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Aprendiendo en casa

Lecciones 61-62-63-64

Write five yes/no questions and five wh- questions in present perfect. Provide an
answer to each question.

Yes/no questions Answer

1. Am I your friend? you are my friend.
2. Is this a good restaurant? No, it is not a good restaurant.
3. Are these islands Greek? Yes, these islands are Greek.
4. Was his idea interesting? No, his idea was not interesting.
5. Were they happy? Yes, they were happy.

Wh- questions Answer

6. Who is at the door? Tom is at the door.
7. Who wants an apple? I want an apple.
8. Whom is he dating? He is dating Anna.
9. What is this? This is a bird.
10. What did she say? She said to be quiet.

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