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Schools here in the Philippines made various techniques on how to get their students in school
on time. However, despite these different approaches to discipline to be punctual, alarge
number of them still arrives to school late.

A study that was conducted in Japan showed that students who uses mobile phone excessively
affects the quality of their sleep and their ability to study. And when they were asked if they had
trouble waking up in the morning, 78.1 percent of the 23,139 respondents who often use
mobile phone before bedtime have trouble waking up in the morning which results to arriving
late in school and missing out on some academic performance.

On the contrary, the Distributed Cognition Theory states that technology helps in the learning
process of a person. Knowledge and cognition is distributed across objects, individuals, artifacts,
and tools in the environment. The goal of Distributed Cognition is to describe how distributed
units are coordinated by analyzing the interactions between individuals, the representational
media used, and the environment within which the activity takes place. Learners who are
placed in to a learning environment based on this theory would be using their “knowledge and
skills—by thinking critically, applying knowledge to new situations, analyzing information,
comprehending new ideas, communicating, collaborating, solving problems, making decisions”
(Honey, et al, 2003, p. 9).

Students usage of mobile Assessment of students usage Mobile phone as a helpful

phone and time of students of mobile phone and the time device in academic
arrival in school of their arrival in school performance

Mobile phone- wireless handheld device that is used to send and receive messages, calls,
videos, pictures, emails, and also used to access the internet.

Distributed Cognition Theory- a theory that knowledge lies not only within an individual but in
the individual's social and physical environment.

Media- the means of communication

Academic performance- level of performance of students to achieve their educational goals

Late- arriving after the expected time

Students- a person who attends and studies in a school

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