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William Giaccolini

1 Adam McLeod
2 Dennis Amankwaa
Searcheable Drop Down List 3 Karla Angulo
4 James Coyle
5 Shannon Daisley
6 Mike Ferreira
7 Stacy Fishbein
8 Erica Fung
9 Paola Nicolson
10 Daniella Hasanalie
11 Julie Jacob
12 Marsed Kalaj
13 Nivetha Kaneshaiah
Mic 14 Linnea Kiefer
Joh 15 Yogyata Luthra
Jul 16 Nathaniel Maquera
17 Olivia Marchisello
18 Andres Mateus
19 Leroy Miguel
20 Anita Ndagire
21 Dimitrii Pavlenco
22 Nicole Petri
23 Thuy Pham
24 Harish Pitamber
25 Agapi Proios
26 Joanna Ramoutar
27 Julian Sacco
28 Dominique Michael
29 Andrew Sharma
30 Lindsay Bain
31 Natasha Bangay
32 Ranjeet Bhat
33 Nicolas Castillo
34 Lauren Consignado
35 William Giaccolini
36 Travis Hance
37 Adam Henry
38 Moises Aguilar
39 Shama Jariwala
40 Nikita Kornev
41 Dhananjay Kumar
42 Tiffany Leung
43 Zimeng Li
44 Max Liptok
45 Amir Mahammad
46 Lydia Michel
47 Jonathan Mancheno
48 Nicole Marcelo
49 Jackson Mateus
50 Nikta Niknam
51 Daniel Poniatowski
52 Andre Quiane
53 Robert Ratcliffe
54 Stephanie Rosali
55 Ashley Schiebelhoffer
56 Dimitri Johnson
57 Andrea Valeev
58 Ellyse Vandekas
59 Miro Vasquez
60 Claudia Vitali
61 Nabil Mourad
62 Jessica John
63 Ramy Zakhari
64 Alisa Francis
65 Angelica Mendez
66 Basil Khan
67 Brandon Mcglone
68 Brandon Nguyen
69 Camila Murta
70 Caroline Garcia
71 Christian Ramos
72 Christopher Papanastasiou
73 Dimitri Ticnasar
74 Domenico Festa
75 Chris Hall
76 Edenis Sanchez
77 Jena Leedham
78 Kamila Yazdani
79 Kianna Beckford
80 Kirsten Cole
81 Christina Kosareva
82 John Ramos
83 Michael Cuenta
84 Mirim Jin
85 Nikkita Nelson
86 Parthesh Pathak
87 Petra Harding
88 Rebecca Gretton
89 Regina Christian
90 Ryan Sparkes
91 Simon Wong
92 Sion Sung
93 Stefan Rea
94 Stephanie Thomas
95 Stina Nolan
96 Sunita Persaud
97 Tiffany Julian
98 Travis Hance
99 Andre Quiane
100 Ariana Mount
101 Claudia Vitali
102 Danielle Lewis
103 Isaac Moran
104 Julien Briollais
105 Julius Cajanding
106 Kaysia Bilagot
107 Lauren Consignado
108 Lydia Maksoud
109 Marharyta Baranovska
110 Milena Zushi
111 Patricia Regino
112 Stephanie Pajares
113 Rexford Agyeman
114 Nicholas Akindolire
115 Shane Anand
116 Dana Arqueza
117 Tina Aywidan
118 Jacob Barsoum
119 Nguyen Duong
120 Camila Galvao
121 Julian Julian M.
122 Augusto Gewehr
123 Kisanet Gidei
124 Mitchell Huisman
125 Darryl Ivany
126 Dylan Jansz
127 Logan Jeffrey
128 Kashish Kalia
129 Julie Georgios
130 Duc Nguyen
131 Quoc Nguyen
132 Tram Nguyen
133 Ronald Roldan
134 Selena Ruseva
List of names in column F search
Type a name in the search cell A5 IsNumber
return 0 & 1 if the search term is found Max
Increment the occurences IF
Create a Vlookup Function using Rows Rows
Count the result of the Vlookup Function Vlookup
Define a name using the Offset Function IfError
Use the defined name in data validation Countif
Uncheck the error box Offset
Define Name
Data Validation
Deal with Error
Adam McLeod
Dennis Amankwaa
Karla Angulo
James Coyle
Shannon Daisley
Mike Ferreira
Stacy Fishbein
Erica Fung
Paola Nicolson
Daniella Hasanalie
Julie Jacob
Marsed Kalaj
Nivetha Kaneshaiah
Linnea Kiefer
Yogyata Luthra
Nathaniel Maquera
Olivia Marchisello
Andres Mateus
Leroy Miguel
Anita Ndagire
Dimitrii Pavlenco
Nicole Petri
Thuy Pham
Harish Pitamber
Agapi Proios
Joanna Ramoutar
Julian Sacco
Dominique Michael
Andrew Sharma
Lindsay Bain
Natasha Bangay
Ranjeet Bhat
Nicolas Castillo
Lauren Consignado
William Giaccolini
Travis Hance
Adam Henry
Moises Aguilar
Shama Jariwala
Nikita Kornev
Dhananjay Kumar
Tiffany Leung
Zimeng Li
Max Liptok
Amir Mahammad
Lydia Michel
Jonathan Mancheno
Nicole Marcelo
Jackson Mateus
Nikta Niknam
Daniel Poniatowski
Andre Quiane
Robert Ratcliffe
Stephanie Rosali
Ashley Schiebelhoffer
Dimitri Johnson
Andrea Valeev
Ellyse Vandekas
Miro Vasquez
Claudia Vitali
Nabil Mourad
Jessica John
Ramy Zakhari
Alisa Francis
Angelica Mendez
Basil Khan
Brandon Mcglone
Brandon Nguyen
Camila Murta
Caroline Garcia
Christian Ramos
Christopher Papanastasiou
Dimitri Ticnasar
Domenico Festa
Chris Hall
Edenis Sanchez
Jena Leedham
Kamila Yazdani
Kianna Beckford
Kirsten Cole
Christina Kosareva
John Ramos
Michael Cuenta
Mirim Jin
Nikkita Nelson
Parthesh Pathak
Petra Harding
Rebecca Gretton
Regina Christian
Ryan Sparkes
Simon Wong
Sion Sung
Stefan Rea
Stephanie Thomas
Stina Nolan
Sunita Persaud
Tiffany Julian
Travis Hance
Andre Quiane
Ariana Mount
Claudia Vitali
Danielle Lewis
Isaac Moran
Julien Briollais
Julius Cajanding
Kaysia Bilagot
Lauren Consignado
Lydia Maksoud
Marharyta Baranovska
Milena Zushi
Patricia Regino
Stephanie Pajares
Rexford Agyeman
Nicholas Akindolire
Shane Anand
Dana Arqueza
Tina Aywidan
Jacob Barsoum
Nguyen Duong
Camila Galvao
Julian Julian M.
Augusto Gewehr
Kisanet Gidei
Mitchell Huisman
Darryl Ivany
Dylan Jansz
Logan Jeffrey
Kashish Kalia
Julie Georgios
Duc Nguyen
Quoc Nguyen
Tram Nguyen
Ronald Roldan
Selena Ruseva
I would like to create a searchable drop list in A1 (could be any other Cell)
I do have a list of values in Column F (It can be on a different sheet as well)
1 Type few characters as a search term in A1
2 Create a "SEARCH" function in E2
This function returns either a number or a Value error
3 Put the SEARCH function in an "ISNUMBER" function
Converts the result to "TRUE" & "FALSE"
4 Put the above functions into an "IF" function
Converts the result to ones & Zeros & "FALSE"
a "ONE" means the keyword exists
5 Replace the "1" by a MAX function to increment each occurrence
Lock the first reference for the MAX
6 Create a "VLOOKUP" function to extract all Occurences
The "ROWS" function creates incremental numbers
Use "ROWS" as a Lookup value inside the "VLOOKUP"
Lock the First reference for the Rows function
Drag the VLOOKUP function down to almost 50 cells
7 Eliminate errors the VLOOKUP function might return by including it in an ISE
If there is an error a blank "" will be returned
8 Count the number of results returned by the VLOOKUP function
We'll use a COUNTIF function to count Text
We need to use some wild cards (Replacement characters)
The wild cards I am using are
? Replaces any one single character
* Replaces any number of characters
9 The OFFSET function store a reference to the range of results of the VLOOK
OFFSET requires 5 arguments, the first 3 describe the Starting point
the last 2 describe how far down and to the right you expand the range
For the number of Rows down, I will use my COUNTIF function
Create the function in cell in G2
It will return only the first result of the VLOOKUP function
Copy the function to use it in the next step
10 Create a Defined Name: Formulas Tab --> Define Name
Name it "MyList"
Paste the copied OFFSET function in the "Refers To" box
Hit OK
11 Create the drop list on the Data Tab --> Data Validation
Shortcut: ALT, D, L
Allow: List
Source: "MYList" (You can hit F3 for selecting the name
Hit OK
Test your Drop List by typing different keywords
cluding it in an ISERROR
ults of the VLOOKUP

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