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Critical-Thinking Questions

CHAPTER 13 Dealing with Disappointment

1. Which strategies will you use to improve your chances of getting an interview? ♍
Use more Resources in your job search. Make sure you’re applying for the right jobs where your
skills line up with the job description. Focus on turning in fewer applications. The last strategy could
be you possibly having to refresh your resume. Using these strategies will improve your chances of
getting an interview.

2. What specific steps will you take to improve your interview performance? ♎
Make notes about the ideal answer to each question you were asked. Video-record yourself
answering the questions to provide practice and a chance to see how you look to an interviewer.
Ask at least one person you do not know well to give you a mock interview. Prepare for different
types of interviews and interview questions. Remember what you learned from interviews and use it
the next time. Do your homework before the next interview. Review what to do between

3. If your friend got a rejection notice after a job interview, what three things could you say to
encourage your friend to continue on the Job Search Journey? ♎
Don’t take it personally and stay positive. It may not have been a good fit for you if they thought you
weren’t a good fit for them. There are many other companies and jobs out there for you so keep
moving forward. If my friend is set on this specific job, then I’d tell my friend to call the human
resources departments and demand an explanation.

4. What can you gain from seeking an evaluation of your interview performance from an interviewer
who did not hire you? ♏
You may learn that the selection had nothing to do with your interview performance or job
qualifications if so, it could be improved. If you are aware of the perceived shortcoming based on
the interview or your Job Application Package, it can help to prepare a strong written clarification
that you can refer to while making this follow-up call. The interviewer may be willing to tell you if
they consider you to be lacking in any area of skill, training, or experience. This information may be
the starting point for an update of your skills or interviewing technique before your next interview.
However, if you make a good impression, the interviewer may decide to reconsider you, or
recommend you for another position.

5. If all of your efforts fail to result in a job offer, what last request should you make of an interviewer?

Refer to other employers or departments. Keep the application on file for future job openings and to
notify if they become available. Ask whether another position would be more suitable for you and
whether the interviewer could recommend another department in the organization or another
employer who might be able to use your skills.

Your Career: How to Make It Happen, 9e

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