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Chronological way of starting the Science chapters .

Class 10 Subject – Biology

Chapter – Life process
Q1) How you can tell the difference between what is alive or
not alive?
(MPA) - Dog running , Cow grazing , Man shouting
Q2) Suppose the dog , man , cow are asleep .. than are they
alive ? How
(MPA) – Yes they are alive , as they are breathing.
Q3) What about plants are they alive ?
(MPA) They are alive as they are green , they grow in height .
Q4) What is the common thing that is coming out of this ?
(MPA, T) – That whatever is visible either the movement of
animal , human or the growth of the tree , is making that thing
alive .
Q5) So now is the things which we cannot see breathing or their
movement is not alive?
(MPA, T) – Yes they are alive but cannot be seen through a
naked eye . For example – smallest molecules .
Q6) Is this invisible molecular movement necessary for life?
(MPA) – Yes / No
(MPA , T) – If we ask this question to professional biologist ,
they will say , Yes.

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