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Theory of Architecture

Importance of design Process

Submitted to: Arch. Angelito

B Ericson T. Navio
BS Architecture 2 -
y 3
Behind every design there is always various obstacles and
challenges that all artists gone through just to create a strong, perfect, and
seamless design. And it is not just a one-time process, it takes time and a
lot of effort, including one’s sweat and blood, just to make a single design
to the end of the seem to be endless road of design processing.
Time is an indefinite variable in
producing a particular project. Same as
producing a design concept not only
due to difficulty of the work but also on
different ways how designers tackle
their designing obstacles. Designers
have multiple routines and steps on
how they make a project and it varies
on how they think it will be analyzed
better and finished earlier. Other
people also tend to need advice from other individuals to validate their
ideas and also ask if there is room for improvement or any suggestions
that can be helpful for the project. But also, there are designers who
experiences creative block during these processes. It is an inevitable
career trap for all designers, even the greatest of greats experienced this
kind of mental blocks somehow in their life and it is not very easy to deal
with. And lastly, other designers tend to look first for an inspiration for their
ideas to work collectively.
Having these kinds of experiences doesn’t make a designer unwise
and inexperienced. As a matter of fact, that struggles make the design
worth a lot more and deserving. Providing an experience for each one of
your clients which are fun, straight to the point, and exceeds their
expectations is a must in design processing and having tried and true
design process only assure that it will not fall behind.
Design processing is indeed the hardest part and needs your best
problem-solving skill but as you continuously pass the treacherous road
of design processing over and over again, it will not just your own bars
higher but also more importantly it will help you fill the pool of your own
unique ideas.

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