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Interview with Daris Ardiansyah

Location: Jakarta National Islamic University, Ciputat, Tanggerang Selatan

Date: December 21, 2018

We are enjoyed our interview with Daris Ardiansyah. He’s a nice person. The
interview started slowly, so we were thank him because his willingness to did interview
with us. It was a bit hard to start the interview because it’s our first time to interview
someone in English. It was hard to collect a lot of answer from him, because we were
lack of time. But our conversation went well.
Daris Ardiansyah is a collage student of Pharmacy major in Faculty of Health
Science, Jakarta National Islamic University. Daris told us about his education
background. He was a student of Darul Bayan Kindergarten, Sidamukti 2 Elemetary
School, Mahtla’ul Anwar Pusat Menes Islamic Middle High School and Pandeglang 1
National High School. In High School, his favorite subject is chemistry. He thinks
chemistry is very interesting. He found to like to analyze chemical reaction. Back then
in High School, he studied a lot about chemical reaction and that made him want to
learn more about chemistry.
Daris was not particularly like English. He thought that English sometimes
makes him like to learn it, sometimes makes him not like to learn it. Nevertheless, he
still thinks that learn about English is necessary. The reason is because English is
International Language, that many nations in the world speak in English. He also said
that English is one of way to learn about his education in many another country.
Furthermore, the reason that is a must learn English for him is because he really want
to get scholarship in Japan, that one of the scholarship requirement is high TOEFL
On November last month, he participated in Indonesia Pharmacy Olympiad that
held in Padang, Sumatera Barat. Although he didn’t win the competition, he thinks it
was a great experience. He humbly said that was not a great achievement, but
acknowledge that was a great experience to participate in national level. When he
prepared for the competition, he think that English is not much help. But he still study
from International Pharmacist Journal that must be in English so he could learn the
journal for the competition.
Last, he gave some motivation words to his junior in Pharmacy Major of
Jakarta National Islamic University to have some confident and always believe in the
potential we have and always pray to get the best result.
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Disusun untuk memenuhi tugas akhir semester satu mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris

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Aneu Tiara Muhoripah 11181020000082
Haviz Yudianto 11181020000060
Hilman Mulyana Saleh 11181020000067
Mutmainnah Razak 11181020000087
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