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Steven Chambers 1-3

Achievements Personal Reflection

The true definition of success is truly in the eye of the beholder. Many people
around the world believe that money is success or that achievements are success.
Through my young life I have done a lot but I think the biggest success that has come to
me is receiving my level 2 Hockey Canada Officiating certification. From ever since I
was able to I have been officiating hockey, this will be my fifth year of ensuring safe play
amongst minor hockey participants. To become a level 2 hockey canada official a
person that is an experienced official must see potential in me and help me get to this
level. Once I have been looked at by an experienced official, I must go to a four hour
lecture where at the end of it I had to write a test where the minimum score I could
score was eighty percent. I scored a ninety five. This did not come easily I studied in the
weeks approaching the clinic as well as had my eyes glued to the screen during the
lecture; I have never been more excited but nervous in my life. Getting certified is not
the only thing that I am proud of but also the things I have learned and developed with
officiating. I have learned how to quickly think on my feet which has helped me both in
the world outside of officiating as well as in officiating. This quick thinking skill that I
managed to develop through officiating allowed me to find that I enjoy conflict
management. When a coach is upset about a decision I made it is my responsibility to
find a way to treat his disrespect towards me with respect and calm down the situation.
Not only conflict management but when I am in a position of power I feel amazing. I do
not enjoy power in a bad way but the opportunity to lead people gives me a feeling that I
am needed. The skills I learned officiating, are skills that will keep me ahead of the
game not only in post secondary but also in the corporate world. Conflict management
will be a useful skill to have if I am ever up for a management position. Thinking on my
own will also be a skill that will help fast track my future struggles. When a problem is
placed in front of me I will be able to think of it from many different angles and make a
decision without the need to ask a superior for every little decision which they will enjoy
as they can get their own work done.

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