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Deeply concerned by the issue of global warming which has endangered life across the globe,

Alarmed by the high level of greenhouse gases which can harm the future of the next
generations to come,

Appreciate the effort made by brilliant scientists in combatting global warming,

Hereby resolves:

1. Recommends member states to produce and commercialize environmenmagnetic

levitation trains pushing magnets and can generate their own electricity with zero
emission with faster speed;
2. Endorses the production of artificial tress that can emit oxygen and process carbon
dioxide in an hour and concentrate them in places with high level of carbon;
3. Endorses nitrogen oxide concrete as an alternative which can emit oxygen and lessen
hazardous air;
4. Recommends pumping natural process solidified carbon to produce pallets and
solidifies hazardous substances into fertilizers;
5. Inventing aluminum cylinder which converts CO to O2 in cars;
6. Recommends a very high escalated safe Nuclear power reactor to:
1. With substance that can cool down the reactor;
2. Producing 20 times power than conventional;
3. Thorium reactor with better escalated hazard.
7. Encourages member states to use osmotic power:
1. Two membranes with plain and salt water;
2. Using turbines in helping the dynamics of the machine;
3. Omitting 95% power plants to supply green energy;
8. Encourages member states to authorize smart power grids which adjust the needs of
electricity and energy usage in concentrated areas and communities by;
1. Exchanging info;
2. Lessening power;
3. Deciding upon the energy sources to utilize.
9. Further recommends bioengineering in the form of manipulation of the environment by
1. Injecting salt water to trigger clouds to emit water
2. Estimating the side effect of the process
10. Endorses the usage of carbon graphite which allows atoms to pass through without
being breached to ensure the safety of the technology by
1. Converting water and other resources for clean outputs
2. Reducing emission without emitting any hazardous substances

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