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The pastry chef (Fr.

pâtissier) develops recipes for and prepares desserts, pastries, frozen desserts and
breads. He or she reports directly to the executive chef and usually purchases the food items used in the
bakeshop. In a large operation, an executive pastry chef may oversee a staff of pastry specialists.

A classic kitchen brigade includes a pastry chef, who supervises the bread baker (Fr. boulanger) who
makes the breads, rolls and baked dough containers used for other menu items ; the confectioner (Fr.
confiseur), who makes candies and petit fours; the ice cream maker (Fr. glacier), who makes all chilled
and frozen desserts; and the decorator (Fr. décorateur), who makes showpieces and special cakes. An
executive pastry chef possesses the same authority and responsibility within his or her area of expertise
as an executive chef.

. A head baker directs the mixing and baking of all baked goods. He or she may purchase all ingredients
and train the staff on preparation. One group of bakers may bake the bread while another group mixes
all the yeast dough and laminated dough to make breads and pastries.

A cake decorator fills and ices cakes according to the style of the operation. A bakeshop may employ a
master baker (Fr. maître boulanger, Gr. Bäckermeister). This title recognizes the highest level of
achievement; only highly skilled and experienced bakers who have demonstrated their professional
knowledge in written and practical exams are entitled to use it..

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