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Weekly Progress Report 10/07-10/13

Lauren Goldschmidt

Monday 10/07
● Update weekly progress
● Team building activity (ice challenge)
● Reach out to several professionals over LinkedIn
Tuesday 10/08
● Practice phone scripts
Wednesday 10/09
● Reach out to Ft Worth Zoo, DWA, and the Veterinary Eye Institute (left 2 messages and
1 contact info)
Thursday 10/10
● Complete topic proposal
● Update website to reflect recent assignments
Friday 10/11
● Complete and submit research assessment #4
Saturday 10/12
● (No ISM related progress)
Sunday 10/13
● Start weekly progress blog #3

I finally made my first calls! I'm very proud of myself for breaking through my fears and
hesitations and taking the leap. Although I've yet to schedule any interviews, I'm more confident
than ever that I'm capable of doing so. Tomorrow, I plan to reach out to my last few contacts and
hopefully make a plan with at least one. Then, I definitely want to gather as many contacts as
possible over the next few days so I can complete the requirements for the contact list on time. I
do admit that I'm a little on edge about that fast approaching deadline; my fears held me back
and put me behind the pace. Luckily now that I've got the ball rolling, it's just a matter of putting
in the work. Of course, the only issue with that is that this week is the end of the marking period,
and I have several projects AND the PSAT this week, as well as my usual ISM workload. I have
to prioritize and manage my time effectively, or I'll get very overwhelmed very quickly.
This week I hope to ​schedule my first interview. I really want to start having
conversations with professionals. My research assessment this week talked about veterinary stem
cell procedures, and there's one local clinic that utilizes the technology. They don't fit exactly
with my specialty, since they're a companion-animal-exclusive operation, but I'm extremely
eager to speak with them about stem cell technology as a growing field. Furthermore, I hope to
speak with professionals from different specialties, because a major goal I have with focusing on
veterinary zoology is to learn more about different opportunities for specialization and how to
determine what you're meant to do.

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