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Bogotá, 2038. - The capital of the region.

What will happen to the city of Bogotá in the year 2038?

The Bogota of Caro y Cuervo, by José Asunción Silva, of the Symbolic Grotto, of the Pregonas by Víctor
Mallarino. Will have disappeared altogether in the year 2038? When it completes its 500 years of existence.
Already today we are in a city wrapped in a dust of absences that has many ashes. What will Bogotá be like
later? Clara Eugenia López Obregón, former Minister of Labor, argues that one of the priority issues for citizens
of Bogotá is mobility. He said that by 2038 the capital will have articulated all the transportation systems that will
connect the city with Cundinamarca.
Bogotá must offer multimodal mass transit systems, which include both the commuter train and the metro and
In Bogotá, the waters of the Bogotá River will be purified after 40 years. The ideal is to keep the savanna
undeveloped and without damaging its main ecological structure, which includes mountains and wetlands. "
From August 6, 2038, day of the 500 years of Bogotá, there will be trips to the moon, round trip. The passengers
with last name Luna will have a discount of 50 percent.
There are only many short-term plans and a catalog of good intentions. Nothing else. Many of the decisions are
in the hands of the government, but the responsibility is also of "the citizens who must be less ingenious and
more demanding with their governors". As you can see, the challenges are many and face an effort of all.
Although some are already thinking of the city of 2038, many more people are needed.
We can already see that these routes are a frantic future interrupted many times by the incessant war of man
against man.

Bogotá, 2038. - The capital of the region.

What will happen to the city of Bogotá in the year 2038?
Bogotá de Caro y Cuervo, by José Asunción Silva, has disappeared altogether in the year 2038, when it
completes its 500 years of existence.
Already today we are in a city wrapped in a dust of absences that has many ashes. What will Bogotá be
like later? Clara Eugenia López Obregón, former Minister of Labor, maintains that one of the priority
issues for the citizens of Bogotá is mobility. He said that by 2038 the capital will be articulated all the
transportation systems that will connect the city with Cundinamarca.
Bogotá must offer multimodal mass transit systems, which include both the commuter train and the
metro and bicycles.
In Bogotá, the waters of the Bogotá River will be purified after 40 years. The ideal is to keep the savanna
undeveloped and without taking into account its main ecological structure, which includes mountains
and wetlands.
Bogotá, 2038. - La capital de la región.
¿Qué pasará con la ciudad de Bogotá en el año 2038?
La Bogotá de Caro y Cuervo, de José Asunción Silva, habrán desaparecido en total en el año 2038, cuando
completa sus 500 años de existencia.
Ya hoy estamos en una ciudad envuelta en un polvo de ausencias que tiene muchas cenizas. Cómo será Bogotá
después. Clara Eugenia López Obregón, ex ministra de Trabajo, sostiene que uno de los temas prioritarios para
los ciudadanos de Bogotá es la movilidad. Dijo que para 2038 la capital habrá articulado todos los sistemas de
transporte que conectarán la ciudad con Cundinamarca.
Bogotá debe ofrecer sistemas multimodales de transporte masivo, que incluyen tanto el tren de cercanías como
el metro y las bicicletas.
En Bogotá se logrará purificar las aguas del río Bogotá después de 40 años. Lo ideal es mantener la sabana
sin desarrollar y sin dañar su estructura ecológica principal, que incluye montañas y humedales.
Sólo hay muchos planes a corto plazo y un catálogo de buenas intenciones. Nada más. Muchas de las
decisiones están en manos del gobierno, pero la responsabilidad también es de "los ciudadanos que deben ser
menos ingeniosos y más exigentes con sus gobernantes". Como puede ver, los desafíos son muchos y
enfrentan un esfuerzo de todos. Aunque algunos ya están pensando en la ciudad de 2038, se necesitan muchas
más personas.
Ya podemos ver que estas rutas son un futuro frenético interrumpido muchas veces por la guerra incesante del
hombre contra el hombre.

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