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I am Jonathan de Jesús Pérez Alfonso, I am 21 years old, I define myself as a person very different

from others, my way of thinking about life is different from most, I consciously believe that the
important thing of life is to enjoy it in all aspects , that happiness is something that has to be
sought, in certain occasions happiness only comes to us at times, as there are times when sadness
invades us, my life experiences have been very difficult, losing loved ones is not easy, To assume
that they will no longer be with you is very painful but you have to accept it, my interests are
based practically on the financial side, I like money, I like to talk with interesting people and that
they behave in a similar way with my way of thinking, I like to go to Cinema in the company of the
person I want, going out and sharing moments is something very nice winged of that person,
talking about my talents, I guess my greatest talent is to talk to people about mutual issues, selling
is given to me very well, my achievements in life have been many but not important, I look
forward to meeting my goals that really do matter to me, the word that identifies me is
"questioning", I am a person who questions almost anything that People or mainly adults say. I am
a great friend, I respect friendship a lot, in love I believe that people should not expect something
from their partner or stop doing things to make their partner feel good, in the same way I like to
go out alone, one of my Favorite places is the Quetzalcoatl pyramid in Coatzacoalcos.

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