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Page updated: 6th March 2015





Star Wars Books & Comics' Star Wars Time line s
For more than three-and-a-half decades hundreds of writers and artists expanded the Star Wars universe
beyond the story told by George Lucas in Episodes I thru VI. However with the very real possibility that Episode
REVIEWS VII would undo that Expanded Universe, especially in the period after Return of the Jedi, Lucasfilm announced
on 25th April 2014 that all previous Expanded Universe stories would now be known as Star Wars Legends. In
essence Legends stories now have a non-canonical status within the Star Wars universe meaning that their
stories may or may not have happened.
From that date, all new stories, approved by the Lucasfilm Story Group, and including Episodes I thru VI and
The Clone Wars film and TV series ("the immovab le ob jects of Star Wars history"), now form a new, official
SEARCH continuity - what this website terms the Star Wars Saga*.

Star Wars Saga* timeline Star Wars Legends timeline

This means that there are now two Star Wars timelines or chronologies. The first is the official continuity:
those stories approved by the Story Group. At present it primarily consists of visual material: namely the seven
films; The Clone Wars movie and it's six season TV series; and Star Wars Reb els TV episodes.
advertisement The second is the Legends timeline.
Since the official continuity only constitutes stories told between The Phantom Menace (32 years before
Episode IV: A New Hope) and The Force Awakens (34 years after) its chronology is just 66 years long. By
comparison, after 37 years and around 700 published stories and with stories set as far apart as 25,000
years before the Battle of Yavin (the destruction of the first Death Star in Episode IV: A New Hope) to almost
140 years after it. As such, the Legends timeline is subdivided into Eras of Adventure to make it more


Star Wars Saga is not a Lucasfilm endorsed term to describe the new official continuity, it was created by this website to
differentiate between Legends stories (the former Expanded Universe) and new canonical stories.

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