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Experiencing Leisure.

In conducting the study, the researchers found out that the

respondents considered playing mobile games as a leisure time because it is mainly a
source of entertainment and happiness and they also disclosed that it is one way of relieving
stress and relaxing the mind.

Leading to mental illness due to too much exposure in playing. The researchers also found
out that the respondents have negative perceptions in playing mobile games, it is being said
that too much playing could lead to addiction if it is left as it is. It is also being disclosed that
it could lead to someone's distress due to several reasons in playing games.

Lacking of focus to study due to excessive playing. The researchers also discovered that
playing games could cause the students to inefficiently manage their time and could cause
their focus on studying to waver.

Enhancing the student's mind. On the positive aspect of conducting the study, it is found out
that playing games could enhance a person's mind because of their natural mentality to win.
In order to win in a game, there is analysis and memorization that is involved which also
widen someone's vocabulary.

Gaming as part of life. In conducting the study, the participants responded that playing
games is already part of their life since they consider it as a necessity in their daily life and
gaming for them happens to be a routine, lifestyle and a habitual activity that is too difficult to

Having time management. It is uncovered by the respondents that in order to manage

studies and playing games, time management is a must, it is being disclosed that study time
should be separated from playing games, setting up schedules for the requirements and
activities and strict adherence to the establised planner so that there will be no
inconvenience caused by playing games

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