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technology-a material entity created by the

application of mental and physical
effort to nature in order to achieve
some value
2.Modern technology has evolved significantly in the last ten to twenty
years. When computers first came out, they were the size of one room. Now
they have evolved so much that we can travel with them in our backpacks.
3.New technologies are constructed from
ones that already exist and these offer
themselves as possible building-block
elements for the construction of still
further and more improve technologies.

4.Technology is changing the patterns of our life. There was a time when
we were very physically active, but now we rely on devices to do most of
our work.
5.Modern technology is simply an advancement of old technology. The
impact of technology in modern life is unmeasurable, we use technology in
different ways and sometimes the way we implement various technologies do
more damage than good.
6.why technology-Technology refers the knowledge and utilization of
tools, techniques and systems in order to serve a bigger purpose like
solving problems or making life easier and better. Its significance on
humans is tremendous because technology helps them adapt to the

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