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Work order Qnty Supplied Original Rate Recommended bill Recommended

Advanced Bill Amount

SL No Type of Concrete (cft) Qnty (cft) Rate Considered Amount Penalty Amount Remarks
Amount (e )
(a) (b) (c ) (d) (f) (g=e-f)

1. Tests Carried out much after 28 days

1.a 632,585.00 1,169,172.00 1,169,172.00 -
1.b 644,070.00 620,789.00 620,789.00 -
1.c 803,460.00 1,300,086.00 1,300,086.00 -
260,624.00 423,409.00 423,409.00 - Required strength is OK, bill may
be processed for payment.
1.e 696,430.00 840,444.00 840,444.00 -
1.f 274,935.00 353,415.00 353,415.00 -
1.g 196,490.00 208,394.00 208,394.00 -
2. Strength less than the ordered strength but above the design strength
2.a 4500 psi 350.00 123.60 269.00 239.00 65,905.00 33,249.00 29,540.00 3,709.00 As the supplied concrete strength
is less than ordered one,
corresponding Lower slab (4000
psi) Rate is considered, which is
239.00 taka.

2.b 5500 psi 4,300.00 2,648.63 287.00 269.00 920,360.00 760,155.00 712,481.00 47,674.00 As the supplied concrete strength
is less than ordered one,
corresponding Lower slab (4500
psi) Rate is considered, which is
269.00 taka.

2.c 4500 psi 5,000.00 2,348.45 269.00 239.00 941,500.00 631,732.00 561,279.00 70,453.00 As the supplied concrete strength
is less than ordered one,
corresponding Lower slab (4000
psi) Rate is considered, which is
239.00 taka.

2.d 5500 psi 13,950.00 13,022.41 287.00 269.00 2,802,555.00 3,737,431.00 3,503,028.00 234,403.00 As the supplied concrete strength
is less than ordered one,
corresponding Lower slab (4500
psi) Rate is considered, which is
269.00 taka.
3. Strength less than the design strength
3.a 4500 psi 918.00 935.85 269.00 172,859.00 251,743.00 - Bill to be closed without any
Advance to be adjusted.

4. Combined work order; Strength found OK

4.a 5500 psi 130,585.00 197,640.00 197,640.00 -
4.b 5500 psi 200,900.00 385,147.00 385,147.00 -
4.c 5500 psi 113,508.00 238,182.00 238,182.00 -

5.a - 45,609.00 45,609.00 -

Advanced Recommended Recommended

Amount bill Amount Payable Amount
8,856,766.00 10,588,615.00 1,731,849.00

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