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The Svetasvataropanishad belongs to the Taittiriya sakha of the Krishna

Yajurveda. It is regarded as a Samanvayopanisad since it attempts at a reconciliation

of the mutually conflicting streams of Indian Philosophy such as Samkhya, Yoga and

Vedanta, etc.

The Svetasvataropanishad reiterates that one could surmount the melancholies

of life through the Real Knowledge of the Self as one with the individual soul. Trying

to surpass miseries without self-knowledge is as foolish as trying to roll up the sky like

a leathery carpet.

यदा चर्मवदाकाशँ वेष्टययष्यन्ति र्ानवा: ।

तदा दे वर्यवज्ञाय दु :खस्यािो भयवष्ययत ॥ (S. U. VI. 20)

Like the majority of the other Upanisads, the S.U. Also deals mainly with the

attainment of the Supreme Goal, i.e., Self-Realization; however, socio-ethical

discussions are aplenty in the S.U. it emphasizes on the significance of Truth and

Penance in Self-Realization.

सत्येनैनँ तपसा यो“ऽनुपश्ययत । (S. U. I.15)

In this Upanisad, ethical preparation of the mind through Yoga is stressed

upon, the core of which is Self-restraint. Here, yoga does not mean the stringent

practice of physical postures or the mortification of the body and mind, but the

reinforcement of the will. Then, the body becomes lighter and healthier. He who

practices Yoga develops contempt towards worldly pleasures within him; his body

begins to gleam, his voice becomes sweet- these are said to be the primary results of

Yoga practice.

लघुत्वर्ारोग्यर्लोलुपत्वँ वर्मप्रसाद: स्वरसौष्ठवँ च

गंध: शुभो र्ूत्रपुरीषर्ल्पँ योगप्रवृयतँ प्रथर्ँ वदन्ति ( S. U. II.13)

The Realization of the Supreme Self is possible through deep meditation. As

long as one’s ego is retained, one could rise only to the level of Saguna Brahman.
Through the synthesis of Jnanayoga and Bhaktiyoga, the S.U. shows the right way of

realization of the Supreme Goal.

The S.U. preaches of the identity of the individual soul with the Supreme

Universal Soul. The realization of the Universal Soul awakens our intellect, thus

making us enlightened. When the individual souls are realized as not something

different from the Universal Soul, then, all the negative feelings of separateness and

competition will give way to love, compassion and cooperation.

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