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7 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Help the Environment

You already know to recycle and use reusable shopping bags. But have you ever thought
About just how much waste piles up from buying boiled water? (A lot.) Or how eating just
A lisle less beef can cut down on greenhouse gas emissions?
1. Say goodbye to meat, just for one day a week.

Going meatless just one day a week can save you money and help the earth. About 24
Percent of global greenhouse gas emissions are from agriculture or the cultivation of crops
And livestock. Meat eaters contributed twice as many greenhouse gas emissions as vegans.

2. Recycle
For most everything in your home and office, you can try to recycle it recycling can help reduce the amount
of waste in landfills, saves natural resources like timber and water, and saves energy overall.
3. Buy less stuff.
A great general rule of thumb to help our planet is to just stop buying so much stuff. Simply cutting down
on the number of purchases you make in a week First, almost any new physical good requires raw
materials from the earth to make it, energy to process it, fuel to ship it, and so on.

4. Save your trash from landfills and start cultivating a

About 20 to 30 percent of what we throw away in terms of food scraps and yard waste should be
composted instead. Composting is beneficial to the soil, reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, and
reduces methane emissions from landfills, which helps to reduce your personal carbon footprint,
5. Buy sustainable seafood
It’s important to not bankrupt the oceans of all the fish for future generations, and also be super careful
about how much fishermen are polluting the ocean or water ways when they gather your fish. In how we
catch and harvest seafood, there are harmful ways and helpful ways. Our oceans are our life support system
so have to take care of them first.

6. Make the switch to a reusable water bottle for once

and for all.
If you’re already using a reusable water bottle at your desk, at the gym, and around the house, go you! If
not, now is the time to make that official switch. Pretty much any water bottle you can reuse is better than
using a plastic one once and then throwing it away.

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