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Philippine Psychometricians Licensure Exam Reviewer

Review Topics and Resources for Psychometrician

Below is the CHED Course Specification which can serve as review topics and guide
for the Psychometrician Licensure Exam. Most of the text are hyperlinked mostly
from Wikipedia and other websites. Use them for your additional reading and review
materials. (Please help improve the page by sharing your links on the comment
section. Salamat po.)

CHED Course Specification

for Industrial Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Personality Psychology/Theories of
Personality and Psychological Assessment

A) Industrial Psychology

Course Description
A course providing an overview of psychological concepts, theories and research
findings for effective human interactions and performance in the workplace. Topics
include organizational structures and systems, organizational communication
processes, leadership, motivation, conflict resolution, problem solving ad decision
making, team dynamics, efforts in human resource development and management,
and organizational change and development.

Course Content

1) History and development of Industrial-Organizational Psychology

(perhaps both West and Philippine context)
2) Organizational structures and systems
3) Team dynamics
4) Human resource development and management
5) Organizational change and development

B) Abnormal Psychology

Course Description
An introduction to the nature, causes and possible interventions of psychological
disorders. The students are expected to be familiar with the nomenclature and
classifications of mental disorders, by the end of the course. Indigenous concepts
of abnormality and abnormal behavior will also be discussed. Ethical considerations
in abnormal psychology/clinical psychology are discussed.

Course Content

1) Definitions of Normality and Abnormality

2) Some Abnormal Behaviors (including indigenous forms)

a) Disorders usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood or adolescence
b) Cognitive Disorders
c) Substance-related Disorders
d) Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders
e) Mood Disorders
f) Anxiety Disorders
g) Dissociative Disorders
h) Personality Disorders

3) Diagnosis using DSM-IV TR (Axis I to V)

(note: with the recently published DSM 5 it would be good to familiarize on the
4) Alternative Approaches to Diagnosis (ICD-10)
5) Therapeutic Interventions and Related Issues

C) Psychological Assessment

Course Description
Orientation into the rudiments of psychological testing. The principles, methods and
uses of psychological testing are tackled. Emphasis is placed on issues of item
analysis, reliability, and validity in test construction. The administration, scoring,
and interpretation of objective, cognitive, and affective tests used in various applied
fields of psychology, particularly the educational, industrial, and government
settings are covered. Ethical considerations as well as current trends and issues in
psychological testing in the Philippines settings are discussed.

Course Content

1) Statistical Foundations - Reliability, Validity

2) Test Construction - Item analysis, Norms
3) Administration, scoring, and interpretation - Intelligence tests, aptitude tests,
objective personality tests
4) Applications of psychological testing - educational setting, industrial setting,
government setting
5) Ethics of psychological testing

D) Personality/Theories of Personality

Course Description
A survey of the major theories of personality and the theoretical and practical issues
involved in the scientiffic study and understanding of personality formation and

Course Content

1) The study of personality: theory and research

2) Psychoanalytic theory - Sigmund Freud
3) Neopsychoanalytic theories
a) Carl Jung
b) Alfred Adler
c) Karen Horney
d) Henry Murray
4) Life-span theory - Erik Erikson
5) Trait theories
a) Gordon Allport
b) Raymond Cattell
c) Hans Eysenck
6) Humanistic theories
a) Abraham Maslow
b) Carl Rogers
7) Cognitive Theory - George Kelly
8) Behavioral Theory - B.F. Skinner
9) Social Learning Theory - Albert Bandura

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