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BARLY ANATOLIAN ARCHAEOLOGY IN THE LIGHT OF RECENT RESEARCH ‘Tamsin O7a0¢ “This paper examines the ss of Anatalis before the pri of te Asgrian tide colonies im the Light of new excavations and dis fovcries Kurt Bite publahed the fire general srvey of the deve- Topment of local early Anatolian cultarer ia 1945! In an article fang with the telaions Between the Royal Tombs at Alacahib Yak the Toews of central Anatolion Easly Bronze Age caltue, and the Aegean, Machicid Melink ake raved some ofthe basi problems ff Antolin archaeology. A. Goctae and J. Mellsart stoied and tiscused the geographical distribution of the vaelous Andtolian tulturs of the period e,a00-ajon 2000 B,C 1 have been working fon some of the relevant problems since 1548, Agreement has been Feached on masiy important problems, but thee also are prints of fiference, The dierences do no affect the fifa and descriptive Sil ofthe evidences they age parely a matcr of inespreatio. 1 want o emphasize tha the seul: of recent discoveries in Anse fol are accenile tothe geeral reader thanks 10 the systematic surveys publshed by M, Melink® and F. Schachermeyr', These interim fepots provide infrmation s long at the final publications are oustanding "VSGtha Mata, he Royal Tome oe Alaa and te Aegan James Ban Sontoy qa aon BC. (The Canbge Aeo Hi tery sel edon wf selumes Tan) ie gsr ace, Ki te ‘Machel J. Mein, Ache in Ain Minar fv AIA. 28 eg: oi 13.85 a pone eX. ggy Pork andin Nbr Arse a 39 E ‘TAMSIN Oza In this paper we shall poy special atetion to the fetus evi dence gated by the new excavations. Our knowledge of Cental tnd Northern Ansolia has Been chiefly increased by the ses of Kil- tape and Horostepe, Kaleepe has given we evidence forall he phases {tthe Early Bronze Age in Central Anatolia and fr the wanston to Middle Bronze, We now know that chert is no problem ofan Aligar Tl enltare or building level; Alig IH doce not represent an inde pendent culture and period, The painted Alar TH ware ia clas Sf potery which groially develeped out of an cartier painted srare belonging to the plain of Kayseri, Te war wed ade by side With monochrome and. painted wheeimade wares and gradually fiminished in quantity unl the Hosking period of the Assyrian fanie Tes not yet pouible fo connect the so-called Algar TIT ‘vate sith an esie group, “The excavations at Kaltepe Rave made it lear that an important cultace existed in this area ding the las phase of the Early Bronze ‘Age, In hat posed, Kolepe had clne relations with Nosthem Syn find Gila; these connecsons even extended to Southern Mesopoti Inia. This period truly prepared the way forthe Angrian Colony ‘Ages The Asians éamte to an area they lew and were familie ‘vith, For the development of Cental Anatolian ar, the infiuene of {hse southern connections beeame of mich importance. Rultepe has ‘he ligt on the queron ofthe origin of Central Anatolian painted ptr, on the date ofthe alabaster idl, on the exitence of temples Smegaron type and above all om dhe monumental architecture of the arly Bronze Age, orcetepe a ae north of Tokat, has provided much needed parallels to Anca ination to demorateating the wealth ofthe princes of that age andthe advanced Level of metalorgy reached in Ue Northern dstcs The late Profesor J. Lewy has drawn attention to wferences in Kultepe texte which mention the ste of Niksr, feunecied with the city of Haburt, aa rch coppe-working center tf long standing, Horcatepe ir very nea Niksir®, The Finds at Horo Tebsin OcziMaimat Aly Maree. Kana Excraion a Haan seo, Anos «Jae Lev, Same act commer in Amin and Aaa Minor a the Nartomihprrtan sry [Ja a he Ameren Osea Sect Walco wan | tepe ofthe hse quater ofthe thi illest B,C, confirm Lewy’ interpretation Bronze spestheadsappe in Cara and North Anatolia ing (hs period. Hes very interating that thee weapons show a lone Minto weapon types frm the say as do some type of sar Tec hoe eat a ey Inge ween oped co i orig the Aspion Colony Pvid ud even daring she phe fe Karom HIV and contnentynontained fasts shaper Bron arrowhead, pt rm the arowhicad owns -AloeaKoyy ao make thee fine appearance inthe Caony Period. A bronze bate axe fxn in Karun lve! I has only parla Gdakte® The Anatolian reperite of weapons stood unde strong sflence fom the auth Thin nflrnce ea be traced from Kulp to Alacse hoy Ali, Mahmadar, Horetepe a far ss Dandartcpe Sams). In dais paper Idler fom sme specialism wating that he

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