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Android Test Questions

1. Which of the following we use to display list of cell

a. ListView
b. GridView
c. RecyclerView
d. TableView
2. Which of the following is used to get events to configure cell
a. Listener
b. Adapter
c. Callback
d. Touch Events
3. How we create inner class in kotlin
a. class followed by class name
b. inner followed by class name
c. inner class followed by class name
d. None of the above
4. Which of the following helps to optimized the list
a. Creating the Layout file
b. Creating the recyclerview
c. Creating the ViewHolder
d. Creating the class
5. Recycleview will be bind with what data type
a. String
b. Image/Bitmap
c. HashMap
d. ArrayList
6. How to get the class name of the Kotlin Class
a. By using class
b. By using object
c. By Using class::Java.class
d. None of the above
7. How we get the touch events in Kotlin
a. Setting OnclickListener
b. Setting onLongListener
c. Setting onTouchDelegate
d. None of the above
8. How primary constructor gets created in Kotlin
a. By using the same name as class name
b. By using the init followed by {}
c. By using the deinit followed by {}
d. None of the above
9. How we get reference from the Layout into the Kotlin
a. Using Layout
b. Using findViewByView
c. Using View class
d. Using LayontInflator
10. How Recycler view is configured
a. Using Manager
b. Using LinearLayoutManager
c. Using LinearLayout
d. Using RelativeLaout

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