color?

a) Blue
b) Green
c) Black
2) What are the mangoes like in Japan?
a) Same as India
b) Hard to find
c) Big and delicious
3) How does he like to eat mangoes?
a) Boiled
b) Cannes
c) Raw

4) What does he think about mango juice?

a) It is really good
b) It is not that good
c) He has never had it
5) How does he feel about raw mango?
a) It is very good
b) It is too sour
c) It is too sweet


Oral drills
Structure drills
Type 3 combination
1. She is the best students in the class. She never forgets to study.
→Although she is the best students in the class, she never forgets to
2. I met a man. He came from England.
→I met a man who came from England.
3. The boy is playing football. He is Messy.
→The boy is playing football is Messy.
4. I saw the children. They were playing badminton.
→ I saw the children playing badminton.
The oral interview
- Oral interview
The scoring of oral interview is highly subjective and thus
sometimes has only low reliability. The performance of a student in
a particular interview may not accurately reflect his true ability. The
examiner can be asked on each topic at least 3 or more questions.
- Some questions will be answered by students
1. Tell me about you diary activies
2. Tell About your family
3. what is the difficult that you faced in learning?
Conversation excanges
Type 5 This item takes the form of an incomplete dialogue with
prompts (shown in brackets in the following example) whispered in
the student’s ear.
You are at the market place.
Seller : Can I Help You?
(You want know where is the place to buy a chicken)

You :..........................................................................
Seller : You may buy it in this place
(Ask the price)
You :..........................................................................
Seller ; Rp. 50.000,-
(ask for a discount)
You :..........................................................................
Seller : Yes if buy 3 Chickens I give you a discount
(make deal with the seller)
Type 3 The students hear a stimulus to which they must respond in
any appropriate way. (The test often relies on conventional
greetings, apologies, acceptable ways of expressing polite
disagreement, etc.)
Do you mind if I use your pencil for a moment?
(Not at all/Certainly/Please do/Go ahead, etc.)
What a game of tennis?
(Yes, I’d love a game/All right. I don’t mind/Don’t you think it’s a
bit too hot?, etc.)

1. This is a wonderful game?

2. Oh my good there was an accident.
3. We can not be late in the class.
Type 4 This is similar to the previous type of item, but the stimuli
and responses form part of a longer dialogue and the situation is thus
developed. Because of its total predictability, however this type of
item is sometimes referred to as a dialogue of the deaf1 the man in
the dialogue below continues regardless of what the testee says.
You are on your way to the school. a friend comes to speaks to you.
Firend : Let's go to school together
Friend : have done your homework?
Friend : You may see mine later
Friend : Your Welcome
Picture matching
Type 2 This type is similar to the previous one but is much more
economical in that only one picture is required for each item
(instead of four). The testees look at a picture and read four
sentences, only one of which is about the picture. They then have to
select the correct sentence.

1. Matching the picture

A. Jenny is throwing the ball
B. Jenny is Kicking the ball
C. Jenny is beating the ball
D. Jenny is Holding the ball

2. Matching the Picture

A. Ramadhan is Promoting the T-shirt
B. Ramadhan is Holding the T-shirt
C. Ramadhan is smile on the camera
D. Ramadhan is a member of MTMA

3. Matching the Picture

A. The child is reading a book
B. Mother is reading a book
C. Mother and child are reading a book
D. Mother is teaching the child to read a book
4. Choose the correct answer by looking the picture
A. There are ruler and pencil on the table
B. There one book on the table
C, Dimas is writing
D. There is flower On table
Multiple Choice item-Shor text
Type 2 Just as the previous item type is closely related to the
testing of vocabulary, so this type is perhaps more accurately
described as a test of comprehension of grammatical structure. The
testees are required to identify the correct paraphrase of a statement
from a choice of four of five. They are told in the rubric that the
(four) statements may refer to the entire sentence or only part of the
sentence. Again, examples are provided for each of the three general

1. Ramadhan is not as diligent as mega but he’s a little taller

than Ryan
A. Mega is taller than Ramadhan and Ryan
B. Ramadhan is not as tall as Ryan.
C. Mega is taller than Ramadhan but not as tall as Ryan
D. Ryan is taller than Ramadhan and Mega.
Setting the position

Type 1
Imagine that this is your diary showing some of your activities on
certain days. first, fill in your activities for those days which have
been left blank. Then, using the information in the diary, write a
letter to a friend telling him or her how you are spending your time.
write about 100 words. The address is not necessary.
1 Monday Study!
2 Tuesday Final
3 Wednesday Taking a rest
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday Work!
7 Sunday Work!

Type 8 An Exelent the device for providing both a purpose and

content for writing is the use picture.
Example 1
Show The way to Bandara sungai petani from Rumah Kenduri

Example 2
Describe this Picture below!

Treatment of written Error

Example 1
Correct the artikel below !
An important distinction is now made between global and local
errors. Those errors which cause only minor trouble and confusion
in a particular clause or sentence without hindering the reader’s
comprehension of the sentence are categorized as local errors (e.g.
misuse of articles, omission of prepositions, lack of agreement
between subject and verb, incorrect position of adverbs, etc.: ‘I
arrived Leeds.’). global errors are usually those errors which involve
the overall structure of a sentence and result in misunderstanding or
even failure to understand the message which is being conveyed
(e.g. the misuse of connectives: ‘Although the train arrived late, we
missed the last bus to the city centre’; the omission, misuse and
unnecessary insertion of relative pronouns: ’you should try to be as
healthy as the girl arrived on the bicycle a short time ago’; etc.). this
useful distinction, which provides criteria for determining the
communicative importance of errors, has been further developed
recently so that it can be more readily applied to the marking of free
In most normal writing situations, however, we can only assess
what a student writes and not what he or she wants to write. For this
reason, pictures and diagrams can play a very useful part in testing
writing, since they enable the examiner to tell immediately what a
student wishes to write. Pictures were recently used by researchers
in an experiment to show how L learners (i.e. less fluent learners)
usedavoidance strategies or reduction strategies, avoiding an actual
topic. L learners (and possibly more fluent L learners) tended to use
paraphrase strategies or achievement strategies. Fluent performance
seems to be characterized by the use of fewer communication
strategies of both kinds.

Objective Test
Type 1 The following type of punctuation item is very popular
and is generally used to cover a wide range of punctuation marks. It
is not truly objective, and the scoring of such an exercise would take
considerable time since punctuation is to a large degree subjective
and one particular use of a punctuation mark well determine the
correctness of the punctuation mark following it.
In the following passage there is no punctuation. Write out the
passage, putting in all the punctuation and capital letters.
Lend me your pen please peter asked
i took my pen out of my pocket
Be careful i said
ill give it back to you in a moment he promised
Dont worry i said you can keep it as long as you want
It is advisable, however, to maintain some degree of control
over the task which the testees are expected to perform. One method
of doing this is by substituting lines or circles for those punctuation
marks which are being tested, thus also facilitating scoring.




Validity is the extent to which a concept, conclusion or measurement is well-founded and likely corresponds
accurately to the real world based on probability. The word "valid" is derived from the Latin validus, meaning strong.
Reliability in statistics and psychometrics is the overall consistency of a measure. A measure is said to have a high
reliability if it produces similar results under consistent conditions. "It is the characteristic of a set of test scores that relates
to the amount of random error from the measurement process that might be embedded in the scores. Scores that are highly
reliable are accurate, reproducible, and consistent from one testing occasion to another. That is, if the testing process were
repeated with a group of test takers, essentially the same results would be obtained. Various kinds of reliability coefficients,
with values ranging between 0.00 (much error) and 1.00 (no error), are usually used to indicate the amount of error in the
scores." For example, measurements of people's height and weight are often extremely reliable.


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