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Do This When You Feel Stuck

Successful people don't think about it in their head, they write it down.

Warren Buffett the billionaire investor one of the wisest men of all time, he says, if you haven’t

written it down, you haven't truly thought it out. The reason we write things down, is because it

removes the cloudiness of our emotions so the truth can emerge.

What problems do you have in your life right now? What challenges do you face, what would

you change if you could change anything about your business or your life? What are you

struggling with? What's got you confused? What's got you feeling stuck in your life or in your


If you were to write it out and think about strategies, think about solutions, and you wrote it

down instead of just sitting there thinking about it in your head I promise you, the answers, and

the truth, would emerge.

The problem is when we think about things in our head, our thoughts, they're in our head,

behind our eyes, we cannot see them. I don't know about you but I can't really play with

something and figure it out if I can't even see it. When I write it down, I take it from my head,

where I can't see it, and I put it out on paper in front of me where I can.

Jason Capital

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